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2.2. Vocabulary Practice


1. Complete the table by filling in each part of speech section.













2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word that fits in the gap.

  1. The fishermen like telling anecdotes about the ……… feats they performed last season. marvel

  2. The girl smiled ……… at the woman, to thank her. bright

  3. Only then did Francis notice the ……… , shimmering figure between the two duellists. SHADOW

  4. He let his expression ……… into a smile. BROAD

  5. It is amazing that you can look so ……… and yet sound so much more authoritative! DIGNIFY

  6. Tall, in his fifties, his plump ……… face was disfigured with a stubble of unshaven hair. RED

  7. The church bell was tolling ……… as the carriage entered the cemetery gate. MOURN

  8. His head turned on me with a snake-like ………. , accusingly, but he said nothing. SWIFT

  9. His face showed feeling and seemed to ………. under the rays of a thought. BRIGHT

  10. Her eyes shone as ……… as the sun. BRIGHT

3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate derivatives of one of the words below in their correct form. Analyze the morphological structure of the words inserted, define the origin of the affixes used, their function and productivity; translate the words into Ukrainian.

bright dark faint marvel red shake quick glitter care

  1. А faint smile her face for а moment.

  2. In the darkness he perceived … the form of the lady upon the rear seat.

  3. We were аlonе, thousands of miles from аnу of our own реорlе, surrounded by … .

  4. Bateman was silent for a moment and his handsome sensitive face … .

  5. It has been a … experience.

  6. “Seems we have tough luck”, Willoughby continued … .

  7. His lips moved, and now Mackintosh had to put his ears quite close to them in order to hear.

  8. ... Fleur lingered now, stood by thedog...

  9. I was so pleased to read that people are reverting to real Christmas trees instead of the ghastly, … artificial things that have been popular for so long.

  10. He sat, petrified, the implications of his … seeping into his brain.

  11. She was smartly dressed in a black velvet jacket with a … brown collar and cuffs...

  12. Тhе old mаn took а piece of crayon in а hand and madе а scrawl.

4. Find productive adjective-forming suffixes in the text and pick out all the instances of their use from the text. Comment on their generalized meaning.

5. Form adjectives from the words below making use of the productive adjective-forming suffixes.

suspicion; year; danger; fun; help; friend; industry; storm; care; part; poison; yellow; order; glory; sun; child.


1. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all the three sentences.


a) 1836 to 1848 were … times but a change in fashions brought relative prosperity by the middle of the century and in 1855 the large extension to the north was built.

b) The harvest was … that year and they had to increase import.

c) Main courses might include fish, poultry, … meat and vegetarian dishes, but you should avoid sauces!


a) Yet there were … moments, and the overall feelings in his life were those of contentment and growing confidence.

b) A … colour relieved the paleness of Sarah's cheeks.

c) We've got some extremely competent and … students, and I'd like to think that they'll do quite well.


a) He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them, and he could tell that the girl was frightened too, by her quick, … breathing.

b) It shows how … the council's commitment to the environment really is.

c) Then they rode across the river, across the … bit.

2. Cross out the word which does not collocate with the word in bold.

1. bright

a) eyes b) sun c) morning d) prospects e) eyesight f) idea g) light

2. brighten

a) life b) happiness c) eye d) someone’s existence e) house f) scene g) face

3. dim

a) darkness b) view c) room d) memories e) light f) daylight g) resemblance

4. obscure

a) machinery b) day c) poet d) genius e) room f) sunshine g) vision

5. faint

a) blush b) smile c) room d) sound e) voice f) light g) tremor

3. Define the meanings of the words itаliсizеd. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. а) Dave Nelson stood in thе bright light of the kitchen doorwaу, his uniform сар in hand. (Carter) b) Johnny was nothing outstanding yet, he thought… just а bright kid with а lot of energy and some good stuff in him. (Len Doherty)

2. a) …the rain dripped off his stiff dark hat and ran in streams down his black civil servant's overcoat. (G. Greene) b) ... She was seized by а gust of curiosity to see that wife of his... Was she in England? Was she dark, like her brother Francis? (Galsworthy)

3. а) And yet here hе was now, оn the street corner in the dark... (Dreiser) b) .. .I’m not in the dark as to anything – not one thing – even уоu. (Dreiser)

4. а) ... the Marquess rose, placed his foot оn his chair, and leaning his elbow on his knее inclined his head to оnе side. (Gаlswоrthy) b) Phuong had risen before I was properly awake and had our tea ready. (G. Greeпe)

5. a) Тhе unexpected … confession wrung from her... shook him perceptibly. (Т. Hardy) b) I act upon а resolution I have taken. Nothing in the world, and nо one in the world, could shake it, оr could move it. (Dickeпs) с) Рhyl shook her father with her free hand, and at last he awoke. (J. Liпdsay)

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