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BD / Exams / English / Module Control Work 2 Cards

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Question card 1.

  1. Database. Definition, main concepts

  2. Multivalued dependency and the fourth normal form (4NF)

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output name of the subjects that are taught by teachers-professors on the first week

Question card 2.

  1. Advantages of the databases in comparison with file systems

  2. Relational model design: formal definition of the problem and decomposition procedure. Example

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output name of the subjects that are studied by students of the first course on Monday

Question card 3.

  1. Basic requirements to the database management systems

  2. Relational model design: equivalence of the relations. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output name of the subjects that are studied in room 307 of the 6 building on the first week

Question card 4.

  1. ANSI/SPARC database architecture

  2. ER-modeling language: representation and properties of supertypes/subtypes. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Вывести номера аудиторий корпуса 6, в которых имеются занятия по дисциплине СУБД

Question card 5.

  1. Conceptual level of the ANSI/SPARC database architecture

  2. ER-modeling language: resolving of the many-to-many relationships. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output numbers of rooms of building 4 where teachers of SE department have lectures

Question card 6.

  1. Basic functions of database management systems

  2. Network data model: data manipulation language. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output room numbers with capacity more than 50 seats where lessons of type ‘lecture’ are hold of students of the first course of the SE department

Question card 7.

  1. What does data model mean? Example of data models

  2. ER-modeling language: Representation of supertype/subtype relationships in relational model. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output group numbers of the 2 course that have lessons of type “lab” taught by teachers-assistants

Question card 8.

  1. Structural integrity constraints. Examples

  2. ER-modeling language: representation of one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in relational model. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output group numbers with rating more than 50 that have lectures on DBMS subject on Tuesday of the second week

Question card 9.

  1. Dynamic integrity constraints. Examples

  2. Hierarchy data model: data structure. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output group numbers that have lectures in rooms with capacity less than number of students in a group

Question card 10.

  1. Database safety: basic definitions

  2. Hierarchy data model: integrity constraints. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output teacher names and posts that have lessons of the type “lecture” for groups of the 2 course

Question card 11.

  1. Database safety: components of the data safety system

  2. Hierarchy data model: data manipulation language. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output teacher m\names and salaries that have lectures in rooms of the 6 building

Question card 12.

  1. What are difference between data and knowledge?

  2. Network data model: data structure. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output teacher names and posts that have lectures of type “lab” by subject “programming languages”

Question card 13.

  1. Semantic network model

  2. Network data model: integrity constraints. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output week, day and lesson when the teacher Ivanov has lectures of type “lab” in group 308 of the 3rd course

Question card 14.

  1. Rule-based knowledge model

  2. ER-modeling language: mutually exclusive relationships. Examples. Representation of mutually exclusive relationships in relational model

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Занятия какого типа проводит преподаватель Иванов в аудитории 307 6-го корпуса

Question card 15.

  1. Fuzzy knowledge

  2. Relational data model: data structure

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output days of the week when teachers-professors have lectures by DBMS discipline

Question card 16.

  1. SQL language: DATE data type (representation, arithmetic operations, functions)

  2. Relational data model: integrity constraints (keys, primary key, foreign key). Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose teaches have lectures by subject “protection of labour”

Question card 17.

  1. SQL language: join of tables by predicate that is not “=”. Examples

  2. Relational algebra: set-theoretic operations. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose teaches have lectures in room 202 of the 4 building on Wednesday of the 1st week

Question card 18.

  1. SQL language: join table with its copy. Examples

  2. Relational algebra: projection, selection and join operations. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose teaches have lectures for students of the 5th course

Question card 19.

  1. SQL language: purpose of the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. Examples. Algorithm of query calculation when there exist the following lauses SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY и HAVING

  2. Relational algebra: division operation. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose groups have lectures in 'mathematics'

Question card 20.

  1. SQL language: aggregate functions. There usage when GROUP BY clause is present and absent. Examples

  2. Properties of the relational algebra operations. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose groups have lectures in room 202 of the 4th building on Monday of the 1st week

Question card 21.

  1. SQL language: Embedded queries. Independent and correlated subqueries. Examples

  2. Logical optimization of the relational algebra expressions. Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose groups have lectures delivered by Ivanov

Question card 22.

  1. Data base design stages

  2. Tuple-oriented relational calculus

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output numbers of the 1st course groups whose curators are professors of the SE department

Question card 23.

  1. ER-modeling language: basic components (entity, attribute, relationship) and their properties. Examples

  2. Функциональная зависимость: основные понятия и свойства. Примеры

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names whose teachers are curators of the 1st course groups

Question card 24.

  1. ER-modeling language: permissible and not permissible relationships. Examples

  2. Notnormalized relations and the first normal form (1NF). Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output department names of the informatics faculty whose groups of the 1st course study “mathematics” discipline

Question card 25.

  1. ER-modeling language: recursive relationships. Examples. Representation of recursive relationships in relational model

  2. Not full functional dependencies and the second normal form (2NF). Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output room numbers and building numbers where teachers of the SE department have lectures

Question card 26.

  1. ER-modeling language: unique identification of entities. Examples

  2. Transitive dependencies and the third normal form (3NF). Examples

  3. By using database from labs write expressions in Relational algebra, Tuple relational calculus and SQL that answer to the following question: Output room numbers where teachers of informatics faculty have lectures

Соседние файлы в папке English