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Вариант № 1

Created: 15.01.2014 18:54


Голова приймальної комісії

_______________Н.С. Лєсна

« __ » __________ 2014

Вариант № 1


Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

1. ... is a pathway that connects devices, enabling them to communicate.

A Path; B Road; C Bus; D Way;

2. The production of radiation by a radio transmitting station is called ... .

A emission; B emishion; C emision; D imission;

3. There are 2500 ... at the plant.

A employs; B employes; C employee; D employees;

4. IС stands for ... circuit.

A integration; B integrable; C integrated; D integrating;

5. Level of sound is ... .

A volume; B vollume; C volumme; D volum;

6. Jane is much ... than her sister.

A prettier; B pretty; C prettiest; D prettyer;

7. To ... means to put used objects and materials through a process so that they be used again.

A recycle; B reorder; C record; D restart;

8. Did you ... TV last night?

A watch; B see; C look at; D listen;

9. The electromagnetic wave travels ... the outer shield and the conductor.

A among; B between; C after; D in front of;

10. Your diet is terrible. You don't eat ... .

A many vegetables; B enough vegetables; C vegetables enough; D many vegetable;

11. What's the matter? You ... sad.

A see; B look like; C look; D 're look;

12. A ... converts mechanical power to electrical energy.

A receiver; B oscillator; C transistor; D generator;

13. ... is a device for converting electrical signals into sound.

A Amplifier; B Transistor; C Loudspeaker; D Capacitor;

14. Carbon fibre is used ... making professional bicycle frames.

A of; B from; C for; D to;

15. "The children's party finishes at 6 o'clock." - "Okay. I ... them up on my way home."

A will pick; B pick; C picked; D will be picking;

16. "To release" means " to ... ".

A make free; B make smaller; C make hot; D make high;

17. She ... him that she would be late.

A tells; B said; C told; D told to;

18. Can you look ... my dog this weekend?

A with; B away; C up; D after;

19. The cable is connected ... the TV and DVD player.

A among; B between; C with; D in;

20. Any material that allows electrons to flow through it is called ... .

A a non-conductor; B a conductor; C an insulator; D a condenser;

21. When is that letter ... ?

A going to be sent; B going to send; C will be sent; D to send;

22. You haven't seen Paul today, ...?

A do you; B have you; C did you; D haven't you;

23. I ... the museum because I hadn't brought a map.

A couldn't find; B couldn't to find; C can't find; D hadn't found;

24. Tom ... run very fast when he was twenty.

A can't; B can; C may; D could;

25. I don't get ... very well with my brother.

A by; B from; C on; D to;

26. The common carbon or alkaline cell is used in battery operated ... .

A equipmend; B eqiuipment; C equipment; D eqwipment;

27. "How long has Sarah worked for that company?" - "She ... here for two years by the end of this month."

A will work; B will have been working; C works; D has been working;

28. Energy is the capacity for, or the ability to do, mechanical ... .

A work; B working; C worked; D homework;

29. "Tomorrow's game ... very important." - "I know. The team is training hard at the moment."

A were; B is; C was; D has;

30. "Where would you like to go on holiday?" - "I would love to go to ... Egypt."

A the; B a; C --; D some;

31. We enjoyed ... at the party.

A each; B each other; C ourselves; D us;

32. Alexander Graham Bell ... the telephone in 1878.

A found; B invented; C explored; D developed;

33. My cousin works ... a law firm.

A on; B to; C by; D for;

34. There were ... people at the match.

A very little; B very small; C very few; D not much;

35. We ... together since last year.

A live; B are living; C lived; D 've been living;

36. There is a big difference ... independence and selfishness.

A for; B about; C of; D between;

37. They have got a huge house. They ... be rich.

A needn't; B should; C must; D can't;

38. He says he ... school in 1998.

A left; B leaves; C has left; D leave;

39. The memory may not be present in simple systems, but its function is the ... of information for the processor.

A storage; B supply; C transmission; D conversion;

40. Navigation around the globe is a lot simpler thanks to the information we receive from ... .

A satellites; B stations; C systems; D shuttles;

41. Microwaves are the ... radio waves.

A smallest; B widest; C narrowest; D longest;

42. Alternating ... .

A circuit; B current; C supply; D switch;

43. Electronic devices have improved our lives by providing high quality ... and entertainment.

A combination; B connection; C communication; D cooperation;

44. A conductor is ... which allows heat or current to flow easily.

A a material; B a metal; C an alloy; D a mixture;

45. I don't like ... coffee or tea.

A neither; B or; C both; D either;

46. "Are you ready to go?" - "Yes. I ... in a few minutes."

A will be leaving; B am leaving; C have been leaving; D will leave;

47. ... is unwanted signals.

A Disturbance; B Noises; C Sounds; D Interference;

48. Oscillator is a device used to convert ... current to alternating current.

A directing; B directed; C direct; D director;

49. "Can you swim?" - "Oh yes. I ... to swim when I was 5."

