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Mining Education in Great Britain.

In Great Britain the students get mining education at special colleges and at mining universities. For example, mining faculty of the University Nattingham considered one of the best in Britain. The students come to the University from all parts of the country and from abroad. The purpose of study at the University is to give the student an understanding of mining science based on lectures and laboratory work. At present time in Great Britain have many of Universities and colleges which give practice in mechanical engineering, mining, metallurgy, etc. May by a full-time or part-time education. Same the mining department at the university of Great Britain the gives study geology, mining engineering, open-cast mining.

A.M. Terpigorev (1873-1959 )

Academician Terpigorev was a well-known mining engineer. He was born in 1873 in Tambov. He finished at school with honours in 1892 and decided to get a higher education. He chose the Mining Institute in St. Peterburg. Successfully passed the exams and became a student of the Mining Institute. He passed practice in Institute. He was one of the best lectures. Terpigorev graduated from the institute with honours in 1897 and get diploma of mining engineer. After study, he worked assistant manager, but later became mining engineer in this company.

A.P. Karpinsky (1847-1936)

Karpinsky were popular Russian scientist who laid the foundation of the Russian school of geology and mining. History of Russian geology is connected with Karpinsky name. One of the greatest Russian geologists, he was a member and for some time President of the Academy of Sciences. He elected a foreign member in 1901. His greatest contribution to geology was a new detailed geological map of the European part and Russia. He studied the geological system in difference regions. He advanced the view that petroleum contribution. Karpinsky was prominent scientist, a excellent man and citizen. He was one the best lecturers at, at the mining Institute in his time.

General information on mining

Mining is the industrial process of removing a minerals from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth crust.The term mining includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells,metal, non-metallic minerals,coal,peat, oil shale and other minerals from the earth. mining can be done either as a surface operation(quarries,opencasts or open pits) or by underground method. Working or explointing the deposits means the extraction of mineral.Productive mining can be divided into capital investment work,development,and face or production work.The rock surfaces at the sides of workings are called the sides, or in coal the ribs.The surface above the workings is the roof.The surface below is called the floor.In the underground workings a productions can be:vertical(shafts,blind pits),sloping(slopes,sloping drifts,inclines),horizontal(drifts,levels,drives,crosscuts) and the production face.

Methods of Working Bedded Deposits Underground

The method of working (or method of mining) includes a definite sequence and organization of development work of a deposit, its openings and its face work in certain geological conditions, It depends on the mining plan and machines and develops with their improvements.A rational method of working should satisfy the following require­ments in next conditions: 1) safety of the man; 2) maximum output of mineral; 3) minimum development work (per 1,000 tons output); 4) minimum production cost and 5) minimum losses of mineral. Underground mining methods can be divided to the following main types: 1. Methods of working with long faces (continuous mining); 2. Methods of working with short faces (room-and-pillar). The characteristic feature of the continuous mining is the absence of any development openings made in advance of production faces. The basic principle of room-and-pillar method (Fig. 7) is that rooms from 4 to 12 metres wide (usually 6-7) are driven from the entries, each room is separated from each other by a rib pillar.

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