- •Передмова
- •I. Listen , read and learn:
- •II. Read, translate and learn the following words and expressions:
- •III. Read and translate the following words and expressions:
- •IV. Read and remember suffixes of:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Translate these expressions and make up a story about yourself:
- •III. Give English equivalents:
- •I. Answer these questions:
- •II. Find the following expressions in the text and translate them:
- •III. Choose from a and в and made up your own sentences:
- •IV. Give English equivalents:
- •V. Read this story . Give the title to this text:
- •VI. Write the correct word in the blanks:
- •Grammar exercises
- •I. Make up sentences using the word order of English sentences:
- •II. Make up interrogative sentences:
- •III. Write the article a(an), the if necessary in the blanks:
- •IV. Using 'this' or 'these' make up questions:
- •V. Write the correct form of possessive pronouns my, your, his, her, its, their , our :
- •VI. Change the possessive pronouns to the absolute form mine, yours, his, hers, ours,
- •VII. Use the correct form of reflexive pronouns:
- •VIII. Complete the dialogue using the following pronouns:
- •I. Read, translate and remember the following words and expressions:
- •II. Pay attention to the use of geographical names:
- •III. Read Text a and prove that the following is true:
- •IV. Remind the meaning of these words:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the questions:
- •II. Find the sentences in Text a which have about the same meaning as the ones given below.
- •III. Complete the following sentences using the words given below:
- •Exercises
- •I. Make up sentences using the following tables, translate them:
- •Grammar exercises
- •I. Write the plural of the following nouns:
- •II. A) Pay attention to the following nouns which are used only in singular. Make up your
- •III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the noun:
- •IV. Make up word combinations using the words in brackets as attributes:
- •V. What is the difference between the following word combinations. Translate them:
- •V. Translate into English:
- •VII. A) Write positive or negative sentences using the verb "to be":
- •VIII. Use the verb " to be " in the necessary tense form:
- •IX. Pay attention to the translation of the verb "to be" in the following sentences:
- •X. A) Use “there is / are” construction in the necessary tense form:
- •XI. A) Put the verb "to have " in the correct form. Make the sentences negative and
- •Interrogative where necessary :
- •Interrogative forms it takes the auxiliary verb "to do ".
- •XII. Pay attention to the translation of the verb "to have" in the following sentences:
- •I. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:
- •II. Make up sentences:
- •III. Read and translate:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Find in Text a the words which correspond to the following vocabulary definitions and
- •III. Choose the pairs of:
- •IV. Complete the following sentences:
- •V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
- •VI. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •II. Ask questions:
- •III. Ask and answer:
- •IV. Complete the disjunctive questions and translate them:
- •V. Translate into: a) Ukrainian and b) English paying attention to the degrees of
- •VI. Open the brackets minding degrees of comparison:
- •VII. Read and translate:
- •VIII. Explain the meaning of the following proverbs. Give Ukrainian equivalents:
- •IX. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to impersonal sentences:
- •Exercises
- •V. Read and dramatize the dialogue:
- •VI. Choose the right variant:
- •VII. Suppose you are a guide. Speak about the most interesting places of London.
- •I. Read the geographical names and pay attention to the use of the definite article
- •2. Read and try to understand without a dictionary:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the questions on Text a:
- •II. Find the English equivalents in the text:
- •II. Use the verbs in brackets in past Indefinite or Past Single Tense. Translate the sentences
- •Into Ukrainian:
- •III. Use the verbs in brackets in Future Simple tense and translate the sentences into
- •IV. Write the sentences from these words. Mind the use of Indefinite Tenses:
- •V. Translate into Ukrainian. All the sentences are passive:
- •VI. Write the sentences from the words in brackets. Sentences 1-5 are present, 6-10
- •VII. Translate into English:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the questions:
- •II. Is it true or false ?
