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Speaking about my native town I’d like to mention a famous proverb “East to West- home is best”. And it is really so. After exciting tours when our curiosity is satisfied we turn in our mind to our native place. Whenever we live, work or travel we turn in our thoughts to our home, the place where we spent our childhood. Home, sweet home is the dearest and the most beautiful place in the world.

My native town Nikolaev is attractively situated in a picturesque place on the peninsula. It is washed by the Ingul river in the north and the Southern Bug in the west and in the south. Nikolaev is among those towns in the southern part of Ukraine which are noted for their history. The history of our town dates back to the eighteenth century. It was built as a ship yard on the 23rd of April, 1789. In the commemoration of the seizure of the Turkish fortress Ochakov on the day of St. Nikolay the town was named Nikolaev. The first sailing vessel which was launched here was named “St. Nikolay”, too.

The further history of Nikolaev is also connected with shipbuilding and fleet.

The Headquarters of the Black Sea navy and ports were situated in the building of the modern Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet. The names of such famous admirals as Nakhimov, Ushakov, Belinsgausen and outstanding naval architects Kuznetsov and Sokolov are associated with the name of our town.

Our town is rich in the different places of interest. The Olshansky Memorial is erected in honour of brave sailors who defended our town. The Eternal Flame is burning to commemorate the heroic deeds of the soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.

I’m sure the visitors of our town will be greatly impressed by the Vereshagin Art Museum, which contains a rich collection of genuine works of art.

I think a walk around my town will tell me much about its present and past.

Соседние файлы в папке Экзамен - Старые темы - 1999