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Орієнтовний перелік питань до підсумкового модульного контролю з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для студентів медичних факультетів 2 семестру 2015-16 н.р.


  1. How can you define the immune system? What are two main types of immunity?

  2. What autoimmune disorders do you know? Speak on them.

  3. What is AIDS? What is its cause? Speak on two main strains of HIV. What does it affect in the human body?

  4. What are the ways of HIV transmission? Describe the course and possible treatment options of the disease.

  5. How to reduce the risk of being infected with AIDS?

  6. What does the term “opportunistic diseases” mean? Name and speak on some of them.


  1. What is allergy? When does an allergic reaction occur? What is the role of IgE in the allergic reaction?

  2. What are the most common allergens? What are the ways of their penetrating into body?

  3. Describe the symptoms of different types of allergic reactions.

  4. How to determine the cause of allergy? What is the treatment for different types of allergy?

  5. What may the allergic reaction result in?

  6. What is anaphylactic shock? Name the first aid measures in case of anaphylactic shock.

Endocrine system. Diabetes.

  1. What are the functions of the endocrine system?

  2. What glands make up the human endocrine system? Speak on them.

  3. What hormones do the endocrine system organs secrete? What processes do these hormones participate in?

  4. Name some hormonal disorders. Speak on them.

  5. What types of diabetes mellitus do you know? What is the difference between them?

  6. What are the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications of both diabetes types?

  7. What are the risk factors for developing diabetes? How is it possible to prevent it?

  8. How to diagnose diabetes? What tests are required for diagnosing that?

  9. What does the diabetes treatment include?

  10. Speak on the dietary recommendations for people suffering diabetes.

  11. What is diabetes insipidus? Speak on it.

Nervous system diseases.

  1. What is the structure of the nervous system? What are different nervous system branches responsible for?

  2. What are the main anatomical structures of the brain? What are their functions?

  3. What brain diseases do you know? Define them.

  4. What is stroke? What are the types of the brain stroke?

  5. What are the risk factors for having different types of stroke? Which of them can be and which can not be controlled by an individual? Name the main causes of stroke.

  6. What do the symptoms and treatment of the brain stroke depend on? What are they?

  7. What are the complications of the brain stroke? What do they depend on?

  8. What does the stroke prevention imply?

  9. What therapy does rehabilitation of the patient after the stroke include?

Diseases of the ear.

  1. What are the main types of hearing loss? Speak on their causes.

  2. What is otitis? What are its types, causes and symptoms?

  3. What is otosclerosis? What are the ways of its treatment?

  4. What is the Meniere’s disease? Speak on its symptoms and possible treatment options.

Skin diseases.

  1. What is dermatitis? Speak on its types and causes.

  2. Describe the clinical pattern of different dermatitis types.

  3. What treatment options are recommended for people with different types of dermatitis?

Renal diseases.

  1. Speak on the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

  2. What are the main types of kidney diseases? Speak on them.

  3. What is pyelonephritis? What are the symptoms, causes and treatment of pyelonephritis?

  4. Speak on the kidney stones: the causes, symptoms, ways of treatment.

  5. What is nephrotic syndrome?

  6. What is dialysis? What types of it do you know? What are their peculiarities?

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доцент Аврахова Л.Я.

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