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In groups analyze the condition of air in your city/country. Is it satisfactory? Work out several Clean Air Laws for improving the situation. Report on the problem and offer your suggesting.


Water pollutants emitted by transport systems.

Noise pollution emitted by transport systems.


1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

Alga, (pl. algae) водоросль

to proceed действовать

discharge выброс

bulk бестарный (насыпью, наливом)

to spill проливать, разливать

washout промывка, промывание

residue остаток, отходы

residual остаток

petroleum нефть

runoff слив, сток, спуск (жидкости)

dissolve растворять (-ся)

convergence сходимость, конвергенция

de-icing борьба с обледенением

lubricant смазочный материал

leakage утечка

brake тормоз

transmission трансмиссия

abrasion абразивный износ

catchment дренаж, водосбор

larva, (pl. larvae) личинка

turbidity мутность

eutrophication эвтрофикация (зарастание водоема водорослями)

dredging дноуглубительные работы

friction трение

ambient внешний, окружающий

to impair ослаблять, уменьшать

to alleviate ослаблять, смягчать

transshipment перегрузка

rail yard ж/д. станция

exposure воздействие

jet propulsion ракетный двигатель

wetland заболоченная территория

2. Read and translate the following chemical element and compounds:

Nitrous oxide, lead, calcium, magnesium, oxygen, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, nitrogen, chlorine, NaCl, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr, Fe.

3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

Destructive fallouts, water pollution sources, to alter the pH of water, aquatic food chain, oil spills, disruption of shore ecosystems, to be vulnerable to marine vessels discharges, artificial source of salt release, hydrographic system, hydrological environment, turbidity of water.

4. Match the words from the part a with those from the part b.

A. Acid, acidity, acidify, acidified, acids

B. Level, soil, sulfuric, rain, water resources.

5. Form adjectives from the words given in brackets.

(Destruct) fallouts, (ecology) balance, (continue) accumulation, (poison) substances, (coast) area, (harm) products, (environment) effects, (territory) handholds, (hydrology) environment, (continent) hydric system, (disrupt) infrastructure, (nature) habitat.

6. Form nouns from the words given in brackets.

(Pollute) fallouts, (acidify) of lakes, long term (accumulate), (destruct) of aquatic plant life, to provide (adhere), sea water (evaporate), (tend) to accumulate, (reproduce) cycle, (purify) capacity, (concentrate) of salt, (abrade) of tires, (converge) of a surface, (modify) of the aquatic environment, (maintain) of transportation infrastructure, (drain) system, (turbid) of water.