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    1. Php and json

PHP is the most popular scripting language on the web. It is used to enhance web pages. With PHP, programmers can do things like create username and password login pages, check details from a form, create forums, picture galleries, surveys, and a whole lot more. If you've come across a web page that ends in PHP, then the author has written some programming code to liven up the plain, old HTML. PHP is known as a server-sided language. That's because the PHP doesn't get executed on your computer, but on the computer you requested the page from. The results are then handed over to you, and displayed in your browser. Other scripting languages you may have heard of are ASP, Python and Perl. The most popular explanation of just what PHP stands for is "Hypertext Pre-processor". An alternative explanation is that the initials come from the earliest version of the program, which was called Personal Home Page Tools. [14]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data exchange format that was created from a subset of the literal object notation in JavaScript. While the syntax accepted by JavaScript for literal values is very flexible, it is important to note that JSON has much stricter rules. According to the JSON standard, for example, the name of an object member must be a valid JSON string. A string in JSON must be enclosed in quotation marks. JavaScript, on the other hand, allows object member names to be delimited by quotation marks or apostrophes or to omit quoting altogether so long as the member name doesn't conflict with a reserved JavaScript keyword. Likewise, an array element or an object member value in JSON is limited to a very limited set. In JavaScript, however, array elements and object member values can refer to pretty much any valid JavaScript expression, including function calls and definitions!

The charm of JSON is in its simplicity. A message formatted according to the JSON standard is composed of a single top-level object or array. The array elements and object values can be objects, arrays, strings, numbers, Boolean values (true and false), or null. That, in a nutshell, is the JSON standard! It's really that simple.

One of the sore points of JSON is the lack of a date/time literal. Many people are surprised and disappointed to learn this when they first encounter JSON. The simple explanation (consoling or not) for the absence of a date/time literal is that JavaScript never had one either: The support for date and time values in JavaScript is entirely provided through the Date object. Most applications using JSON as a data format, therefore, generally tend to use either a string or a number to express date and time values. If a string is used, you can generally expect it to be in the ISO 8601 format. If a number is used, instead, then the value is usually taken to mean the number of milliseconds in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) since epoch, where epoch is defined as midnight January 1, 1970 (UTC). Again, this is a mere convention and not part of the JSON standard

    1. Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s. The language is very similar in syntax to C and C++ but, in techie terms, it has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java was started as a project called "Oak" by James Gosling in 1991. The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995. The pluses to this new language were: It promised the ability to "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA), providing no cost runtimes on popular platforms, and Its security was configurable, allowing network and file access to be restricted. Java quickly became a popular programming language. Newer versions of the java programming language had multiple configurations built for different platforms. For example, J2EE for enterprise applications and J2ME for mobile applications. Java programming is best learned by those with some familiarity with object oriented programming methodologies. For those interested in introductory-level java programming, courses offered through local community collages would be a good place to start. For those developers interested in learning java programming at a more detailed, in-depth level, Sun Microsystems offers several java programming classes and certification programs. Java is used mostly by Software Engineers.[6] 

    1. UML

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the successor to the methods of object-oriented analysis and design (OOA & D), which appeared in the late 80's and early 90's. UML - especially language, and like any language feature, it provides a vocabulary and rules of combination of words in the dictionary. In this case, the dictionary and rules focus on the conceptual and physical representations of the system. Language dictates how to create and read the model, but does not include any recommendations on what kind of model of the system to create. It goes beyond UML and the prerogative of the software development process. In connection with this, apparently, UML is often associated with the RUP - one of the possible processes, recommending what models as and when you need to create a successful product development. UML - the language of visualization. Writing models in UML pursuing one simple goal - facilitating the transfer of information about the system. For each character UML is well-defined semantics, thus avoiding errors of interpretation (answers to questions like "what the developer meant X when he described the hierarchy of classes Y ...», etc. will be quite transparent). UML - the language specifications and precise definitions. In this sense, UML modeling refers to the development of models that are accurate, unambiguous and complete. UML - the language of design. UML is a visual programming language, but in terms of the UML models can be mapped to a specific set of object-oriented programming languages. UML provides the possibility of direct (current model of the new code) and reverse (the existing code with the new model) design. Quite often means UML-modeling implement UML-display models in the code in the languages ​​Java, C + +, CORBA, VB, Smalltalk.

UML - a language documentation. The software development process involves not only writing the code, but also the creation of artifacts such as a list of requirements, the architecture, design, source code, systems, project planning, tests, a set of prototypes, product releases. Depending on the culture of product development in some degree of formalization of these documents varies considerably, ranging from well-defined templates and document format to talk to an arbitrary topic by e-mail or in person. Nevertheless, all these artifacts are critical to the success of the process of product development. The main diagram to create applications: sequence diagram and use case diagram. [12]

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