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Грамматика / Заочное урок 6

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Задание 1. Present. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. John isn’t coming with us this evening.

  2. What does this sign mean?

  3. We usually meet at the sport centre every Wednesday afternoon.

  4. Mr and Mrs Dean are going to Mexico tomorrow.

  5. Do you always watch TV in the evenings?

  6. Hello, Billy. I haven’t seen you for a long time.

  7. What have you been doing all week?

  8. Amanda has opened a shop which sells newspapers and magasines.

  9. I’m planning to buy a new house. I’ve been looking for one for two months now. So far I’ve looked at ten houses, but I haven’t found one I liked.

  10. My Spanish lessons are going very well. I’ve been learning Spanish for five months now and I love it. I’ve already learnt a lot.

Задание 2. Past. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I went on holiday abroad for the first time when I was eight.

  2. She was reading when the doorbell rang.

  3. When I entered the house something smelt awful. Someone had been cooking and had burnt the meal.

  4. He was going to buy some flowers but the shops didn’t work that day.

  5. As soon as I saw that the building was on fire I phoned the fire brigade.

  6. By the end of 1990 he had visited eleven different countries.

  7. Steven didn’t realize he had forgotten the keys until he put the hand in his pocket.

  8. They were walking in the park when it started to snow.

  9. He was tired. He had been driving all the day.

  10. While I was sunbathing, Tim was swimming.

Задание 3. Future. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. What time will you be leaving for the airport?

  2. I’ll call Bill to tell him about the seminar.

  3. I will have finished painting your room by the time you get home.

  4. In the future, robots will perform more and more tasks for humans.

  5. By the end of next month, I will have been living in Madrid for exactly three years.

  6. Tom will have written his third novel by the end of this year.

  7. Will you phone her and try to persuade her to come?

  8. I hope you will come to my party this weekend.

  9. This time next month, I will be flying to Hawaii.

  10. By the time I get there, the concert will have started.

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