A am taught; B were teached; C was taught; D was teached;

50. The pillows on my bed are very ... .

A soft; B softly; C softer; D softest;

51. Mary ... a key when she was cleaning her car.

A was finding; B finded; C founded; D found;

52. A computer chip is capable of holding vast amounts of ... information.

A storing; B storage; C stored; D storey;

53. I have got an interview ... Monday afternoon.

A at; B on; C in; D by;

54. I ... my new job last week.

A have begun; B began; C am begin; D begin;

55. Filtering is a process used to remove or accentuate specific frequencies or frequency ranges of a ... .

A signal; B sygnal; C seegnal; D signall;

56. The clothes are ... the washing machine.

A in; B over; C past; D across;

57. ... is sending out or passing something from one person, place or thing to another.

A Transcription; B Transistor; C Transmission; D Transparent;

58. ... is the temperature scale that registers absolute zero (-273.15 C).

A Karat; B Kelvin; C Kilobyte; D Kilometer;

59. The rate at which a sound wave or radio wave vibrates is called ... .

A freqwency; B frequency; C frequensy; D friquency;

60. The best papers ... now.

A is handed out; B are being handed out; C were handed out; D are handing out;

61. Glass is very ... . It breaks easily.

A brightle; B brittle; C bright; D brite;

62. We ... take a map.

A should; B should to; C might to; D might;

63. Tina ... while Bob was watering the plants.

A cooked; B was cooking; C has been cooking; D is cooking;

64. ... is an electrical component which stores charge.

A Cell; B Capacitor; C Collector; D Comparator;

65. To avoid electrical damage, always ... the machine when it is not used.

A cut down; B close down; C plug in; D switch off;

66. The windows ... once a month.

A clean; B are being cleaned; C were cleaning; D are cleaned;

67. Atom is a particle of ... which cannot be broken up by chemical means.

A metter; B matter; C metre; D meter;

68. "What are you thinking about?" - "My holiday. This time next week I ... in the Seychelles."

A will relax; B was relaxing; C will be relaxing; D am relaxing;

69. To mend means to ... something that is damaged or broken.

A recall; B restart; C repair; D remand;

70. The whole system has been ... so we can no longer ask anyone for help.

A automatic; B automated; C computerise; D digital;

71. "Yellow ... my favourite colour." - "I prefer blue."

A have; B were; C are; D is;

72. They won't ... use their mobiles.

A can; B be able; C be able to; D can to;

73. Tom always ... golf on Sundays.

A plays; B play; C to play; D is plays;

74. Jason ... Amanda since he was five years old.

A have known; B had known; C knows; D has known;

75. When is it going to stop ... ?

A to rain; B rain; C to raining; D raining;

76. What do the letters LA stand for in LASER? ...

A Los Angeles; B LAmp; C Low Amplitude; D Light Amplification;

77. She doesn't go to the gym ... .

A no more; B no longer; C more; D any more;

78. ... means correct in every detail, with no mistakes.

A Acurate; B Acurrate; C Accurate; D Accurrate;

79. ... is a material that prevents the passage of electricity, heat or sound.

A Insulin; B Insulator; C Incandesce; D Induction;

80. Your report must ... by Friday evening.

A have finished; B finish; C be finished; D being finished;

81. An instrument for measuring temperature is called a ... .

A thermometric; B thermometry; C thermometer; D thermonuclear;

82. ... Kate nor I want to go to London.

A Neither; B Both; C Either; D Not;

83. He needs to ... a diet.

A do; B get; C go on; D be;

84. I'm tired. I ... all day.

A study; B 've been studying; C 'm studying; D was studying;

85. LCD is ... Crystal Display.

A Light; B Liquid; C Line; D Liquide;

86. The time rate of transferring energy, usually expressed in kilowatts is called ....

A speed; B weight; C power; D altitude;

87. LAN stands for ....

A Local Area Network; B Long Area Network; C Little Area Network; D Large Area Network;

88. This road was built ... the Romans.

A of; B for; C by; D with;

89. The new stadium ... last month by the mayor.

A was opened; B is opened; C is opening; D has opened;

90. Which word belongs to a group of things? ...

A mechanic; B mechanics; C mechanical; D mechanism;

91. To amplify means to make ... voltage or power.

A higher; B taller; C bigger; D smaller;

92. She speaks English ... than me.

A more better; B better; C more well; D so better;

93. If oil supplies run out in 2015 then we need to find ... energy sources soon.

A alternate; B alternating; C alternative; D altering;

94. ... is an insulated wire or set of wires used for carrying electrical current or signals.

A Thread; B String; C Line; D Cable;

95. The flow of ... through a conductor is similar to the flow of water.

A Electronics; B electron; C electrics; D electrons;

96. Hair-thin strands of pure glass carrying information as pulses of light are called ....

A optic fibers; B optical fibers; C optitimum fibers; D optimal fibers;

97. I can sing but not as ... as my sister.

A well; B good; C best; D better;

98. -273.15 C is ....

A absolute nill; B absolute zero; C absolute nothing; D absolute cold;

99. Plastic is a ..., strong material that is made with chemicals and is used for making different sorts of objects.

A heavy; B liquid; C tiny; D light;

100. "If you watch the news, you ... a lot." - "I know. I watch it every day."

A learn; B would learn; C learns; D was learning;

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