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Англ(2курс, 2 семестр)

7.8 Mб

2.On the first day of occupation, the Nazis announced that… .

3.On the 29th of September people, mostly women, the old men and children … .

4.For a few following days the ravine … .

5.In August of 1943 when common liberation of Kyiv was real the Nazis … .

6.The people who were forced to make stoves … .

7.After the war the number of fell victims … .

Language Focus

63. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in English and use them in the situations of your own




to stir

to come in notice


to roar






to stifle


to starve


to escape


to forge


64.Match the words to form word combinations.

1. remote

a. execution

2. massive

b. camp

3. convenient

c. past

4. valuable

d. property

5. slavery

e. location

6. concentration

f. conditions

65. Explain the contextual meaning of the words in bold.

1.At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.

2.There is no evidence for these claims.

3.Do you have evidence that this treatment works?

4.They had failed to provide evidence of sufficient financial backing.

5.There is now clear evidence that these chemicals are damaging the environment.

6.Medical evidence shows that men are more likely to have heart attacks than women.

7.Murrow's evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder.

8.He refused to give evidence at the trial.

9.A bus plunged 250 feet into a ravine, killing thirty people.

10.And we were travelling again, through ravine, under totem.

11.The ravine was covered on both sides, though not yet filled.

12.He occupies the house without paying any rent.

13.The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year.

14.Football occupies most of my leisure time.

15.Students occupied Sofia University on Monday.

16.Work will occupy your mind and help you forget about him.


17.Many patients who are occupying hospital beds could be transferred to other places.

18.Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.

19.Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city.

20.They'll either die from the cold or starve to death.

21.You must be starving!

22.The schools are starved of funding.

23.He escaped with minor injuries.

24.A boy escaped unhurt when the fire in his room exploded.

25.They went to the hills to escape the summer heat.

26.The two passengers escaped serious injury.

27.They must not be allowed to escape justice.

66. Translate into English.

1.Під час окупації Києва Бабин Яр став місцем масової страти тисяч людей, переважно жінок, літніх людей та дітей.

2.Впродовж декількох днів до яру скидали живих людей, більшість з них були лише поранені.

3.В концентраційному таборі на вершині яру, який функціонував до визволення Києва, людей утримували в нелюдських умовах.

4.Щоб зберегти правду про жахливу трагедію, ув’язнені вирішили влаштувати колективну втечу з табору, проте лише 16 з них вдалося врятуватися живими.

5.Кількість жертв концентраційних таборів на території Києва, враховуючи Дарницький та Сирецький табори, приблизно дорівнює 300, 000.

67. Read the article quickly and find English equivalents to the following words in the box. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Жорстокий, різанина, в пам'ять, відчувати емоційний зв'язок, викорінювати, залишки одягу, винищувати, знаходити гроші

A memorial complex, including as synagogue and Jewish center will be built in Kiev in memory of the savage Nazi’s slaughter at the Babyn Yar.

The World Forum of Russian-Speaking Jews unveiled a model of the new memorial site to be built at the Babyn Yar in Ukraine, where an estimated 50,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Alexander Levin, the head of the Jewish community in Kiev, told the Governing Board of the Jewish Agency in Kiev that the new memorial site will allow visitors from around the world to experience an emotional connection to the horrific slaughter that occurred at the Babyn Yar over 70 years ago.

He also sternly warned of the current anti-Semitism plaguing the region and called on European leaders to act more firmly to eradicate all manifestations of antiSemitism in their country. The site will display historic material, including remains of clothes and belongings of the murdered, documents from the Nazi archives, a 3D film, and interviews with survivors. The site will include a Jewish center and


synagogue that will symbolize the revival of Jewish life in the place where Nazis once planned to exterminate every remnant of Judaism.

Construction of the site will begin in the next few months and is expected to take around two-and-a-half years to complete. Funding will come mostly from Alexander Levin and Vadim Rabinovich, a Jewish philanthropist from Ukraine, and the United Israel Appeal is also expected to raise money.

68. Translate into English.

Пам’ятний знак жертвам Бабиного Яру

29 вересня 2009 року в день пам’яті жертв Бабиного Яру в Києві з’явився новий пам’ятник. Це скульптура хлопчака в старому зношеному одязі, який читає наказ гітлерівський окупантів для єврейського населення Києва з’явитися до Бабиного Яру, де і відбулися масові розстріли.

Скульптурна композиція нагадує про документальну книгу Анатолія Кузнєцова “Бабин Яр”, в якій автор описує події тієї трагічної епохи. Того часу Кузнєцов був тринадцятирічним хлопчиком, і, таким чином, скульптуру можна вважати як пам’ятником самому автору – очевидцю жахливих подій окупації, так і нагадуванням про Бабин Яр та його жертв.

Пам’ятник знаходиться на перетині вулиць Фрунзе та Петропавлівської на

Подолі, його автор – молодий скульптор Володимир Журавель. Встановлена композиція коштом меценатів.


