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Акулич темы / Computerized Systems are my future speciality

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Computerized Systems are my future speciality

I had always wondered what my future profession would be like. Then I learned that computer speciality appealed much to me. I made up my mind to enter the University to study this profession.

Actually, my future profession will be connected not just with computers, but using information technology. An information system is a collection of hardware, software, people, procedure and data. All these work together to provide information essential to running an organization. This is information that will successfully produce a product or service and derive a profit. Computer-based information systems have three levels: transaction processing system, management information system and decision support system.

That’s why we should know all the levels perfectly well; we should know the laws of how information flows in an organization and how it helps to run it. And the most common tool in processing these vast amounts of information is a computer, so first we should be computer competent. We should know all the aspects of computer science. To be of value to an employer it all calls for professional skills and special knowledge.

This is why during the term of studies we are instructed in special subjects as well as general education ones. We study probability theory, information theory, coding theory of algorithms, programming and programming languages, computing mathematics, hardware of computerized management systems, software, mathematical analysis and all those useful things that enable us truly understand and know our job. The profound study of the theory is accompanied by practical training. We are provided with much practice on our future speciality.

On graduation we become engineers on computerized systems of information processing. We can work at the computing centres, at research institutes and in numerous businesses where there is a need in specialists of our profile.


essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l] - важнейший; необходимый; основной

derive a profit - извлекать прибыль, извлекать пользу

processing system - система обработки данных

transaction processing - обработка транзакций

management information system - управленческая информационная система

decision support system - система поддержки принятия решений; система принятия решений

to run am organization – управлять, руководить организацией

vast amounts of information – огромное количество информации

computer competent – знающий компьютер

be of value – быть ценным

call for - 1) обязывать 2) требовать

enable [ɪ'neɪbl ] - давать возможность

probability theory - теория вероятностей

information theory - теория информации

coding theory of algorithms – теория кодирования алгоритмов

programming language - язык программирования

computing mathematics - вычислительная математика

profound [prə'faund] - сильный, глубокий; чрезвычайный, абсолютный, полный

practical training - производственная практика

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