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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

scientist [`saiəntist], european [,jʊərə`piən], academician [ə,kæ də`miʃn], available [ə`veiləbl], specialty [`spɛʃəlti], specialization [,speʃəlai`zeiʃ(ə)n].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

to be founded бути заснованим

dean декан

resortology курортологія

vivarium віварій

to master оволодівати

to enroll зараховувати

decree указ, рішення

independent незалежний

prominent видатний

thanks to the efforts завдяки зусиллям

Exercise 3. Translate the following words without dictionary:

surgeon, surgical, surgery, physics, physical, physicist, scientist, science, scientific, education, educational, academy, academician, academic, institution, institute, institutional, medical, medicine, medic, student, studies, special, specialty, specialist, specialization, practical, practice, practitioner.

Exercise 4. Form the degrees of comparison:

Big, high, great, quick, little, bad, narrow, large, old, new, busy, dangerous, beautiful, attractive, warm, nice, low, far, important, modern.

Exercise 5: Translate into English:

1. Студент Петренко вчиться краще за всіх у нашій групі.

2. Ця наукова робота більш видатна, ніж інша.

3. Ці ліки таки ж міцні, як і ті, що знаходяться у коробці.

4. Цей підручник не такий цікавий, як той.

5. Цей пацієнт почувається гірше ніж учора.

6. Ти не такий розумний, як твій батько.

7. Мій звіт не такий довгий, як твій.

8. Ганна краща студентка ніж Олена.

Exercise 6: Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative):

  1. This patient will be operated (early) than that one.

  2. The longer the treatment lasted the (well) the patient felt.

  3. This is the (interesting) ….. book I have ever read.

  4. Non-smokers usually live (long) ….. than smokers.

  5. Which is the (dangerous) ….. animal in the world?

  6. A holiday by the sea is (good) ….. than a holiday in the mountains.

  7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ….. than a beer.

  8. Who is the (rich) ….. woman on earth?

  9. The weather this summer is even (bad) ….. than it was last summer.

  10. He was the (talented) ….. surgeon of all in the hospital.

Exercise 7: Open the brackets and use adjectives in the correct form.

1. I was very ill last week, but I feel slightly....... (good) now. 2. I can't hear you. Could you speak a little ...... (loud) please?    3. Steven is ..... (tall) boy in the basketball team. 4. This computer is very old. I need something ..... (modern).    5. The new library is far ..... (close) to my house than the old one. 6. Oranges have … (big) quantity of vitamin C than other fruits and vegetables.

7. November is … (warm) than December.

8. Petrov’s analyses are (good) than Ivanov’s ones.

Exercise 8. Find the words with the following meanings:

  • the physics of biological processes and the application of methods used in physics to biology;

  • a place where live animals are kept under natural conditions for study, research, etc.;

  • the process of bringing a person, etc., to an agreed standard of proficiency, etc., by practice and instruction;

  • the position of being an intern or the period during which a person is an intern;

  • the treatment of physical disabilities by massage, electrotherapy, or exercises.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text.


Odessa State Medical University was founded in 1900 (September, 1st) as the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky (now Odessa) University thanks to the efforts of the great surgeon N.I.Pirogov. Rector of Novorossiysky University was F. N. Shvedov, professor of physics at that time. The first dean of the Medical Fac­ulty became the prominent scientist V. V. Podvysotsky who was the real creator of the Medical Faculty. At that time only 125 stu­dents studied at the Medical Faculty.

In 1920 the Medical Academy was organized in Odessa on the basis of the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University and became an independ­ent higher education institution. D. K. Zabolotny, the great epi­demiologist, became the first rector of it. In the 1921 the Medical Academy was reformed into the Medical Insti­tute. Status of the University was given to the Institute by the decree given the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 29, 1994.

The university enrolls over 4500 students, including 1500 foreign students from 57 countries of the world. The training of students is given both in Russian and in English. The studies are carried out by 800 teachers, 18 academicians, 105 professors and doctors of Medical Science, 407 docents and candidates of medical science. During the course students master all modern medical technologies which are available today in the world.

There are five faculties (medical, stomatological, pediatric, pharmaceutical, faculty of advanced medical studies), 55 departments, 38 specializations and advance training in 20 specialties at the university.

Post-diploma specialization is carried out in internship and in magistracy.

The university has 18 blocks with general area of 20,000 sq.m., 20 well equipped hospitals and clinics, 6 hostels, a library with total stock of 1 million books, publishing-printing complex, scientific medical computer center, sport complex, modern recreation centers on the coast of the Black Sea.

Central scientific - research laboratory, Institute of Clinical Biophysics, Health Family Center, Vivarium, Scientific - research Institute of eye diseases and tissue therapy, institute of Health Resortology and Medical Rehabilitation, Stomatology, Virusology are the clinical bases and bases of practical training.

Odessa State Medical University is one of the biggest higher medical universities, a member of European and International Association of Universities, the leader of reformation of medical education in the country.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University founded?

  2. Who was the first rector of the Medical Academy?

  3. Who was the first dean of the Medical faculty?

  4. How many students studied at the Medical Faculty at that time?

  5. When was status of the University given to the Institute?

  6. How many faculties are there at the Medical University now?

  7. Where is post-diploma specialization carried out?

  8. What languages is the training of students given in?

  9. What are the clinical bases and bases of practical training?

  10. What specialists does OSMU train?

Exercise 11. Translate the following word combinations from Ukrainian into English:

творець медичного факультету, видатний вчений, перший декан, незалежний. вищий навчальний заклад, доктор медичних наук, дослідна лабораторія, захворювання ока, тканинна терапія, доступні сучасні медичні технології, реформація медичної освіти.

Exercise 12. Continue the statements:

1. OSMU is a member of …

2. In 1921 the Medical Academy was reformed into …

3. The university enrolls over …

4. During the course students master …

5. D. K. Zabolotny was the great …

6. OSMU is the leader of reformation of …

7. N. I. Pirogov was the great …

8. The university has a library with …

9. F. N. Shvedov was …

10.Post-diploma specialization is carried out in …

Exercise 13. Explain the medical words:

E.g. Cardiology is the study of the heart.

Cardiologist is a specialist in heart diseases.

Neurology, gynecology, urologist, hepatology, gastroenterology, oncologist, ophthalmology, dermatologist, stomatology, radiologist, histology, microbiology, neurosurgery, radiobiology.

Exercise 14. Read the definitions of the medical professions and fill in the gaps with the word from the box:

(Psychiatry, science, internal, specialist, care, specializes, diseases, medical, physician, women)

  1. Surgeon is a medical ________ performing operations.

  2. Pediatrician is a specialist in ________ of children.

  3. Internist is a doctor who _______ in the diseases of the _____ organs.

  4. Physician is a licensed _______ doctor.

  5. Nurse is the one who is trained to ________ for the sick.

  6. Obstetrician is a ________ who specializes in pregnant __________.

  7. Psychiatrist is the one who specializes in _________.

  8. Dentist is the one who specializes in the _______ of dentistry.

Exercise 15. Put questions to the underlined words:

    1. At that time only 125 stu­dents studied at the Medical Faculty.

    2. The first dean of the Medical Fac­ulty became the prominent scientist V. V. Podvysotsky .

    3. In 1921 Medical Academy became Odessa Medical Insti­tute.

    4. The university has 18 blocks .

    5. There are six departments and 58 subdepartments at the university.

Exercise 16. Explain the words and word combinations in English:

Dean, department, subdepartment, rector, epi­demiologist