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Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (творческий уровень с)

Task 1. Read the text.

Engineering in a social context

Engineering is a subject that ranges from large collaborations to small individual projects. Almost all engineering projects are beholden to some sort of financing agency: a company, a set of investors, or a government. The few types of engineering that are minimally constrained by such issues are pro bono engineering and open design engineering.

By its very nature, engineering is bound up with society and human behavior. Every product or construction used by modern society will have been influenced by engineering design. Engineering design is a very powerful tool to make changes to environment, society and economies, and its application brings with it a great responsibility, as represented by many of the Engineering Institutions codes of practice and ethics. Whereas medical ethics is a well-established field with considerable consensus, engineering ethics is far less developed, and engineering projects can be subject to considerable controversy. Just a few examples of this from different engineering disciplines are the development of nuclear weapons, the Three Gorges Dam, the design and use of Sports Utility Vehicles and the extraction of oil. There is a growing trend amongst western engineering companies to enact serious Corporate and Social Responsibility policies, but many companies do not have these.

Engineering is a key driver of human development. Sub-Saharan Africa in particular has a very small engineering capacity, which results in many African nations being unable to develop crucial infrastructure without outside aid. The attainment of many of the Millennium Development Goals requires the achievement of sufficient engineering capacity to develop infrastructure and sustainable technological development. All overseas development makes considerable use of engineers to apply solutions in disaster and development scenarios. A number of charitable organizations aim to use engineering directly for the good of mankind:

  • Engineers Without Borders

  • Engineers Against Poverty

  • Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief

  • Engineers for a Sustainable World

Task 2. Translate the highlighted paragraph into Russian.

Task 3. Make up an annotation of the text in English.

Task 4. Make up a summary of the text in English.

Task 5. Share your point of view to the following problem. Give your arguments.

Engineering is a key driver of human development.

5 Примеры заданий для контроля результатов изучения модуля

5.1 Образец итогового теста по модулю «Моя будущая профессия»

Методические рекомендации для написания итогового лексико-грамматического теста по модулю:

Для написания итогового лексико-грамматического теста по модулю необходимо:

  1. Повторить теоретический грамматический материал по модулю из раздела «Научно-теоретическое содержание модуля»;

  2. Повторить словарь-минимум лексических единиц и речевых моделей по теме «Моя будущая профессия» (тексты А, В);

Образец итогового лексико-грамматического теста к модулю

(A,B,C) Choose the correct word in each sentence.

  1. The design … (maintenance, solution, development, engineer) must be a reasonable price, safe and reliable.

  2. Specialists are trained to work at agricultural organizations and ... (enterprises, professions, areas, machines ) of different forms or property.

  3. Today’s farming is highly … (developed, provided, divided, produced).

  4. If the electric car were used instead of the conventional one, we should have no air … (pollution, application, fertility, development).

  5. The whole science of engineering can be broadly … (performed, educated, divided, mechanized) into three main areas.

6. The history of mechanical … (tool making , engineering, industry, solution) goes back to the time when the man first tried to make machines.

7. There is a big difference between building a road and .. (designing, buying, using, harvesting) a computer system.

8. Office building and bridges are examples of … (electrical, civil, mechanical, computer) engineering.

9. The craftsmen who… (discovered, evolved, planted, employed) metals in the earth were the ancestors of mining and metallurgical engineers.

10. When a good solution is found, the next stop is to … (define, maintain, supply, communicate) the solution.

11. Today engineers must become more scientific and … (specialized, industrial, mechanical, expensive).

12. Branches of engineering may … ( solve, fertilize, require, improve) the special services of the specialists.

13. The engineer must also … (make up, find out, deal with, lead to) the economists to assure himself that he is producing what is wanted, and economically.

14. The profession of engineer is an … (occupation, application, science, education) like law or medicine that requires specialized advanced education.

15. An engineer who does not know about new (careers, materials, designs, areas) cannot successfully compete with one who does.