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10 At the museums

Igor Smirnov. Hello. What time does the museum

close today?

Museum worker. The museum closes at 6:00 PM.

Igor Smirnov. And what time does it open


Museum worker. At 9:00 AM.

Igor Smirnov. And how much is the admission?

Museum worker. The admission fee is 500 tenge for

adults and 250 tenge for students. It's free for children

under 12 years old.

Igor Smirnov. And are there any special exhibitions

on right now?

Museum worker. Yes, there's a special exhibition

of Peter Paul Rubens's early paintings.

Igor Smirnov. Is this included in the price of


Museum worker. No, there's a separate 50 tenge charge

for the exhibition.

Igor Smirnov. Thank you.

Museum worker. My pleasure.

11 At the railway station

At the railway station

  • I've found out from this time­table that there are several trains to Astana daily.

  • Yes, quite so. The next is at 12.20.

  • Well, I'll take it. One ticket, please.

  • Single or return?

  • Single, please.

  • Here you are. The train is leaving from platform 3.

  • Is there a buffet-car on the train? I'd like to have a snack.

  • Unfortunately, no.

But if you hurry, you can get a snack at a cafeteria in the station,

otherwise you'll have to do without break­fast.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Not at all.

Announcement: The train now standing at Platform 3 is the 12.20 Inter-City service to Astana.

12 At the airport

- Hello. What can I do for you?

- I want to travel to Rome for the summer holidays, and I just want an idea of prices and things.

- Just a minute. What exactly do you want to know?

- Well, first of all, how much does a flight cost?

- Our cheapest, flight is with Alitalia, stopping over in Paris. That's 506 pounds.

- Return?

- Yes, that's return. It's a good price, isn't it?

- Very good. What about the other airlines?

- With the other airlines, it depends on the time of year. When do you want to travel?

- I want to fly out at the end of June and come back about the middle of September.

- That's quite an expensive time of year, but if you wait a moment,

I'll give you some other prices, just to give you an idea.

- Thanks.

13 Talking of weather

Tina : Hello?

Joe : Hi Tina,

Joe : How’s the weather there today?

Tina : Its really cold. It snowed all day and the schools closed early.

Joe : What’s the temperature?

Tina : Its 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning.

Joe : Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

Tina : I was watching the news a little earlier. They said its probably going to snow tomorrow.

Joe : I really don’t like the winter. I wish it were summer. Tina : Me too. How’s the weather where you are?

Joe : Its not too bad, but its pretty cold here too. It was about 20 today and it rained this afternoon. I heard its going to be a little warmer tomorrow.

14 At the exhibition hall

Her11254oes : Guide and Visitor

A: Sorry, you do not tell me who wrote this picture?

E: This picture was painted by an unknown artist of the 21st century .

P: Great work , is not it ?

E : Of course! It is a pity that the author is unknown .

P: Do you know if there are any more paintings by this artist ?

E : Yes, but they do not participate in this exhibition .

P: And how do you determine whether the work it ?

E: for all his works, the artist put the icon , you see ?

P: Yes , really . And where you can see his other paintings ?

E : Next week starts exhibition unknown artists come .

P: Thank you very much , will definitely come !

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