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Лексикология 2 (слова+задания)

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The Word as the Basic Unit of the Language

Term denote main lexical unit serve purposes human scholars define linguistic phenomenon describe sound phoneme morpheme affix external structure morphological meaning internal semantic syntactically unity insert alive concept separate creature paradigm function represent content

The Morphological Structure of the English Word

consist “morphe” mean suffix meaningful losing independently structurally bound alone blackberry cranberry raspberry perceive deceive point of view constructing root affixational numerous prefixes suffixes stem throughout monomorphic polymorphic

Word-Formation Means or Word-Building Processes in MnE

branch patterns lexical units divide major affixation composition conversion minor shortening sound imitation sound interchange stress blending back-formation

consist adding definite part of speech suffixation prefixation main secondary kingdom noun-forming adjective verb adverb numeral etymological negative repetition hybrids basic types foreign base native

  1. Segment the following words into morphemes. Define (a) the semantic and (b) the structural types of morphemes constituting the following words:

Model: aimless

The word aimless can be segmented into two morphemes: aim- + -less.

  1. semantically aim- is a root morpheme; -less is an affix.

  2. structurally aim- is a free morpheme; -less is a bound morpheme.

Shorten, sympathy, fruitfulness, disaffected.

  1. Classify the following words according to the part-of-speech meaning of their affixational morphemes.

Model: criticism

The affix –ism indicates that the derived word is a noun.

Hatless, accordingly, combination, hospitalize, enlarge, weaken, drinkable, childhood.

  1. Analyze the following words according to their morphemic types.

Model: The word duck is monomorphic. The word back-bencher is polymorphic, contains two roots and one affixational morpheme.

Go, uncover, house, disappointment, cry, effective.

  1. Group the given words according to their derivational structure into suffixal and prefixal derivatives.

Model: unwifely un- + wifely (a prefixal derivative), calmly – calm + ly (a suffixal derivative).

Discouragement, impersonal, impression, unfriendly, discovery