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Question 1. Batch File Creation

In this section, you will interface with the operating system using DOS commands. For each of the following tasks, list the correct DOS command. Note: While it is not necessary to perform these tasks on a computer, the assignment is structured for each task to be completed in sequence; that is to say, a task may depend on the state created by previous tasks.

  1. Name the batch file SSD2.BAT.

  2. Include your name as a remark in SSD2.BAT.

  3. Include the creation date as a remark in SSD2.BAT.

  4. Include the function of SSD2.BAT as a remark in SSD2.BAT - redirects the output of dir C:\Windows to a file named by the user.

  5. The filename provided by the user is the first argument.

  6. A valid switch for the command dir is the optional second argument.

  7. The extension of the file is the optional third argument

  8. If the file named by the user already exists, SSD2.BAT immediately generates an error message and then exits without executing dir.

  9. The error message generated by SSD2.BAT must display, "filename already exists, aborting SSD2."

Please upload and submit your batch file (SSD2.BAT) when you are done.

Question 2. Database Specification

Consider creating a database of the university.

The three tables in the database are Student Information, Teacher Information, and Course Information. For each table, do the following:

  1. List the fields required to capture all of the information necessary and their corresponding data types.

Your answer should be in the following format: [table name] [field name]: [data type] Possible data types for the fields are Text, Numeric, Integer, Date, and Currency.

  1. Indicate which of the fields in a table is the primary key for the table.

For example, if we take the library database, I can say that we have a Books Information table. So my answer will be:

[table name] Books [field name]: [data type] Title of book: string

ISBN: Numeric

Price: Currency

Date of creation: Date

So just think what you have to include in each table of university database (which columns) and specify the data types. All additional information can be found in lecture slides or in section 4.4 of iCarnegie.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]