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Unit 11. Types of business letters

There are lots of different types of business letters. There are letters of information, invitation, congratulation, gratitude, apology, condolence, covering, enquiry, offer, order, request, guarantee, confirmation, notification, advice, complaint and claim.

Sending a letter of invitation first of all you are to remember that the invitation should be sent about two or three weeks before the event. You may choose the very formal way and write it as a friendly letter. The form of reply is determined by the form of invitation.

A letter of congratulation should be sent as soon as you get information about the event. In a letter of apology you apologize for your mistake, express your regrets and assure that it won't happen again.

A letter of condolence is the most difficult letter to write. It should be sent promptly and written with sincerity and restraint. Condolence is only written to those who knew the deceased personally.

A covering letter is sent out with contracts, specifications, catalogues, samples of goods. It gives additional information on the document, explains the purpose of sending the document.

When we need some samples of goods or reference materials, when we want to find out some terms and conditions of selling the goods we send an enquiry letter.

A letter-offer is the reply to an enquiry. If at the moment you are not ready to give a definite reply to the enquiry you should send an intermediate answer thanking for the letter received and stating when a detailed reply will be sent. If you can meet the requirements of the enquiry you should send your offer stating the name of the goods offered, their quantity and quality, the price, the delivery time, the terms of payment and other conditions.

An order is the reply to an offer. In the letter-order you should state clearly the name and the quantity of the goods ordered, the delivery date, marking and packing instructions, the sum of money paid.

A letter of guarantee certifies the high class of goods or materials used, reliability of machines and equipment, it states a definite period of time as the guarantee period.

A letter of complaint and claim deals with the delivery of wrong goods, damaged goods, goods not being according to the sample or description, delays in deliveries.

A reply to the letter of complaint should be started with an apology or an expression of regret. Then the circumstances, which caused the trouble, should be explained. Afterwards it should be stated what will be done to settle the matter. And finally the sender should explain what will be made to prevent the recurrence of such a kind of trouble and express his hope on beneficial mutual cooperation in the future.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian

Types of business letters; to remember; before the event; by a formal way; as soon as; to apologize for the mistake; to express one's regrets; to know personally; additional information; to explain the purpose; to find out; a definite reply; an intermediate answer; a detailed reply; to meet the requirements; to state; the terms of payment; the quantity; the sum of money; a definite period of time; wrong goods; according to the sample; a delay in delivery; to cause the trouble; to settle the matter; to prevent the reoccurrence; beneficial mutual cooperation.

Exercise 2. Translate into Еnglish

Указывать; выяснять; как только; официальным путем; определен­ный ответ; дополнительная информация; промежуточный ответ; в соот­ветствии с образцом; задержка в поставке; выражать сожаление; виды деловых писем; отвечать требованиям; определенный период времени; условия платежа; количество; взаимовыгодное сотрудничество; объяснить цель; помнить; решить вопрос; до события; приносить извинения за до­пущенную ошибку; не допустить повторения; подробный ответ; знать лично; не те товары; сумма денег.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions

  1. What types of business letters do you know?

  2. What should you remember sending a letter of invitation?

  3. What does the form of invitation depend on?

  4. What is the form of reply determined by?

  5. When should you send the letter of congratulation?

  6. What should be written in a letter of apology?

  7. What information does a covering letter contain?

  8. What type of the letter do we send when we need some samples of goods or reference materials?

  9. How is the reply to the enquiry called?

  10. When do we send an intermediate answer on the enquiry?

  11. What should be stated in a detailed reply on the enquiry?

  12. What is an order?

  13. What does a letter of guarantee certify?

  14. What type of a business letter deals with the delivery of wrong goods?

  15. What should be explained in a reply to the letter of complaint?

Exercise 4. Answer the additional questions

  1. What word do we use to congratulate men and what word to Congratulate women?

  2. What international abbreviations are widely used in business correspondence?

  3. What's the role of E-mail in business correspondence?

Exercise 5. Writing - An Informal Letter

Fill each blank with the following words. Use each item once only.

As you know

d)Congratulations Of course

Best wishes


Get on

b)I'm sorry


In the end

c)Really busy

Let me know

Put you up

Dear Pete,

a …..............for your last letter. b …………..it's taken me so long to reply but I've been c moving into my new flat.d …………..on passing your driving test first time. Now all you have to do is save up for that Porsche you've always wanted - and the tax and insurance,e ……… ! f …... I've just started a new job as the manager of the biggest video shop in town. I was a bit nervous on my first day when I had to meet the staff, but,g …..everything turned out all right and I think we're going to h …………..very well. I ………..the main reason I'm writing is to invite you to a party I'm having Saturday week. I do hope you can come. I've got a spare bed so I could j ………. for the night. I must stop now or I'll miss the last post. Please k ……if you can come so that I can give you all the details of how to get here. l ….. .

Exercise 6. Writing - A More Formal Letter

Use the words below to complete the letter. Use each item once only.


look forward to

with reference to


current issue

additional charge


eligible for

package holidays

particularly interested

under what circumstances

send me information

Dear Sir or Madam,

a …… your advertisement in the b …..of "Summer Holiday" magazine, could you please c …..about the holidays you offer in the United States? I am d ….. in your e ….. to California and Florida. In your advertisement you state that there are reduced prices for children but it is not clear f ….. these reductions can be obtained. We are a family of four, with two adults and two children, aged 10 and 16. Could you tell me whether my 16-year-old child would still be g …… a reduction or if he is now classed as an adult? Your advertisement also h …… that a free hire car was included in the holidays in the United States. i …… there was no information about insurance. 1 would be j ….therefore, if you could inform me whether this is included or not. If it is not, I would like to know how much the k …..would be. I hope you will be able to answer my queries.

Il hearing from you. Yours faithfully,