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  1. Task 11. Fill in the gaps with one of the words or expressions from the brackets and read about some international political organisations.

  2. The nato

    1. external

    1. newest

    1. joined

    1. intergovernmental

    1. participate

    1. in response

    1. signed

    1. headquarters

    1. programs

    1. collective defence

    1. constitutes

  3. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an ______ (1) military alliance [q'laIqns] based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was ______ (2) on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of ______ (3), whereby its member states agree to mutual defense ______ (4) to an attack by any ______ (5) party. NATO's ______ (6) are in Brussels, Belgium, one of its 28 member states. The ______ (7) NATO’s members - Albania and Croatia - ______ (8) the alliance in April 2009. 

  4. An additional 22 countries ______ (9) in NATO's "Partnership for Peace", with 15 other countries involved in institutionalized dialogue ______ (10). The combined military spending of all NATO members ______ (11) over 70% of the world's defence spending.

  5. The Third World Countries

    1. current

    1. several

    1. devastation

    1. including

    1. badly off

    1. lack

    1. Islands

    1. former

    1. power

    1. earthquake

    1. frequently

    1. Pacific

  6. There are several third world countries in Asia, ______ (1) Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Lao PDR (Lao People's Democratic Republic), the Maldives, Myanmar (the ______ (2) Burma), Timor, and Yemen. Many of the third world countries in Asia are embroiled in the ______ (3) war on terrorism. These third world countries are also ______ (4) found on the list of the poorest countries in the world.

  7. Though many people do not realize it, there are (5) third world countries in the ______ (6) like, for example, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon ______ (7), and Vanuatu. While these countries are not anywhere near as ______ (8) as some African countries, they still qualify as third world countries due to their ______ (9) of development.

  8. Haiti qualifies as the Caribbean’s only third world country. Their recent ______ (10), caused by a catastrophic (11), has set them back even further, and there are rumours that their former dictator is trying to return to ______ (12).  

  9. The European Union

    1. Bank

    1. member

    1. Parliament

    1. common

    1. institutions

    1. capital

    1. monetary

    1. market

    1. political 

    1. states

    1. movement

    1. Nobel

    1. diplomatic

    1. Schengen

    1. Justice

    1. development

    1. controls

    1. primarily 

    1. represented

    1. external

  10. The European Union (EU) is an economic and ________ (1) union of 28 member states that are located ________ (2) in Europe. The EU operates through a system of supranational independent ________ (3) and intergovernmental negotiated decisions by the ________ (4) states. Institutions of the EU include the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the Court of ________ (5) of the European Union, the European Central ________ (6), the Court of Auditors, and the European ________ (7) which is elected every five years by EU citizens. The EU's de facto ________ (8) is Brussels.

  11. The EU has developed a single  (9) through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states. Within the ________ (10) Area (which includes 22 EU and 4 non-EU states) passport ________ (11) have been abolished. EU policies aim to ensure the free ________ (12) of people, goods, services, and capital, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain ________ (13) policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional ________ (14).

  12. The Eurozone, a ________ (15) union, was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002. It is currently composed of 17 member ________ (16). Through the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the EU has developed a role in ________ (17) relations and defence. Permanent ________ (18) missions have been established around the world. The EU is ________ (19) at the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Group of Eight (G8), and the Group of Twenty (G-20). The EU was the recipient of the 2012 ________ (20) Peace Prize.

  13. TASK 12. Fill in the gaps in the text with the necessary articles.

  14. The Commonwealth of Nations

  15. The Commonwealth of Nations is ___ formal name of ___ organization that comprises about 50 independent countries, most of which were formerly part of ___ British Empire. It was established in order to encourage trade and friendly relations among its members. ___ British Queen is ___ head of ___ Commonwealth, and there is ___ meeting each year for all its heads of ___ government.

  16. More than two billion people in 54 countries across ___ six continents from ___ Antigua and ___ Barbuda to ___ Zambia can count themselves to be citizens of ___ Commonwealth. Here are some examples of ___ countries that are ___ members of ___ Commonwealth.

  17. ___ Grenada is ___ island country in ___ Caribbean Sea consisting of ___ main island of ___ Grenada, ___ southern part of ___ Windward Islands, and ___ small islands called ___ Grenadines. It’s population, according to 2007 census is about 89,971 people. ___ capital is ___ St. George's. In 1983 ___ US soldiers attacked ___ Grenada in order to return to power ___ government that had been removed by force by some members of ___ Grenadian army. Many people in many countries were opposed to that action by ___ US. In 2004 ___ serious damage to ___ country was caused by ___ devastating hurricane.

  18. ___ Kingdom of Lesotho, is ___ country in ___ southern Africa that has ___ lot of mountains, and is completely surrounded by ___ Republic of South Africa. It became independent and ___ member of ___ British Commonwealth in 1966. ___ population of ___ country is about 2,128,180 (2008) and ___ capital is Maseru.

  19. Task 13. Give a 3-minute presentation on one of the international political or humanitarian organizations. Use the questions below as guidelines for the preparation.

  1. What is the name of the organization you are going to present to your group mates?

  2. When and where was it founded?

  3. What was the reason of its foundation?

  4. What countries are the members of the organization?

  5. What is the mission of the organization?

  6. How well does it function nowadays?

  1. International political and humanitarian organizations to choose from:

  1. The Warsaw Pact countries

  2. The World Trade Organization

  3. The Group of Eight

  4. The Group of Twenty

  5. The European Parliament

  6. the European Council

  7. the Court of Justice of the European Union

  8. the European Commission

  9. the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  10. The World Health Organization (WHO)

  11. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCF)

  12. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

1 Holland # the Netherlands (as North and South Holland are actually only two of the twelve provinces of the Netherlands)