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Ch_ 5

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In Chapter 3 we considered the control of linear systems described by a state differentialequation of the form

An essential part of the theory of Chapter 3 is that it is assumed that the complete state vector x ( t ) is available for measurement and feedback.

In this chapter we relax this assumption and study the mncli more realistic case where there is an observed variable of the form

which is available for measurement and feedback. Control systems where the observed variable ?/ serves as input to the controller, and not the state x , will be called ontplctfeedbock control sjWms.

I n view of the results of Chapter 4, it is not surprising that the optimal output feedback controller turns out to be a combination of an obserker, tbrough which the state of the system is reconstructed, and a control law which is an instantaneous, linear function of the reconstructed state. This control law is the same control law that would have been obtained if the state had been directly available for observation.

In Section 5.2 we consider a deterministic approacb to the output feedback problem and we obtain regulators tbrough a combination of asymptotically stable observers and linear, stabilizing control laws. In Section 5.3 a stochastic approach is taken, and optimal linear feedback regulators are derived as interconnections of optimal observers and optimal linear state feedback laws. I n Section 5.4 tracking problems are studied. In Section 5.5 we consider regulators and tracking systems witb nonzero set points and constant disturbances. Section 5.6 concerns the sensitivity of linear optimal feedback systems to disturbances and system variations, while the chapter concludes witb Section 5.7, dealing witb reduced-order feedback controllers.

378 Optimnl Linear Output Feedback Control Systems

5.2 T H E R E G U L A T I O N O F L I N E A R S Y S T E M S W I T H I N C O M P L E T E M E A S U R E M E N T S

5.2.1The Structure of Output Feedback Control Systems

In this section we take a deterministic approach to the problem of regulating a linear system with incomplete measurements. Consider the system described by the state differential equation

while the observed variable is given by

In Chapter 3 we considered control laws of the form

where it was assumed that the whole state x(t) can be accurately measured. If the state is not directly available for measurement, a natural approach is f i s t to construct an observer of the form

and then interconnect the control law with the recor~striictedstate i.(t):

u(t) = -F(t)i.(t),


where F(t) is the same as in 5-5. Figure 5.1 depicts the interconnection of the plant, the observer, and the control law. By substitution of the control law 5-7 into the observer equation 5-6, the controller equations take the form

This leads to the simplified structure of Fig. 5.2.

The closed-loop system that results from interconnecting the plant with the controller is a linear system of dimension 2n (where 11 is the dimension of the state x), which can be described as

We now analyze the stability properties of the closed-loop system. To this end we consider the state x(t) and the reconstruction error

5.2 Regulation with Incomplete Mensurcrncnts 381

By subtracting 5-3 and 5-6, it easily follows with the use of 5-4 that e(t) satisfies

Substitution of *(t) = x(t) - e(t) into 5-3 and 5-7 yields

When considering 5-11, it is seen that e(t) converges to zero, independent of the initial state, if a gain matrix K(t) can be found that makes 5-11 asymptotically stable. However, finding a gain matrix K(t) that makes 5-11 stable is equivalent to determining K(t) such that the observer is asymptoticnlly stable. As we know from Chapter 4, such a gain often can be found. -

Next we consider 5-12. IfB(t) and F(t) are bounded afld e(t) +0 as t m, x(t) will always converge to zero if the system

is asymptoticauy stable. From Chapter 3 we know that often F(t) can be determined so that 5-13 is asymptotically stable. Thus we have seen that it is usually possible to find gain matrices F(t) and K(t) such that Eqs. 5-11 and 5-12 constitute an asymptotically stable system. Since the system 5-9 is obtained from the system described by 5-11 and 5-12 by a nonsingular linear transformation, it follows that it is usually possible to find gain matrices F(t) and K(t) such that the closed-loop control systems 5-9 is stable. In the following subsection the precise conditions under which this can be done are stated.

Finally, we remark the following. Combining 5-11 and 5-12 we obtain

Let us consider the time-invariant case, where all the matrices occurring in 5-14 are constant. Then the characteristic values of the system 5-14, which are also the characteristic values of the system 5-9, are the zeroes of

= det (sI - A + BF) det (d- A + KC). 5-15

The reason that the systems 5-9 and 5-14 have the same characteristic values is that their respective state vectors are related by a nonsingular linear transformation (see Problem 1.3). Consequently, the set of closed-loop characteristic values comprises the characteristic values of A - B F (the

382 Optimal Linenr Output Feedbnck Control Systems

regttlator poles) and the characteristic values of A - KC (the obseruer poles) :

Theorem 5.1. Corzsicfer the i~ltercow~ectiorzof the time-invariant system

x(t) = Ax(t) +Bu(t),


?l(t)= W f ) ,


the time-inuariartt obseruer


&) = A$@)+B&) +~ [ y ( t-) ~ * ( t ) ] ,


arld the tirite-il~uariarttcontrol law


u(t) = -F*(t).


