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2. Найдите определительные и обстоятельственные причастные обороты с причастием II. Дайте русские эквиваленты речевых отрезков.

1) If properly treated, the substance 2) the elements used together, 3) the approach aimed at, 4) the chemical reactions involved in the process, 5) logical systems built on axioms, 6) the method applied in the experiment, 7) the speed offered by WiGig, 8) malware designed to steal encrypted files, 9) a cyber-attack discovered last year, 10) when viewed as a whole, the instruction.

3. Найдите причастные определительные и обстоятельственные обороты с причастием II, назовите их признаки и дайте русские эквиваленты предложений.

1. The conference attended by scientists from different countries discussed new trends and methods in this field of research. 2. This guide, written especially for students of English as a foreign language, demonstrates the basic sentence patterns of contemporary English. 3. When heated, a body usually expands. 4. Once started, the process is difficult to stop. 5. An electronic computer forms an impressive complex device when viewed as a whole. 6. A body at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an external force. 7. Written in pencil the article was difficult to read. 8. The devices produced by our plant are of improved quality.

4. Дайте русский эквиваленты предложений, учитывая особенности перевода причастных оборотов с причастием II.

1. The experiment made in our laboratory was a failure. 2. The information obtained by them is of great importance. 3. Once said a word cannot be unsaid. 4. Most of the liquid ethers decompose slowly if kept at room temperature. 5. Though generally criticized, this formula does describe the essential characteristics of the process. 6. Some heat-resistant types of glasses can be heated until they are red and they do not break, if then placed into ice water. 7. The indirectly heated cathode consists of a metal cylinder heated by filament placed inside. 8. One of the rights enjoyed by University scientists is that of combining research with teaching. 9. When adequately heated the semiconductor doesn’t work well.

5. Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на причастные обороты, дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Most chromium compounds have brightly coloured hues, and as a result they are widely used as coloring agents, pigments, in paints. In addition to having a pleasing color, a paint must protect the surface to which it is applied and be easy to apply in a thin, uniform coat.

All paints consist of two parts. One is powder of solid particles that is the source of the color and the opaqueness and is known as the pigment. The other, called the binder, is the liquid into which the pigment is blended. The binder used in some paints is made from oily solvents such as those derived from petroleum resources. When applied, these solvents evaporate, leaving deposits of pigment on the surface.

6. Прочитайте предложения, выберите правильный вариант выделенных слов.

1. A computer infected/infecting with financial malware will wait until you visit a banking site.

2. People become hackers for different reasons included/including: making money, criminal purposes, or to expose political information.

3. Webpages are documents designed/designing for use on the World Wide Web which is an Internet service that allows users to view linked webpages stored/storing on Web server computers.

4. A bridge is a hardware and software combination used/using to connect the same type of data.

5. The Samsung-manufactured laptop and desktop PCs include processors based/basing on Intel’s Sandy bridge technology.

6. Volunteers were set tasks by a computer which imitated the instructions given/giving by a vehicle’s navigation system.

8. Webpages can be created used/using a very basic word processor program known/knowing as a text editor, but special programs are available that allow the user to create webpages without known/knowing about HTML.

9. The quantum key distribution has until now needed a dedicated fibre separate from that used/using to carry data.

10. The man developing/developed this program is a very talented man.

11. The people participated/participating in this project were well-trained.

12. Amazon’s first Kindle e-reader used a plastic non-rigid screen – known/knowing as an optical frontplane – to display its images.

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