- •III. Read and try to understand without a dictionary:
- •I. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:
- •II. Make up sentences:
- •Exercises
- •I. Study the text carefully. Act as a guide of the group of tourists visiting
- •II. Answer the following questions:
- •III. Give English equivalents:
- •IV. Complete the following sentences:
- •V. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •IV. Speak of Odessa according to the plan:
- •Grammar exercises
- •I. Read the dialogue paying attention to the use of Present, Past and Future Continuous
- •II. Put the verb into the correct form:
- •III. Write sentences saying :
- •IV. Put the verb into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Indefinite:
- •V. Translate into English:
- •VI. Make the following sentences passive:
- •VII. Make up sentences using the table:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following :
- •III. Illustrative dialogues. Memorise these dialogues. Practise them in pairs. Make up
- •IV. Retell these funny stories:
- •I. Study the new words:
- •II. Form the adjectives from the following words:
- •III. Answer the questions:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the questions on Text a:
- •II. Find the English equivalents in the text:
- •II. Read the situation and write sentences from the words in brackets. Use Past Perfect:
- •III. Answer the questions using the given words:
- •IV. A) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the tense form of the
- •V. Choose the correct form of the verbs (Past Simple or Past Perfect). Translate into
- •VI. Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice:
- •VII. Translate into English:
- •I. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:
- •II. Read and translate:
- •III. Select the right vocabulary definitions to the following words:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Complete the following sentences translating the words in the brackets into English:
- •III. Translate the words, characterizing climate, memorize them and say what climate is
- •IV. Before reading Text b find the answers to the following questions:
- •V. Read, translate and title:
- •VI. Read and say what you should do to protect yourself during a thunderstorm:
- •IV. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative: not forget to use "do", "did",
- •V. Change the following sentences into Past and Future:
- •VI. Translate into English paying attention to the modals and their equivalents:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer these questions:
- •II. Read the dialogues and reproduce them in pairs:
- •III. Translate the following examples of weather forecasts into Ukrainian:
- •IV. Describe what the weather is typically like in our city (town):
- •V. Read the idioms or proverbs below and try to work out what they mean. Do you have
- •I. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:
- •II. Read and translate:
- •III. Select the right vocabulary definitions to the following words: air, Earth, water, sea,
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Translate the following sentences , paying attention to:
- •III. Complete the following sentences translating the words in brackets into English:
- •IV. Read, translate and title:
- •V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in the brackets. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •VI. Before reading Text в find the answers to the following questions:
- •VII. Translate without the dictionary and answer the question “Why is the hydrology
- •VIII. Translate into Ukrainian without a dictionary:
- •Grammar exercises
- •I. Translate the following sentences , paying attention to the predicate in the Passive Voice:
- •II. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the different meanings of the preposition
- •III. Rewrite the sentences changing where it is possible Active Voice into Passive Voice:
- •IV. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in the Active or Passive Voice:
- •V. Translate into English:
- •VI. What Ukrainian sentences corresponds to English ?
- •VII. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the composite conjunctions:
- •VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the composite prepositions:
- •Exercises
- •I. Find in Text с the sentences about:
- •II. Translate the following sentences , paying attention to the:
- •III. Fill in the blanks and translate the following sentences :
- •IV. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:
- •V. Speak about the hydrologic cycle using the following words and word-combinations:
- •I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations.
- •II. Read and translate:
- •III. Find some derivatives from the following verbs and translate them:
- •Exercises
- •V. Give titles to every passage of text a.
- •VI. Retell the text according to the plan:
- •Assignments
- •II. Put the Infinitives in brackets into the right Tense according to the rules of the Sequense
- •III. Cору, underline the predicates and translate the sentences:
- •Exercises
- •I. Find the answers to the following questions:
- •II. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations ( consult Text с ):
- •III. Choose the correct variant:
- •I. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Memorize them:
- •II. Read, translate and learn the following word combinations:
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Give English equivalents:
- •III. Give title to every passage of text a.
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Give English equivalents:
- •III. Give titles to every passage of Text b.
- •Exercises
- •I. Answer the following questions:
- •II. Give English equivalents:
- •III. Give titles to every passage of Text c. Lexico - Grammatical Exercises
- •I. Choose the best word to complete the sentences:
- •II. Eight verbs are missing from these lists. What are they? Put the verbs in the correct tense
- •Infinitive Past Indefinite Past Participle
- •III. A. Complete the sentences below. Choose a word or phrase from each column to put in the spaces:
- •Grammar Exercises
- •I. Decide if the speaker is talking about routine activities or activities going on at the moment
- •II. Decide whether the verbs refer to general activities or current projects. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:
- •III. In the following exercise, decide whether these situations are permanent or temporary. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.
