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Англ(2курс, 2 семестр)

7.8 Mб

Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board. When the “Fasten Seat Belts” and “Put your seat in the upright position” signs go on, do it promptly. You may hear “We are now cruising” (=flying comfortably) at an altitude of 10,000 metres.

The plane taxis (=moves slowly) towards the runway, and when it has permission to take off, it accelerates along the runway and takes off.

Some of the formalities are repeated when you arrive at your destination. When the plane lands, you have to wait for it to stop. Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane. Then you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage/luggage reclaim to collect your baggage/luggage.

There is another inconvenience you have to be prepared for when travelling long distances by plane. It’s the jet-lag– a difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won’t be feeling very well because of it, but don’t worry – it won’t take you long to get used to it.

Comprehension Check

36. Answer the questions.

1.Why do people go on business mostly by air?

2.When are passengers requested to arrive at the airport?

3.What are the necessary airport formalities?

4.Where do passengers register their tickets?

5.What should a Customs officer prevent?

6.What is each person given to be shown at the departure gate?

7.Where can passengers put their hand luggage?

8.When is your carry-luggage inspected?

9.Where can you collect your luggage?

37.Complete the sentences.

A. Complete the sentences using information from the text ‘Travelling by plane’.

1.Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport________________.

2.Passengers must register__________________.

3.A claim-check for each piece of luggage_____________.

4.Each passenger of more than two years of age_______________.

5.Each passenger is given__________________.

6.At the departure lounge you can________________.

7.In most countries there is also__________________.

8.When you board the plane,_________________.

9.If you have hand luggage___________________.

10.When the plane lands,_______________.

11.The jet-lag is _________________.

B.Complete the following sentences using topical vocabulary.

1.Your luggage is overweight, you’ll have to…


2.The announcer has called our flight, let’s…

3.Flight 242 to Odessa is put back, because…

4.The airport doesn’t take planes, because…

5.Fasten your belts, the plane…

6.Passengers must have their luggage…

7.No, you won’t have to pay extra, your luggage…

8.The flight was…

9.We are flying at…

10.If you ears are aching, you’d better…

11.Modern airplanes fly…

12.I fasten my belt when…

13.Travelling by air saves us…

14.When the plane rolled up to a stop, the passengers…

15.I felt airsick because…

16.We have enjoyed the flight as…

17.Watching through the big window that overlooked the airfield he saw…

Vocabulary Focus

38.Explain in English the meaning of the following words and wordcombinations.

Excess luggage; boarding pass; departure gate; smuggling; check-in counter; claim-check; security check; anti-hijacking; luggage reclaim; destination; duty free.

39.Translate into Ukrainian.

To go on business; hints; arrival; departure; on international flights; on domestic

flights; to complete the airport formalities; to register tickets; to weigh in luggage; business class; economy class; free luggage allowance; limit; excess luggage; articles; free of charge; boarding pass; departure gate; sign flashes; on board; to obey; personal effects; landing formalities; customs regulations; personal belongings; to declare; customs inspector; inspection; to go through the Customs; to prevent smuggling; to fill in declaration; check-in counter; label; claim-check; to insert; to pay extra; in block letters; purpose of the trip; security check; anti-hijacking measure; jet-lag; overhead locker; baggage/luggage reclaim; to hire/rent; cruising; to taxi; upright position.

40. How do we call …

1.The place where you go when you arrive at the airport?

2.The card they give you with the place number on it?

3.The money you have to pay when your luggage is very heavy?

4.The place where you wait for your flight to be called?

5.The bags you carry onto the plane with you?

6.The place above your head where you can put your hand luggage?

7.The people who look after you on the plane?

8.The place where you collect your luggage after you land?


9. The movement of the plane along the runway?

10 .The measures which are used to avoid terrorism?