69. Read the text. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

The Golden Gate

Kyiv's Golden Gate dates from the 11thcentury. Surrounded by a picturesque public garden, it, like other monuments of the past, is carefully protected by the state. It is from here that tourists usually begin their

rounds of Kyiv of the times of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, under whom Kyiv Rus reached the height of its flowering and might.

The Golden Gate was a monumental structure, 7,5 metres wide, with 12 metre-high and approximately a 25 metre-long passage, which served both as the main entrance to the central part of the capital's citadel and a mighty defensive barrier. Its dual purpose, by analogy with the Golden Gate of


Constantinople, and perhaps also the fact that the grand entranceway's oaken doors were reinforced with copper and decorated with precious metals were what gave the gate its name. Judging from chronicles, the Golden Gate was a rectangular, two-tiered structure with Church of the Annunciation over the entrance. Its walls were built of natural stone - granite, quartzite and slate - and plinths of large, flat bricks laid in pink mortar. The alternation of brown-red and grey-green stone with strips of pink mortar, and the decorative, semi-circular niches in the wall gave the building a particularly attractive appearance. The Golden Gate was damaged during the Mongol-Tatar invasion of 1240, but continued to serve as the entrance to the city until the mid-seventeenth century. In order to preserve them, the remnants of the ancient monument were covered with earth in 1750. In the 1830s they were excavated by the Kyiv archeologist K. Lokhvitsky, and somewhat later measures were taken in consultation with the architect A. Beretti to conserve the ruins.

In 1983 the ruins of the Golden Gate, built as a defensive structure, were restored to their present condition. The same year, the Golden Gate museum was opened. The ground floor contains exhibits relating to the history of old Kyiv. The halls display the armaments, used by the ancient Kyivites,and other excavations from the site of the Golden Gate.

Comprehension Check

70. Answer the questions.

1.What century does the Golden Gate date from?

2.What gave the gate its name?

3.What were the outside measurements of the Golden Gate judging from chronicles?

4.What church was built over the entrance?

5.What appearance did it have?

6.What happened to the Golden Gate during the Mongol-Tatar invasion of 1240?

7.Who excavated the remnants? Who worked at the restoration of the Golden Gate?

8.When was the Golden Gate restored?

9.What exhibits does the museum contain?

71. What do these numbers and figures refer to?

7,5 1750


1240 the 1830s 25 11th century12

Language Focus

72. Explain the meaning of the following words from the text above. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words.

Remnants; excavate; display; armaments; alternation; reinforce; 25 metre-long defensive structure; to contain exhibits; to display armaments; to reach the height of flowering; to conserve the ruins; grand; to preserve remnants; in consultation with.


73.Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future.

Tier, granite, quartzite, plinths, exhibit, decorative, oaken, archaeologist.

74.Translate into Ukrainian.

To begin rounds of the city; a passage; a citadel; a mighty defensive barrier; dual

purpose; an oaken door; to be reinforced with copper; quartzite; slate; mortar; flat brick; to excavate; to restore to their present condition; laid in pink mortar; the Church of Annunciation; rectangular; to relate to the history; exhibits.

75. Translate into English.

Розпочати огляд цікавих місць;досягти найвищого розквіту та могутності; слугувати головним входом в фортецю; бути під захистом держави; монументальна споруда; зміцнювати міддю; дубові двері; прикрашати дорогоцінними металами; судячи з літопису;прямокутний; кварцит; граніт; сланець; смужки рожевого розчину; напівкруглі нішu; особливо привабливий вигляд; бути ушкодженим; навала; розкопки; археолог; приймати заходи; радитися; відновити первозданний вигляд; містити експонати; мати відношення до історії; стосуватися; експонувати зброю.

76. Match two columns to form collocations.

1. to serve as

a. an attractive appearance

2. a mighty

b. oaken doors

3. to reach

c. copper

4. to begin

d. armaments

5. to give the building

e. the main entrance

6. to be decorated with

f. exhibits

7. to be reinforced with

g. rounds of Kyiv

8. to contain

h. a defensive barrier

9. the entranceway’s

i. precious metals

10. to display

j. the height of flowering

77. Think of a match on the left to the appropriate definition on the right.

1._______ a. a small part of something that remains after the rest of it was ruined 2._______b. to go around from one place to another

3._______c. the one who studies the remnants of architectural structures or pottery

4.______ d. weapons or military equipment

5._______e. the processes in which things go one after another

6._______f. something that seems similar between two things, situations, etc.

7._______g. to repair an old building

8._______ h. a type of fence or gate that prevents people to move in different directions

9._______ i. very few, very little

10.______ j. a dark grey rock that can be easily split into flat thin pieces.


78.Complete the following sentences using active vocabulary of the text.

1.The Golden Gate was a ... .

2.Under the rule of Prince Yaroslav the Wise Kyiv Rus ... .

3.The Golden Gate was a rectangular, two-tied structure with ... .

4.The Gate was damaged during ... .

5.In 1983 the ruins of the Golden Gate were ... .

6.The alternation of brown-red and grey-green gave the building ... .

7.Its dual purpose and that fact that precious metals were used gave ... .

