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2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме (Present Simple или Present Continuous)

1) Hurry!Thebus(tocome).I (not want) to miss it.

2) The river (to flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.

3) What medicine you generally (to take) if you have a headache?

4) He (to try) to learn to drive a car but he (to make) very slow progress.

5) Adam (to explain) to his son how to use a computer.

6) My grandmother (to be) busy. She (to bake) an apricote pie. She (to bake) pies every Sunday.

7) Tom (to be) tired. He (to be) embarrassed because he (to yawn) his head off.

8) I (to be) sad. That (to be) why I (to cry).

9) I (to measure) the room to see what size carpet we ( to need).

10) She (to think) of doing a postgraduate degree. What you (to think) about it?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме (Past Simple или Past Continuous)

1) I (to see) Carol at the party. She (to wear) a really beautiful dress.

2) I (not to drive) very fast when the accident (to happen).

3. You ( to watch) television when I (to call) you?

4) Just as I (to get) to an interesting part of the story, the doorbell (to ring).

5) While I (to wonder) whether to buy the hat or not, someone else (to come) and ( to buy) it.

6) When we (to arrive) the Mayor (to make) still a speech.

7) I ( to break) a plate last night. I (to do) the washing up when it (to slip) out of my hand.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме (Present Perfect или Past Continuous)

1) We (to go) to the country yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) all the pleasre.

2) My watch was going in the morning, but now it (to stop).

3) The lecture (not yet to begin) and the students are talking in the classroom.

4) I can’t believe that you (to eat) three pizzas already! I only (to bring) them in 15 minutes ago.

5) I originally (to study) physics at university and (to graduate) with a first-class degree.

6) Tell me all about what (to happen) at the meeting. I am all ears.

7) Нe (to run) away from school three times when he was fourteen.

5. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме (Perfect или Perfect Continuous)

1) I want to study journalism to be a reporter – a newspaperman. I (think) about it a lot lately.

2) Before I made an important decision on which college to go I (discuss) it with my parents.

3) By midnight the astronomers (watch) the lunar eclipse for two hours.

4) The Stewarts are going to the theatre tonight. Richard (make) a reservation for theatre tickets.

5) I (wait) for half an hour before the taxi came at last.

6) Mary doesn’t want any lunch. She (eat) already.

7) You look exhausted because you (work) all day.

8) By the end of this year the company (pay) the compensation for the damage done.

6. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный

1) They make beer from water, hops and malted barley.

2) Philips and Sony marketed the first CDs in 1982.

3) Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

4) A team of European scientists is doing the research.

5) The committee will announce the names of the Nobel Prize winners in May.

7. Закончите предложения, используя сложное дополнение (Complex Object)

1) Shelikes(чтобы обед был вовремя)

2) Shedoesn’tlike(чтобы дети гуляли одни)

3) Hedoesn’tlike(когда ему задают много вопросов)

4) Sheloves(чтобы ей делали комплименты)

5) Thebiologyteacherwanted(чтобы ученики сфотографировали летом насекомых)

6) Our mother did not want (чтобы мы ели мороженое перед обедом)

7) Ourgrandmotherwanted(чтобы мы принесли ей воды из родника)

8. Закончите предложения, используя сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject)

1) Ihappened(слышал, как он спросил ее об этом внизу)

2) He is likely (придет вечером)

3) His book is sure (напечатана в России)

4) Theyaren’tlikely(не приедут в мае)

5) Theyarenotlikely(не получили зарплату сегодня)

9. Раскройте скобки, используя герундий (the Gerund)

1) He is good at (to repair) cars.

2) In (to make) this experiment they came across some very interesting phenomena.

3) The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish).

4) David was tired of (to scold) all the time.

5) Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance).

6) The old man couldn’t stand (to tell) what he should do.

7) After (to look) through and (to mark), the papers were handed back to the students.

10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения.

1) If Ann … (to be) busy, Jennifer (to wait) for her in the lobby.

2) If Jack … (to meet) her parents, I … (to inform) you about it.

3) Jenny … (to have) underweight unless she … (to stop) smoking.

4) If Elisabeth`s children … (to be) there, they … (to enjoy) this unusual party.

5) If Henry … (to drink) milk there, he … (to eat) your fish now.

6) If Jane … (to learn) these German phrases, she … (tobeable)toexplainherwishes.

7) If our students … (to read) these articles last week, they … (to be) geared-up to answer these questions. 8) Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night.

9) Tom ... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife … (cook) at home.

10) If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.