41. Choose the correct answer.

1.The plane circled over the airport until the ………… was clear. a) highway b) landing c) runway d) terminal

2. If you carry too much luggage, the airline will charge an ........... baggage fee.

a) additional

b) excess


c) extra

d) over

3. When you get to the airport, your luggage will have to be ………….

a) balanced

b) estimated

c) sealed


d) weighed

4. Much stricter…………..

must now be taken at all airports against hijacking.

a) alarms

b) precautions


c) protections

d) warnings

5.The air hostess told the passengers to ……………… their seat belts.

a) attach

b) fasten

c) fix

d) tie



6.The plane was ……………… towards the runway when the fire started.

a) heading


b) landing


c) sailing

d) soaring

7. I'm afraid your luggage is ten kilos ……………..; you will have to pay extra.

a) above

b) excess

c) heavy

d) overweight

8. Nobody ……………… that aeroplane crash.

a) died

b) lived

c) recovered

d) survived

9. Our …………….. was delayed owing to bad weather conditions. a) airline b) airway c) flight d) runway

10. If you want a cheap air ticket you must ………………. well in advance. a) book b) buy c) engage d) reserve

11. He couldn't ……………………. his fear of flying. a) overcome b) succeed c) triumph d) win

12. It was a great …………………… to go up in a helicopter for the first time. a) incident b) rise c) suspense d) thrill

42. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word or word-combination from the box below, make any necessary changes if needed.

airline terminal


luggage check-in porter to collect to arrive


to land

to take off


passport control

1.Most big airports have several different buildings called…

2.Passengers leave from Departures and arrive at…

3.Two general words for bags and suitcases are… and…

4.When you arrive at the airport, you go to … to get your boarding pass.

5.Before you get on the plane you have to show identification at … and go through security.

6.After you have arrived you go to baggage … reclaim to your luggage.

7.When you go through … , you may be asked,‘Do you have anything to declare?’

8.A person whose job is to carry your bags for you is called a…

9.Ryanair and Easyjet were two of the first low-cost…

10.You can usually ask for a window or aisle…

11.When a plane is going up into the sky it is…


12. When a plane is coming down from the air it is…

43. Translate into English.

1.У день від'їзду ми поїхали до аеропорту. Там ми зареєстрували квитки і багаж та пішли в буфет випити чашку кави.

2.По гучномовцю оголосили, що рейс 234 затримується на дві години.

3.Ви не чули, вже оголосили про посадку на літак?

4.У трапа пасажирів зустрічала стюардеса.

5.За кілька хвилин літак вирулив на злітну смугу.

6.Над кабіною пілота засвітився надпис: "Не палити!".

7.Стюардеса повідомила, на якій висоті і з якою швидкістю летить літак.

8.Пасажири сиділи у своїх кріслах, переглядали газети, розмовляли. Багато хто дивився в ілюмінатор.

9.Коли літак пішов на зниження, знову спалахнули надписи: "Не палити!",

"Пристібніть ремені безпеки!"

10.Стюардеса, принесіть, будь ласка, води, мені недобре.

11.Обід буде поданий через 20 хвилин, коли літак злетить.

12.Оголошено наш рейс, і пасажирів просять пройти на посадку.

13.Можна я сяду біля ілюмінатора?

14.Відкрийте, будь ласка, свої валізи. Усе в порядку. Ви можете йти, паспортний контроль прямо.

15.Так, я маю цінні речі, але я зазначила їх у декларації.

16.Я повинна піти до камери схову, щоб забрати свої речі.

17.Я маю підготуватися до тривалої подорожі і приїхати до аеропорту за 2 години до свого рейсу.

18.Я мала стояти в довгій черзі, перш ніж змогла зареєструвати свій квиток.

44. At the Customs

A) You are going to be a traveler going through the customs. Read the dialogue ‘At the Customs’. What are the routine questions a traveler is likely to be asked by the customs officer? What are the typical answers?

A:Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please?

B:Sure. Here it is.

A:Where are you coming from?

B:I’m coming from Seoul, Korea.

A:What is the purpose of your visit?