Then the cl~arocteristicual~resof the interconnected system corlsist of the regulatorpoles (the cl~aracteristicvol~resof A - BF) togetl~erivith the obseruer poles (the clraracteristic ual~resof A - KC).

These results show that we can consider the problem of determining an asymptotically stable observer and an asymptotically stable state feedback control law separately, since their interconnection results in an asymptotically stable control system.

Apart from stability considerations, are we otherwise justified in separately designing the observer and the control law? In Section 5.3 we formulate a stochastic optimal regulation problem. The solution of this stochastic version of the problem leads to an affirmative answer to the question just posed.

In this section we have considered full-order observers only. I t can be shown that reduced-order observers interconnected with state feedback laws also lead to closed-loop poles that consist of the observer poles together with the controller poles.

Example 5.1. Position corltrol system.

Consider the positioning system described by the state differential equation (see Example 2.1, Section 2.2.2, and Example 2.4, Section 2.3)


a = 4.6 s-1.

The control law

P(t) = -(JLf,)*(t)

5.2 Rcgulntion with Incomplete Measurements


produces the regulator characteristic polynomial


det (sI - A +BF)= s3 + ( a + ~ f , ) s+ ~f,.


By choosing

f,= 254.1 V/rad,


= 19.57 V slrad,

the regulator poles are placed a t -10 &j10 s-l. Let us consider the observer

is the observed variable. The observer characteristic polynomial is

det (sI - A +KC) = s3 + ( a +k1)s + ak, +k?.


T o make the observer fast as compared to the regulator, we place the observer poles at -50 =kj50 s-l. This yields for the gains:

In Fig. 5.3 we sketch the response of the output feedback system to the initial state x(0) = col (0.1, O ) , 8(0) = 0 . For comparison we give in Fig. 5.4 the response of the corresponding state feedback system, where the control law 5-21 is directly connected to the state. We note that in the system with an observer, the observer very quickly catches up with the actual behavior of the state. Because of the slight time lag introduced by the observer, however, a greater input is required and the response is somewhat different from that of the system without an observer.

Example 5.2. The peizdzrlzmz positioriirrg system.

In this example we discuss the pendulum positioning system of Example 1.1 (Section 1.2.3). The state differential equation of this system is given by

384 Optimal Linear Output Fccdbnck Control Systems

ongulor position

i n p u t


(i2'r- L O t-151 --

- 60

Fig. 5.3. The response and the input of the position control system with observer for m(0) = col(O.l, 0); i(0) = col(0,O).

Fig. 5.4. The response and the input of the position control system wilh state feedb& (without observer) for ~ ( 0 =) col(0.l. 0).

The components of the state are

h ( t )= S(t)+L'&.

Here s(t)is the displacement of the carriage and + ( f ) the angle the pendulum makes with the vertical. We assume that both these quantities can be measured. This yields for the observed variable

5.2 Regulation with Incomplete Measurements


The main function of the control system is to stabilize the system. We therefore choose as the controlled variable the position of the pendulum

We first select the regulator poles by solving the regulator problem with the criterion


To determine an appropriate value of p, we select it such that the estimated radius w, of the faraway poles suc11 as given in Theorem 3.11 (Section 3.8.1) is 10 s-I. This yields a settling time of roughly 10/w, = 1 s. It follows from the numerical values of Example 1.1 that the oscillation period of the pendulum is 2 4 - r 1.84s, so that we have chosen the settling time somewhat less than the oscillation period.

To compute p from w,,, we must know the transfer function H(s) of the system from the input force /L to the controlled variable 5. This transfer function is given by


H(s) =

I t follows with 3-486 that

With the numerical values of Example 1.1, it can be found that we must choose

= 10-0 mZ/N"


to make w, approximately 10 s-'. I t can be computed that the resulting steady-state gain matrix is given by

while (he closed-loop poles are -9.870 Aj3.861 and -4.085 &j9.329 s-l. Figure 5.5 gives the response of the stale feedback control syslem to the initial state s(0) = 0, $(0) = 0, $(0) = 0.1 rad (C 6 9 , &(o) = 0. I t is seen that the input force assumes values up to aboul 100 N, the carriage displacement undergoes an excursion of about 0.3 m, and the maximal pendulum displacement is about 0.08 m.

Assuming that this performance is acceptable, we now proceed to determine an observer for the system. Since we have two observed variables, there is considerable freedom i n choosing the observer gain matrix in order to

c a r r i a g e displocernent


s t o t e f e e d b o c k / c o n t r o l


t -151

pendulu m



state feedbac k





~ + L ' P

t -15)

- 0 . 0 6


feedboc k

e o n t r d l


2 0 0

i n p u t


f o r c e



o u t p u t f e e d b a c k

t -151

Fig. 5.5. Responses or the state feedback and output feedback pendulum-balancing systems to the initial statez(0) = col(0, 0,0.0842,0) [the observer initial stnte is G(0) = 01.

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