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Chemical Tankers / Day 4 / Day 4 Topic 7 Cargo Samples

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Storage and disposal of samples

All samples that remain onboard are to be properly stored in the sample locker. A list of all samples stored, the method of disposal of all samples (including a record of receipts when these are disposed of ashore) is to be maintained by the Chief Officer. The storage space should be made of materials fully resistant to the different chemicals intended to be stowed, be divided into compartments, secured if required in order to avoid shifting of the bottles at sea.

Storage and disposal of samples

Samples that may react with each other dangerously are not to

be stowed close to each other. Incompatible cargo samples to be stowed separately following a cargo compatibility chart as per 46CFR. Adequate ventilation (not necessarily mechanical) is to be provided at the storage space.

Storage and disposal of samples

Note: It is prohibited to store Chemical / Oil samples (even for

brief periods) in rooms or lockers not intended for this


Storage and disposal of samples

The Chief Officer is to maintain a record of all samples with the date, grade, source and disposal date / method.

In general samples can be disposed off three (3) months after discharge of the cargo, unless there:

Is a cargo claim, or

There are special instructions from Charterers.

Storage and disposal of samples


Propylene Oxide (PO Mixtures) and Acrylic Acid samples, due to their hazardous nature, must not be stored onboard.

Storage and disposal of samples

The Chief Officer has to authorise any cargo sample disposal. Cargo

samples may be disposed of in the following manner.

Delivered to a shore reception facility and a certificate of receipt issued.

Added to either:

Tank cleaning waters of a similar grade having the same pollution category and chemical compatibility (MARPOL Annex 2 cargo) or Slops (MARPOL Annex 1)

Storage and disposal of samples

As soon as the cargo sample is disposed off, the log book

should be up-dated with the required information (Form CHEM 06).

End of Topic