B:I’m here on business/visiting relatives/ as an exchange student/ as a tourist.

A:How long are you planning to stay?

B:I’ll be staying for three weeks/ for 1 month/ until tomorrow/ until next Tuesday.

A:Where will you be staying?

B:I’ll be staying at a hotel/ at my relatives’ house/ at a dormitory.

A:Have you ever been to Canada before?

B:No, this is my first time.

A:Do you have anything to declare?


B: No, nothing.

A:Enjoy your stay.

B:Thank you.

B) Look through the questions and answers which can be heard at the customs. Decide which of them are sure to be used by the customs officer/ traveler.

Where do I go through the customs?

Де провадиться митний огляд?

Will our luggage be examined?

Чи будуть оглядати наш багаж?

Are cigarettes in the free list?

За сигарети не треба сплачувати мито?

What things have no duty on them (are

Які речі провозяться безмитно?



I have nothing more to declare.

У мене більше нема нічого, про що я


повинен був заявити.

What duty do I have to pay?

Яке мито я повинен заплатити?

I have an import license.

У мене ліцензія на ввіз.

Do you have anything to declare?

Чи є у вас що-небудь оподатковуване



Give (the) particulars of what you have.

Дайте докладні відомості про свої речі.

Have you got any foreign currency?

Чи є у вас іноземна валюта?

I'll have to make you pay duty on this.

Вам доведеться платити мито за це.

This is not allowed to be taken into the

Це не підлягає ввезенню в країну.



These articles are prohibited.

Ввіз/вивіз/ цих товарів заборонено.

Have you stated the value of your articles?

Ви заявили про вартість ваших речей?

May I trouble you to put this on the scales?

Потрудіться, будь ласка, покладіть це


на ваги.

You may pay the duty right on the stop.

Ви можете сплатити мито на місці.

C) Compose a dialogue ‘At the Custom House’ with your partner. Present it in the class.

Student A - a customs officer. Make use of the questions and phrases in points A-B above. You also fill in the customs table:



Purpose of



Anything to




Length of Stay

of Stay

Declare (Y/N)







Student B - a traveler. Make use of the phrases and answers in points A-B above, as well as the prompts below:

a)You are a German tourist. You have just come to Ukraine from Brazil. You want to stay for 3 weeks. You are just sightseeing. You are staying at a hotel ‘Lybid’.

b)You are an exchange student from Australia. You will be studying at a Ukrainian language school. You will be staying for 6 months in a dormitory.

c)You are visiting your uncle who lives in Romania. You will be staying for the summer vacation (2 months at your uncle’s house.


45. Translate into English.

1.Добрий день. Я б хотів зарезервувати два авіаквитки в один кінець з Харкова до Києва.

2.- Так, звичайно. Перший клас чи клас економ?

-Економ, будь ласка.

3.- Чи будуть пересадки?

-Ні, це прямий рейс. Ви повинні бути в аеропорту за 45 хвилин до вильоту.

4.Наш літак летить на висоті 8000 метрів.

5.Ви не чули – вже оголосили посадку на Сімферополь?

6.Виліт літака затримався через погану погоду.

7.Ми вилетіли з Києва й приземлились в Одесі точно за розкладом.

8.Яке мито я повинний заплатити? - Ви зазначили цінність ваших речей?

9.Чи не відкриєте Ви свою валізу? Дайте докладний звіт про свої речі. Чи є у Вас іноземна валюта? Дуже шкодую, але вам доведеться платити мито за це.

10.Це не підлягає ввезенню до країни. - Але в мене є ліцензія на ввезення.

11.- Чи можу я вважати свій багаж перевіреним?

46.Listen to the story “A Night Flight”. Do the following tasks working in pairs.

a)Pre-listening task. Answer the following questions:

1.From the title guess what the text can be about.

2.What troubles can appear on the plane?

3.In what cases is the plane on automatic pilot?

4.What are the responsibilities of the hostess?

b)Listen to the information and answer the questions:

1.When did the incident happen?

