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КН направление І курс осенний семестр 2015-2016 (1-4 Units).doc
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Grammar review. Past forms

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous



two days ago, last week

at 5 p.m., at noon,

from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.,

when he entered

by 5 o’clock

for two hours, for three months, for a long time

Affirmatie sentence

I/she/he/it/we/you/they played/wrote

I was playing

She/he/it was playing

You/we/they were playing


/they had played/written

I/she/he/it/you/we/they had been playing/writing

Negative sentence

I/she/he/it/we/you/they did not play/write

I was not playing

She/he/it was not playing

They/you/we were not playing

I/she/he/it/you/we /they had not played/written

I/she/he/it/you/we /they had not been playing / writing



Did I/she/he/it/we/you/they play /write?

Was I playing?

Was she/he/it playing?

Were you/we/they playing?

Had I/she/he/it/you/we /they played/written?

Had I/she/he/it/you/we/they been playing/writing?


What did I/she/he/it/we/you/they play/write?

What was I playing?

What was he/she/it playing?

What were they/you we playing?

What had I/she/he/it/you/we /they played/written?

What had I/she/he/it/you/we/they been playing/writing?

Adverbs of frequency (Signal Words)



Past Simple


2 minutes ago,

in 1990,

the other day,

last Friday

1. We use it for completed activities, events or situations that happened in the past at a definite time. These actions and situations were started and finished in the past.

a) The time can be given in the sentence

b) The time is asked about

c) The time is not given in the sentence, but it is clear from a context that the action or situation finished in the past.

a) I came home at 6 o'clock. When he was a child, he didn't live in a house.

b) When did they get married?

c) He is 20 years old. He was born in Canada.

- Alan: I've been to Iceland. (present perfect)

- Greg: Did you enjoy it? (past simple)

This morning I went to the supermarket.

My brother lived in London for six years. (he doesn't live there anymore)

2. to describe habits or actions that happened often in the past

Note: This use is also often expressed with used to

We walked to school every day. He always drank a glass of milk in the morning.

Bob used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.

3. to describe actions that happened one after another in the past. (when we tell a story)

Charles entered the hall and looked around. He took off his coat and put it on a chair. He was at home.Ithappenedone night in the winter.

4. to refer to the historical past or to events that have happened in the distant past relative to the speaker

World War II ended in 1945.

Romans built strong bridges.

5. for reporting what someone said (converting from direct to reported speech)

David said that he was tired.

The doctor told me that I would have to stay in the hospital for a week.

6. to talk about action in the past that take place in the middle of another action

When Peter arrived, I was reading a book.

I was having a bath when the phone rang.

7. for making second conditional sentences when we talk about an imaginary or unlikely situation and to describe its result. (If + past simple, would + infinitive)

If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.

If I were you, I wouldn't marry him.

Past Continuous



all day long

all night long

the whole evening yesterday

all the morning yesterday

yesterday at 4

at that time the day before yesterday

from 5 till 6 last Monday

when mother came home…

1. to describe an action that was taking place at a specific point in time in the past.

What were you doing аt 7 p.m. yesterday?

Last summer at this time he was visiting Mexico. They were dancing at a friend's birthday party last night at 10.30 p.m.

2. to describe an action that was interrupted by another action in the past. The action with the longest duration is in the past continuous.

While I was walking down the street I met an old friend. They were playing cards when Jim came. He phoned as we were leaving the house.

3. to indicate that two actions in the past were in the progress simultaneously (with while)

While I was taking a shower, mother was соoking breakfast. While I was studying in one room my elder sister was having a party in the other room.

4. to express action that were in progress at the time of another particular time

It was snowing all morning.

They were driving all night long.

5. to talk about irritating repeated actions in the past (with always, constantly)

My girlfriend was always coming late.

He was always forgetting to close the door.

6.to make polite inquiries

I was wondering if you could lend me your new car for a few hours.

7. to describe the scene at the beginning of a story

It was early in the morning. People were going to work and children were hurrying to school.

Past Perfect

with adverbs like already,


already... by, before,



if either before or after is used Past Simple may be used instead Past Perfect)

1. to say that something had already happenedbefore another actionor specific timein the past

* the action which occurs previously in time is expressed in the past perfect tense, and the action which occurs later is expressed in the past tense

When Linda arrived her husband had left.

I read in the newspaper that he had made a great discovery. They were sure they had met the girl before. John had repaired the car by 6 o’clock. Lilly had already finished her homework when Victoria came.

2. in reported speech after verbs like told, asked, said, wanted, wondered, explained

He told me that he had never been in London. I asked him how many books he had sold. Your parents wanted to know what you had done yesterday. We wondered if Daniel had passed his final exam.

3. to show regret about the past

I wish I had brought my camera. (but I didn't)

I wish we had stayed at another hotel.

4. in third conditional, also called conditional type 3 (if + past perfect in the 'if' clause, perfect conditional in the main clause). This is a structure we use to talk about unreal conditions in the past.

If I had written the report last week I would have given it to you.

If the children had been good their mother would have taken them to the zoo.

He would have solved the problem if he had known how.

5. with conjunctions like no sooner ... than or hardly/barely ... when

No sooner had I returned home than it began to snow.

Hardly had he finished working, when his girlfriend arrived.

6. a state that started in the past, and continued up to sometime in the past

I had lived in Spain for 3 years before I got used to the country.

He had worked there for two years before he got fired. They had lived in New York for 5 years before they moved to Los Angeles.

Past Perfect Continuous



1. to express an ongoing action in the past before a particular time or another action in the past. The Past Perfect Continuous emphasizes duration of time before something.

Susan had been studying Spanish for 3 years before she started to learn English.

He had been running until he was out of breath.

They had been watching TV for two hours before Mike came.

Diana had been playing tennis for half an hour when it began to rain.

had been writing letters before lunch.

At 10 o'clock Kate had been playing the piano for two hours. (She began at 8 o'clock and at 10 o'clock she was still playing.)

2. for past events or actions which had a result in the past. 

The grass was wet. It had been raining all morning. Tom was very tired. He had been working in the garden for a long time.

3. The Past Perfect Continuous also appears in third conditional sentences and in reported speech, when we want to emphasize duration of time

If he hadn't been reading for hours last night, he would have got up earlier.

She said she had been teaching English for the last three years in Japan. 

!!! Remember, that we use the Past Perfect for finished actions in the past and with state verbs (be, know, belong, hear, believe, like, mean, etc).

Peter had been there for nearly 2 hours when they finally arrived