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  1. Вопросы к учебным фильмам

Questions to films


    1. What political leader is speaking before the beginning of the film?

    2. What embassies are situated in Washington?

3. What kind of restaurants can you find in Washington?

4. Name the newspapers sold in Washington.

5. When was the capital moved to Washington?

6. Is the traffic in Washington congested?

7. What portraits can we see in the White House?

8. Describe the parks of Washington.

9. What do you know about Lincoln Memorial?


1. What is the most active volcano now?

2. How did life appear on the Hawaiian Islands?

3. When did the Polynesians find Hawaii?

4. Are there any rain forests on Hawaii?

5. What plant exists only on Hawaii?

6. What was discovered at the bottom of the ocean?

7. What was the aim of the ecologists’ work on Hawaii?

8. Why is the film called “The Hidden Hawaii”?

5.Примерная тематика рефератов, вопросы для промежуточной аттестации и итогового контроля

5.1. Темы рефератов

  1. American Indian Art

  2. American Indian Mythology

  3. French Architecture in French American Colonies

  4. Spanish Architecture in Spanish Colonies

  5. English and Dutch Architecture in the USA

  6. American Arts in the first part of XIX c.

  7. American Arts in the second part of XIX c.

  8. American Arts in the first part of XX c.

  9. American Arts in the second part of XX c.

  10. American Theatre of the second part of XIX c.

  11. American Theatre of XX c.

  12. American Architecture of the first part of XIX c.

  13. American Architecture of the second part of XIX c.

  14. American Architecture of the first part of XX c.

  15. American Architecture of the second part of XX c.

  16. American Music of XIX c.

  17. American Music of the first part of XX c.

  18. American Ballet

  19. American Opera

5.2. Вопросы для промежуточной аттестации

1. Were the geographic conditions of North America beneficial for the building of a new nation?

2. What role do the Great Lakes play in the life of the Northeast region?

3. What can you tell about the National Parks?

4. What were the main forms writing of the first colonists?

5. What war was called the Second War for American Independence?

6. Name the representatives of American Romanticism of XIX c.?

7. Describe the inventions of XIX c.

8. What state was called the Lone Star Republic and why?

9. What were the new trends in literature in the second half of XIX c.?

10. Describe the style of the poets of XIX c.

5.3. Вопросы для итогового контроля

  1. What role do the Great lakes play in the life of the Northeast region?

  2. Were the geographic conditions of the country beneficial for the building of a new nation?

  3. What can you tell about the National Parks?

  4. Name the first explorers of America.

  5. What did the first American colonists write?

  6. What was the main form of literature in the first half of XIX c.?

  7. What were the main forms of painting in the first half of XIX c.?

  8. What can you tell about the music of the second half of XIX c.?

  9. What were the most important inventions of the second half of XIX c.?

  10. Tell about the theatre of the second half of XIX c.

  11. What inventions caused the development of the Industrialization and culture in the first half of XX c.?

  12. Tell about the writers of the “lost generation”.

  13. Tell about the main forms of arts in the first half of XX c.

  14. Tell about the literature of the after-war period.

  15. Tell about the development of jazz in the XX c.

  16. Tell about the main universities of the USA.

  17. What is the natural wonder and other sights of New York state?

  18. What is the difference between the South and the rest of America?

  19. Describe the sights of Golden state.

  20. Describe the Island state.