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One of the most progressive and dynamic branches of science and technology is computer technology. The word computer is of Latin origin and means counting. A Computer 13 a special kind of a counting machine. It- can do arithmetic problems at a tremendous speed. By means of electrical circuits it can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem with lightning speed. A computer can remember information you give it and store it in its me­mory until it is needed.

The first electronic computer appeared in 1946 on the basis of electronic vacuum tube with response number of five thousand operations per second. As early as 1960s the second generation appeared in which transistors were used to increase the number of operations to 200 thousand

per second.

The appearance of integrated circuits and microprocessors gave birth to the third generation of computers (1964) capable of performing two million operations per second. It found wide application in all fields of economy solving the most complex economic problems.

The computers of the fourth generation (1979) are based on very high-capacity integrated circuits and microprocessors able to perform 100 million operations per second.

Now the fifty generation of computers is widely used in production. The PS-200 (PS stands for «parallel system) supercomputer is able to perform 200 million operations per second and is based on super high-capacity integrated circuits. Here for the first time in the world engi­neering practice a new parallel system concept is used.

Any computer performs many functions: in addition to dealing with numbers the computer supervises the whole computing process, and determines the sequence in which information is to arrive at its processors. In fact, the computer takes only one-tenth of its total operating lime to do the computing, the function it is designed for.

What is needed, therefore, is a computer with computing elements free from all other functions. This becomes possible if supervision is assigned to special processors acting as mana­gers. Operating in conjunction with computing circuits these processors give instructions and run the queue of information to enter the processor from storage, etc.

The fastest computer in the USA works like an assembly line, with individual processors performing individual operations. Data have to pass through the entire length of the conveyer, no matter how many processors there are to process them. Our approach differs radically. We suggest a principle whereby all processors respond to a single control command which leaves them a certain margin of freedom, with the possibility to sort out their data independently. Receiving a common command they all start off doing similar operations, later switching over to successive operations until the whole problem is solved. The efficiency of this parallel system is obvious.

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