- •IV. A. Irregular verbs. Write in the missing form of each of the irregular verbs below. Each verb can be used with the expressions on the right:
- •Indefinite Past Indefinite Expressions
- •V. Complete the following passage by putting the verb into the Past Indefinite:
- •VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:
- •VII. Rewrite these sentences, using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:
- •VIII. In the dialogue, put the verbs into the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect:
- •IX. Read the following letter. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous:
- •XI. Make the following sentences past:
- •XII. Present, Past, Present Perfect: check. Write the verbs in the correct tense:
- •XIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Indefinite or the Present Indefinite:
- •XV. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future, using the Future Indefinite or
- •XVI. Look through the notes about the building of a new factory. Say what will be happening
- •XVII. Look at the information. Then put the verb into the right tense:
- •XVIII. Look at the results of an opinion poll asking voters which party they will support at
- •XX. The Future: check. Write the following sentences in the correct form (Present
- •XXI. A person who works in the Personnel Department is explaining how they select
- •XXII. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive. The subject of the active sentence can usually
- •XXIII. Rewrite these sentences using the Causative, changing some words if necessary:
- •XXIV. Indirect Speech. Use reporting verbs like replied, answered, stated, commented,
- •XXV. A. Read this account of a telephone call. Write the questions the customer asked.
- •Indirect questions and put them in the correct places in the conversation:
I. Answer the following questions:
Where were mechanical calculating machines invented ?
What happened to Wilhelm Schikard's records ?
Who drafted the second mechanical calculator ?
When was the first commercially available calculator produced ?
In what way did the introduction of punched cards influence computer
development ?
What method was the work of the Difference Engine based on?
What elements introduced by Charles Babbage have become the basic parts of the modern digital computer?
How did Herman Hollerith's invention influence the work on the returns of the 1880 census?
What work became the basis of what is now known as Boolean algebra?
What company was founded by Herman Hollerith in 1880?
Why did punched cards become obsolete?
What was the principle advantage of Leibnitz' machine over Pascal's one?
Why was the Analytical Engine never completed?
In what way were the data represented in Hollerith's machine?
What did Josephe-Marie Jacquad of France devise?
II. Give English equivalents:
Більш досконалий; зберігати іформацію; складати основну частину; брак коштів; результати перепису; попередник; транзисторний ланцюг; обчислювати квадратний корінь; виконувати логічну операцію, розглядати логіку як математичну теорію; робити щось застарілим; загальна кількість населення; здебільшого; зубчасте колесо; метод скінченних різниць; послідовний контроль керування.
III. Give title to every passage of text a.
Text B Intel Corporation
American manufacturer of semiconductor computer circuits. Besides microprocessors, the company makes microcontrollers (single-chip computers), memory chips, computer modules and boards, network and conferencing products, and parallel supercomputers. Its headquarters are in Santa Clara, Calif.
The company was founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, who has invented the integrated circuit while working at Fairfield Semiconductor. They formed their own company, N M Electronics, in order to manufacture large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits. The two men were soon joined by Andrew Grove, who remained the company's head into the mid-1990s. The new company soon changed its name to Intel (from "integrated electronics").
The large-scale integrated circuits that Intel began making late in 1968 were semiconductor memories, which were then 10 times more expensive than magnetic core memories (the industry standard at the time). The company achieved its first breakthrough in 1970 with the 1103, a 1-kilobyte dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) that was the first chip with the capacity to store a significant amount of information. In 1971 Intel introduced the 4004, a chip containing 2,300 transistors that was the world's first microprocessor. (A microprocessor is a chip that contains all the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry necessary to perform as the central processing unit of a computer.) With these products, Intel's semiconductor chips began to replace magnetic cores as the memories of computers.
Intel's 8080 (introduced 1974) was an 8-bit processor i.e., it processed information in groups of 8 bits (binary digits) at a time. The world's first general-purpose microprocessor, the 8080 provided some of the first microprocessors used in cash registers, automatic teller machines, and a wide range of consumer products. IBM chose to use Intel's 8080 microprocessor (introduced 1978) in its first personal computer (the IBM PC), and because IBM's personal computer design was widely accepted, the 8088 and subsequent Intel microprocessors became a standard for all PC-type machines. In the following years Intel produced a series of faster, more powerful microprocessors, notably the 16-bit 80286 (introduced 1982), the 32-bit 80386 (introduced 1985), the 80486 (introduced 1989), and the Pentium processor (introduced 1993), which contained about 3,2 million transistors and could execute more than 100 million instructions per second. Intel dominated the market for microprocessors and was the largest maker of semiconductor circuits in the world.