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Статьи 6 семестр / All-optical networks (2)

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routine telephone calls transmitted over fiber-optic networks.

Such a network would also accommo­date the flow of enormous quantities of digital data. Proposals abound to create on-line libraries large enough to hold all the text, images and audio archives from the entire Library of Congress. A com­munications network that could trans­mit terabits (trillions of bits) of infor­mation could open the full resources of a research library to every home, school, office and laboratory.

For these scenarios to materialize, physicists and engineers must devise methods to use more of an optical fi­ber's capacity. A single fiber could, in theory, transport 25 terabits each sec­ond, an amount sufficient to carry si­multaneously all the telephone calls in the U.S. on Mother's Day., But the prac­tical information-carrying rate of a fi­ber is much more limited: it is checked by the tendency of a pulse representing a digital 0 or 1 to lose its shape over long distances, as well as the absence of optical components that can process information at these blazing speeds. Recent research advances hold promise for tapping much more of a network's unused bandwidth.

Technical Milestones

Many existing research efforts at-tempt to build on the most impor­tant development in optical communi­cations of the past decade: the optical amplifier. The device allows the power of a signal to be restored to its original strength without the usual optical-to-electronic conversion. In an optical am­plifier, erbium ions are embedded in the glass of a fiber. When stimulated with a laser, the excited ions revivify an optical signal that has weakened after

a journey of tens of miles. Optical am­plifiers, which have recently been de­ployed in commercial networks, dem­onstrate superior performance for very high speed networking: unlike electron­ic amplifiers, they can amplify a signal carrying data at transmission speeds greater than 50 gigabits per second, and they can boost the power of many wavelengths simultaneously.

Optical multiplexing technology, for one, allows a fiber to be used more effi­ciently because separate data-carrying signals can be sent over the same fiber. Multiplexing is important because of the demands on capacity that could be put on future networks. A television program with high-resolution images, for instance, could consume up to a gigabit per second of bandwidth if the data in the image are not compressed. The simplest form, called wavelength-division multiplexing, is analogous to radio broadcasting [see illustration on these two pages]. Each transmitter on this network contains a laser that can be adjusted to dispatch a signal at a certain wavelength, or color, of light.

Just as a transistor radio can be set to pick up a certain frequency, an opto­electronic receiver can be tuned to the desired light wavelength. In the labora-

Scientific American September 1995 73

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