2.What was the destination place?

3.What were the passengers doing? What happened to the passengers? Describe the symptoms.

4.Why did not the hostess want to make an announcement to find a pilot?

5.How did they find a pilot?

6.Why did the plane have to circle?

7.How did the plane land?

c)Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Говорить капітан Кук. Попереду на нас чекає довга подорож.

2.Це був звичайний рейс, і як завжди, стюардеси розносили вечерю.

3.Це був важкий випадок харчового отруєння, яке було спричинене рибною стравою.

4.Я керував одномоторним літаком, а цей – чотиримоторний.

5.Потрібно зробити оголошення, щоб знайти пілота.

6.Радіооператор з’єднав пілота з диспетчером.

7.Годиною пізніше на горизонті з’явилися вогні міста.


8.На борту поширилася загальна паніка.

9.Близько півгодини літак мав кружляти над аеродромом для того, щоб у баку не залишилося пального.

10.Пожежні машини та швидка допомога на повній швидкості наближалися до літака.

d) Listen to the text again. Take notes on the provided key points.

1.Emotions and feelings of the passengers.

2.Description of the flight (including the technical description).

3.The professions of people.

47. Video Club.

A. 1) You will watch an episode about a historic flight. Before you watch answer the following questions.

What do you know about the first planes and first flights?

Do you agree that with the invention of planes the old human’s dream to fly like a bird has come true?

2)Watch a piece of news from the BBC World Service. Before watching make sure you know the meaning of the words and word-combinations in the box.

pioneer; monoplane; to chase; to set a world record; to earn fame; to go into mass production

3)Watch again and answer the questions.

1.When and where did the first international airflight over water take place?

2.Who was the first man to cross the Channel by plane?

3.What was the prize?

4.How long did the flight last?

5.What was the end of this historic flight?

6.What was the reaction of the people at Dover cliff?

7.Did the pilot become famous?

8.Did this flight further the production of planes?

4)Discuss the following.

Have the planes changed since that historic flight?

36-minute flight became a historic one 100 years ago. What must be done to make history today?

B. 1) You will watch a film about an unusual holiday plane. Before you watch answer the following questions.

What is your idea of a perfect travel? What plane are you dreaming about?

What hotel is the best for you?

What is luxurious vacation, in your opinion?

2) Watch a piece of news from the BBC World Service. Note the following information to complete the chart.

Country Subject matter


Interesting details

3)Watch again and decide if the statements 1 – 6 are true or false.

1.Erich Honocker’s plane is back in the air.

2.The 4-engine IL-plane is turned into a luxury hotel.

3.With this plane one can take great vacation in any remote village.

4.It’s the best offer for those looking for something special.

5.The most luxurious part is the cockpit.

6.The cockpit returns you into the times of Erich Honocker.

4)Discuss the following issues.

Do you think this hotel will be profitable? Would you like to spend your vacation there? Why/ Why not?

If the owners made it fly, would it become less popular?

Why is the cockpit left untouched, to your mind?


48. Read the text, study the vocabulary to use it in further exercises. Travelling by Sea

For me there is no travel so fine as by sea. There are many things that make travel by sea a fascinating thing for me. Though I am not much of a sailor, I love the sight of a ship with its many decks, cabins and state-rooms. It looks like a huge white floating city. It is delightful to be out at sea, too, and promenade the deck or sit in a deck-chair and take the sun.

But what can be compared with the excitement you experience when you sight land! The narrow strip of land on the horizon seems slowly coming towards you.

Gradually the outlines of the shore become more distinct, and on coming nearer you get a full view of the city, the harbour, and of the big ships coming in from and leaving for distant lands.

I shall never forget my first trip on board the “Victory” from Odessa to Sochi. The season was at its height then and the passenger traffic on the Odessa—Batumi line was heavy, so we, that is, Ann and I, had to reserve berths at the agency beforehand. After some three or four days of feverish preparations and expectations we were ready to start.

