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Exercise 21

Complete the sentences with by or with.


  • My desk was covered with papers.

  1. These photos were taken _____ a very cheap camera.

  2. These photos were taken _____ my sister.

  3. The cake was made _____ dried fruit.

  4. The cake was made _____ my aunt.

  5. The garage was painted _____ a new kind of paint.

  6. The garage was painted _____ a friend of mine.

  7. The safe was blown open _____ the robbers.

  8. The safe was blown open _____ dynamite.

  9. I was hit _____ an umbrella.

  10. I was hit _____ an old lady.

  11. The fire was put out _____ a fire-brigade.

  12. The fire was put out _____ a fire extinguisher.

The Passive with get Exercise 22

Complete the sentences using . get/got + one of these verbs (in the correct form).

Ask break damage hurt pay steal sting stop use

Use the structure to say that something happens to somebody or something, especially if this is unplanned or unexpected.


  1. There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt.

  1. Ted _____ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

  2. How did that window _____ ?

  3. Last night I _____ by the police as I was driving home.

  4. How much did you _____ last month?

  5. Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t want them to _____ .

  6. People often want to know what my job is. I often _____ that question.

  7. These tennis courts don’t _____ very often. Not many people want to play.

Exercise 23

Complete these sentences by using an appropriate form of get and the given verbs. The Passive with get is common _____ in spoken English to say when things happen or change.

  1. (tire) I think I’ll stop working. I am getting tired.

  2. (hurt) There was an accident, but nobody _____ .

  3. (lose) We didn’t have a map, so we _____ .

  4. (dress) We can leave as soon as you _____ .

  5. (marry) When _____ you _____ ?

  6. (accustom) How long did it take you to _____ to living here?

  7. (worry) Sam was supposed to be home an hour ago, but he still isn’t here. I _____ .

  8. (upset) Just try to get it easy. Don’t get _____ .

  9. (confuse) I _____ because everybody gave me different advice.

  10. (do) We can leave as soon as I _____ with this work.

  11. (depress) Chris _____ when she lost her job, so I.

  12. (invite) _____ you _____ to the party?

  13. (bore) I _____ , so I didn’t stay for the end of the movie.

  14. (pack) I’ll be ready to leave as soon as I _____ .

  15. (pay) I _____ on Fridays. I’ll give you the money I owe you next Friday. Okay?

  16. (hire) Alfred Ed graduated, he _____ by an engineering firm.

  17. (fire) But later he _____ because he didn’t do his work..

  18. (finish, not) Last night I _____ with my homework until after midnight.

  19. (disgust) I _____ and left because the things they were saying at the meeting were ridiculous.

  20. (engage) First, they _____ and _____ .


(divorce) Then , they _____ .

(remarry) Finally, they _____ . Today they are very happy.

The Passive: Have / Get Something Done Exercise 24 Exercise 25

Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure “have something done”.


  • We _____ (the house / paint) at the moment.

  • We are having the house painted at the moment.

  1. I lost my key. I’ll have to _____ (another key / make).

  2. When was the last time you _____ (your hair / cut)?

  3. You look different. _____ ( you / your hair / cut).

  4. _____ (you / a newspaper / deliver) to your house or do you go to the shops to buy one?

  5. This coat is dirty. I must _____ (it / clean).

  6. If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you _____ (your ears / pierce).

  7. When did (you / your room / decorate) last time?

  8. Sue didn’t make the curtains herself. She _____ (they / make).

  9. How often do _____ (you / your car / service)?

  10. Julia has just _____ (her central heating / install) in her house.