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Item 9.3. To be going to do smth (present simple. Interrogative sentences)

Exercise 1. Write a question with “going to” for each situation.

  1. Your friend has won some money. You ask:

(what / do with it?) What are you going to do with it?

  1. Your friend has decided to read a book. You ask:

(what / read?)……

  1. Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask:

(what / wear?)……

  1. Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:

(where / put it?)……

  1. Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask:

(who / invite?)……

  1. Your friend has decided to go abroad. You ask:

(who / go with?)……

  1. Your friend has decided to write a letter. You ask:

(who / write to?)……

  1. Your mother wants to make a delicious dinner. You ask:

(what / make?)……

  1. Your friend has decided to read a book. You ask:

(what / read?)……

  1. Your brother has decided to change his job. You ask:

(what company / work for?)……

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Кого ты собираешься пригласить на День Рождения?

  2. Когда ты собираешься сдавать экзамен на вождение?

  3. Кому ты собираешься подарить эту картину?

  4. Когда ты собираешься пойти на компьютерные курсы?

  5. С кем ты собираешься пойти в кино?

  6. Кому ты собираешься отдать этот журнал?

  7. С кем ты собираешься провести выходные?

  8. Куда ты собираешься поехать на каникулы?

  9. Для чего ты собираешься переводить эту статью?

  10. Почему ты собираешься пойти туда один?

Item 9.4. To be going to do smth (past simple)

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with was/were going to + one of these verbs:

give up have live phone play travel

  1. We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car instead.

  2. We……tennis yesterday but it rained all day.

  3. I……Jim, but I decided to write him a letter instead.

  4. When I last saw Tim, he……his job but in the end he decided not to.

  5. We……a party last week but some of our friends couldn't come, so we cancelled it.

  6. During their trip my parents ……in a hotel but there were no places, so they decided to stay with their friends.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Я собирался позвонить ей вчера, но забыл.

  2. На выходные мы собирались поехать за город, но пошел дождь, и мы остались дома.

  3. В прошлые выходные я собиралась навестить родителей, но мне пришлось работать.

  4. В прошлом году мы собирались провести отпуск на море, но в последний момент передумали и поехали в горы.

  5. Мы собирались ее пригласить, но наши родители были против.

  6. Они собирались закончить эту работу раньше, но им не хватило времени.

  7. Они собирались отправить детей за границу, но потом решили, что это дорого.

  8. Мои друзья собирались провести лето вдвоем, но приехали их родственники, и все лето в доме была толпа народа.

  9. Наши соседи собирались переезжать, но не нашли подходящую квартиру.

Exercise 3. Write sentences. What were you going to do …

  1. …… last week?

  2. …… last month?

  3. …… last year?

  4. …… on Tuesday?

  5. …… in April?

Exercise 4. Write sentences. What weren’t you going to do …

  1. …… last week end?

  2. …… that day?

  3. …… on Monday?

  4. …… in January?

  5. …… at 11 p.m.?

Exercise 5. Ask questions on the situation.

  1. You were going to the theatre yesterday.

  1. Who/ with

  2. What time

  3. How much/ pay for tickets

  1. Your family was going to move to another city.

  1. Why

  2. When

  3. Where/ live there

  1. Your boss was going to fire your friend.

  1. Why

  2. What/ your friend/ do

  3. Your friend/ find new job

  1. Your grand father was going to retire.

  1. Why

  2. What/ your grand father / do when he retired