The ship was to sail at 2.00 p.m. on a certain Saturday early in July. On the morning of that distinguished day I felt very excited at the thought that in a few hours I shall go away. A little after noon we reached the pier and there, for the first time in my life, I beheld a real ship. What a beauty she was!

The pier was crowded with cars, trucks loaded with luggage, passengers arriving and hurrying on board and well-wishers seeing them off. It was really thrilling going up the gangway. Up and up we went until we reached the main deck.


And there from high above we looked at the people that seemed so tiny down below, crowding on the pier.

When we got on deck, we were attended by a sailor, who took us down below deck. Inside the ship there was a vast labyrinth of aisles that ran into each other and out again and seemed to lead nowhere. But we tripped along following the sailor, and soon he brought us to our cabin. It was a small room with two berths in it, and against the wall, just below the round window, called a porthole, stood a little trifle of a table.

After some 10-15 minutes the ship weighed anchor and slowly slipped out of the harbour, leaving Odessa behind wrapped in a blue noonday haze.

As soon as the land faded from sight, we went exploring the ship. The “Victory” had all modern conveniences and a wide choice of entertainment facilities. There were restaurants that took care of the passengers’ appetites, a cinema hall, billiard rooms and what not.

We soon felt remarkably tired with walking up and down from one deck to another and were very glad to occupy two deck-chairs that happened to be vacant. Though the sea was moderately calm, the ship rolled somewhat. Some passengers took to their berths—they felt seasick. By some happy fortune, my friend and I were not sick. The fresh sea wind blew in our faces and it was lovely to look at the gulls and hear their cries as they gracefully swept over the waves. In the evening we enjoyed the sunset.

Our voyage lasted several days. On our way we called at several ports. The stays were quite sufficient to give us the opportunity of visiting some points of interest there. I honestly say that I love best to travel by ship.

Comprehension Check

49. Answer the questions.

1.What makes travel by sea a fascinating thing for many of us?

2.What does a ship look like?

3.What are travellers recommended to do if the season is at its height?

4.When are they ready to start?

5.Do you sometimes feel very excited on the day of your departure?

6.What are piers usually crowded with?

7.Who may attend you and bring to the cabin?

8.What modern conveniences are there on board a big liner?

9.When can you rest if you are tired?

10.When do some passengers feel seasick?

11.What can they enjoy in the evening?

12.What feelings are you likely to experience on board of a ship?

50.Complete the sentences.

1.There are many things that make travel by sea _____________.

2.Though I am not much of a sailor, __________.


3.It is delightful _______________

4.The season was ____________ and the passenger traffic____________.

5.The pier was crowded with_____________.

6.When we got on deck,______________.

7.The ship weighed anchor and______________.

8.The “Victory” had all modern conveniences________________.

9.Some passengers took to their berths, because____________.

10.On our way we ____________.

Vocabulary Focus

51.Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

Fascinating; to take the sun; at its height; a distinguished day; to behold; a

gangway; well-wishers; a trifle of a table; entertainment facilities; what not; to roll; to take to a berth.

52.Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and wordcombinations.

A fascinating thing, to be out at sea; to promenade; to take the sun; to sight land; to be at height; the passenger traffic; to reserve berths; feverish preparations; a distinguished day; a pier; to behold a ship; well-wishers; to see smb off; to go up the gangway; the main deck; a porthole; to weigh anchor; to slip out of the harbor; to fade from sight; a wide choice of entertainment facilities; what not; moderately calm; to roll somewhat; a trifle of a table; to feel seasick; to take to a berth; by some happy fortune; to last; to call at a port.

53.Fill in the blanks in the text ‘Ships and Sea Travel’ with the following vocabulary.





33. vessel





34. latitude





35. knots





36. bow





37. lighthouses





38. cabins





39. wreck





40. stormy





41. cruise




bunk or berth

42. crew





43. coast

12. waves



44. board





45. navigator





46. bunks








