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Уровень II. Тексты для юристов


Текст 2. LAW


Текст 4. . WHAT IS LAW?

Текст 1. The aims of legal education

Legal education generally has a number of theoretical and practical aims, not all of which are pursued simultaneously. The emphasis placed on various objectives differs form period to period, place to place, and even from one teacher to another. One aim is to make the student familiar with legal concepts and institutions and with characteristic modes of reasoning. All lawyers must become acquainted too with the processes of making law, settling disputes, and regulating the legal profession. They must study the structure of government and the organization of courts of law, including the system of appeals and other adjudicating bodies.

Another aim of legal education is the teaching of law in its social, economic, political, and scientific contexts. While law schools have never ignored the social context of their subject, Anglo-American legal education has always been less interdisciplinary than that of continental Europe. With the development of a more or less scientific approach to social studies in the 20th century, however, this is changing. Some law schools appoint economists, psychologists, or sociologists to their staffs, while others require or permit their students to take courses outside the law school as part of their word toward a degree.

The graduating law student is not expected to have studied the whole body of substantive law. He is, however, expected to be familiar with the general principles of the main branches of law.

The chief materials are the same everywhere: codes (where these exist), reports of court decisions, legislation, government and other public reports, institutional books (in civil - law countries), textbooks, and articles in learned periodicals. The aim is not so much that the student should remember «the law» as that he should understand basic concepts and methods and become sufficiently familiar with a law library to carry out the necessary research on any legal problem that may come his way.

Активная лексика: legal education, to pursue, aim, mode, law, lawyer, structure, government, science, scientific, approach, social studies, staff, degree, code, to exist, legislation, civil law, research, to differ.

Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

юридическое образование, практическая цель, преследовать цель, ознакомить студента с..., процесс создания закона, улаживание споров, структура правительства, организация судов, закон в его социальном и научном контексте, научный подход, принять в штат, заниматься вне учебного заведения, общие принципы, основные ветви права, решения суда, осуществлять необходимые исследования, юридические проблемы.

Ответьте па вопросы по тексту:

  1. What are two aims of legal education given in the text?

  2. What must all lawyers become acquainted with?

  3. They must know the structure of the government, mustn't they?

  4. What can you say about social context in Anglo-American and European legal education?

  5. What changes in legal education took place in the 20-th century?

  6. Why do some law schools permit their students to take course outside the school?

  7. What is the graduation law student expected to know?

  8. What are the chief materials?

  9. Should the student remember "the law"?

  10. What should he understand after graduating a law school?