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  1. 2. Find the odd word:

  2. C) default

  3. 3. This software is not compatible _____ my OS.

  • c) with

  1. 4. Which of these goes with the noun "copyright":

  • a) law

  1. 5. What is the logical relationship between "mode – display mode":

  • a) general and specific

  1. 6. Which of these goes with the noun "cursor":

  • c) key

  1. 7. Which of these means "to tune, set for the user’s needs":

  • a) customize

  1. 8. What is the logical relationship between "domain – domain name":

  • b) part and whole

  1. 9. A parameter which is pre-installed and not specially set is called default ______.

  • a) option

  1. 10. What is the logical relationship between "word – character":

  • a) part and whole

  1. 11. What is the logical relationship between "to compute – to calculate":

  • d) equivalence

  1. 12. What is the logical relationship between "copyright – copyleft":

  • c) contrast

13. Which of these can be connected:

c) computer

  1. 14. The time during which the system is out of order is called _____ time.

  • a) down

15. All of these can be retrieved EXCEPT FOR:

c) computer

16. To make a device compatible you need a _____.

a) device adapter

17. To find the necessary data you need a/the _______.

c) data retrieval

18. All of these can be customized EXCEPT FOR:

a) folder

19. All of these go with the word "character" EXCEPT FOR:

c) display

20. All of these go with the word "circuit" EXCEPT FOR:

b) current

21. All of these are nouns EXCEPT FOR:

d) connected

23. What is the logical relationship between "data corruption – data integrity":

c) contrast

24. Find the odd word:

a) evaluation

25. Find the odd word:

c) default

TM Training Test 61-80

1. What is the logical relationship between "domain – domain name":

b) part and whole

2. What is the logical relationship between "to expand – to extend":

d) equivalence

3. What is the logical relationship between "downtime – uptime":

d) contrast

4. What is the logical relationship between "error detection – error correction":

c) cause and effect

5. What is the logical relationship between "handling – file handling":

a) general and specific

6. Which of these goes with the word "domain":

a) name

7. Which of these goes with the word "error":

c) log (журнал регистрации ошибок)

8. Which of these goes with the word "format":

b) bar

9. All of these can be dropped EXCEPT FOR:

a) contrast

  1. 10. To take away a program from memory is synonymous to all of these EXCEPT FOR:

  • a) to enhance

11. All of these are antonymous to the verb "restore" EXCEPT FOR:

c) to enlarge

12. Which of these is NOT a noun:

a) edit

13. Mark the odd word:

d) expansion

  1. 14. Which of these is done to get rid of unnecessary/outdated data: (избавиться от устаревших данных)

  • b) erasing

  1. 15. Which of these is done to correct mistakes:

  • d) editing

  1. 16. Something subject to errors is known to be error-_______ .

  • a) prone (подвержены ошибкам)

  1. 17. A document copy printed out on paper from a computer is called a ______ copy.

  • d) hard

  1. 18. A computer program that may be distributed and used without payment is called _______.

  • b) freeware

  1. 19. Choose the correct suffix: An eras____ disc allows data to be deleted and new data to be recorded on it.

  • d) –able

  • 20. The time of the work of the system is called ___ time.

  • a) up

21. The time during which the system is out of order is called ____ time.

  • b) down

22. Mark the odd word:

d) hardware

23. Which of these is the most general word:


TM Training Test 81-100

1. The noun "input" is synonymous to all of these EXCEPT FOR:

c) distribution

2. The adjective "invalid" is antonymous to all of these EXCEPT FOR:

d) expired

3. Which of these nouns DOES NOT exist:

a) linkor

  1. 4. To put data or a program into a memory of a computer again means to _____ load it.

  • b) re

  1. 5. What is the logical relationship between "junk mail" and "spam":

  • c) equivalence

  1. 6. What is the logical relationship between "input" and "processing":

  • a) cause and effect

  1. 7. E-mail is antonymous to _____ mail.

  • a) snail (обычная почта)

8. The word "message" goes best with _____ .

c) delivery

9. An image can not be________ .

a) guided

10. Laptops, notebooks and palmtops differ mostly in ____.

c) size

  1. 11. You place your mouse on a mouse _______.

  • b) pad

  1. 12. What is the logical relationship between “computer” and “mouse”:

  • b) part and whole

  1. 13. A mouse is connected to a computer through a mouse _______.

  • b) port

  1. 14. We _____ data through keys.

  • a) input

15. Logging in is closest in meaning to logging ___.

b) on

16. An original sample from which copies are made is called a _______ copy.

c) master (исходный образец, из которого сделаны копии-оригинал)

17. What is the logical relationship between "monitor" and "computer":

c) part and whole

19. All of these can be input EXCEPT FOR:

a) user

20. The word "host" is synonymous to all of these EXCEPT FOR:

d) minor

21. Laptops, notebooks and palmtops differ mostly in _______.

c) size

22. To take smth (disk or tape) off a computer means to ___ load it.

  • a) un

  • 23. To copy or move data into a computer memory, esp from a larger computer means to ___ load d) down

  • 24. To copy a program or information into a main system means to ___ load it.

  • c) up

  • 25. All of these can be uploaded EXCEPT FOR:

  • b) processor

TM Training Test 101-120

  1. 1. Rules of behavior on the Internet are referred to as _______.

  • c) netiquette

  1. 2. A person actively involved in online communities is referred to as (a) _______.

  • a) netizen

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