8.The Golden Gate museum was ... .

79.Translate into English.

Золоті ворота головна брама стародавнього Києва. Свою назву одержали за аналогією і зразком із Золотими воротами в Константинополі. Наприкінці 17 століття перед воротами, у зв'язку з реконструкцією фортифікаційних споруд міста, збудовано земляні бастіони, а вже у середині 18 століття руїни колись головного в’їзду в місто було засипано землею.

Кияни знову побачили стародавню пам'ятку 1832 року, коли К. Лохвицький провів археологічні розкопки Золотих

воріт. Після цього вони набрали вигляду двох паралельних стін завдовжки 25 і 13 метрів, та заввишки близько 8 метрів. Згодом провадилися роботи з укріплення руїн: на окремих ділянках зроблено ремонт стародавньої кладки. У такому вигляді Золоті ворота дійшли до нашого часу. Однак від атмосферних опадів пам'ятка руйнувалася й далі, що надзвичайно непокоїло вчених. 1970 року було прийнято рішення звести над залишками павільйон, який не тільки захищав би їх, а й відтворював первісний вигляд споруди.

Надбрамну церкву відтворено у вигляді тринефного чотиристовпного однобанного храму. В архітектурному декорі фасадів використано орнаменти з цегли, властиві для давньоруських будівель того періоду. Підлогу храму прикрашено мозаїкою, малюнок якої виконано за мотивами стародавньої підлоги Софії Київської.

У 2006 році музей був закритий, а стіни і грати цінної культурної пам'ятки столиці понівечені численними графіті. Золоті Ворота перебували у аварійному стані. З 2009 року музей відремонтували і відкрили для відвідування.

80. Role – play

You went on an excursion to the Golden Gate. The next morning you decided to share your impressions with your group-mates. Prepare a conversation using the material of the text and exercises.



81. Read an extract from the article by Stanislav Tsalyk, a famous Ukrainian writer, essayist and ethnographer, about his study of Volodymyr`s Hill history. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

My thrill on Volodymyr's Hill

Among many wonderful places in Kyiv, one is especially popular with Kyivites. This is the park of Volodymyr's Hill, located in the very center of the city. It is nearly 170 years old and to many it seems that it has existed forever.

In late 1930s, the government of Kyiv decided to clean up a slope on the Mykhailivskiy Hill, where the famous Mykhailivskiy golden-domed monastery was once located. After that, lawns were put down, tree-lined alleys were arranged as promenades and benches were installed. This particular site boasts a wonderful vista of the Dniepro River and the lower section of the city, better known as Podil.

On September 28, 1853, a new monument to Kyiv's Prince Volodymyr, who baptized his people in the Dniepro, was unveiled. To build the first sculptural monument in the city, the best sculptors and architects of the imperial palace were invited. Professor Petr Klodt, the creator of the famous figures on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg, erected the magnificent figure of the prince, and the architect Aleksander Ton designed the 20-meter plinth or foundation. Another artist, sculptor Vladimir Demut-Malinovskiy, decorated the pedestal of the monument with a bas-relief called Baptizing of the People of Kyiv, the symbol of Kyiv and the Order of St. Volodymyr.

The cross in the prince's hands at the time housed gas lamps, which were later replaced by electric ones. At night, the cross appears to be floating in the sky when seen from across the river. It is a wonderful sight, indeed! Moreover, it is visible from miles away.

Prince Volodymyr's Monument very quickly became one of the main historical sights of Kyiv. As such, it should come as no surprise that the park itself was named Volodymyrska Hirka, or Volodymyr's Hill, which eventually figured into all the guidebooks of the city.

Needless to say, there are many legends about this monument. One of them says that during WW II, when the Germans occupied Kyiv, the Nazi government wanted to blow up the monument. The crafty residents of Kyiv convinced the Germans to keep their hands off the monument, arguing that the heavy foundation was none other than a shaft lid covering a mighty well-head and should this source of underground spring water be tapped, the city would be completely flooded. As such, the famous monument was left standing as it was and successfully survived the period of occupation.

The park assumed its presentday appearance only at the end of the 19th century. Serhiy Romishovskiy, who at the time was the head of Kyiv Garden Commission, wrote: "This beloved place was modeled after the Swiss Alps. It has many paved walkways, bricked water reservoirs, and descents connecting esplanades and terraces... It is a sure thing that this park, with its ever-growing vegetation, will


become more and more beautiful with time and will without a doubt become one of the most beautiful parks in Europe. "

An interesting story is connected with the famous wrought-iron gazebo, located not far away from Volodymyr's monument in one of the coziest nooks of Kyiv. Today, it is impossible to imagine Volodymyr's Hill without this gazebo. In 1863, when this gazebo was not yet built, Vasily Kokorev, a well-known entrepreneur and financier, visited Kyiv. Fascinated by the view from Volodymyr's Hill, from where one could watch the steamboats and ferryboats going up and down the Dniepro and the horse-drawn carts on the streets of Podil for hours, Kokorev granted the city 1,000 rubles (back then, this was a huge sum). The money was intended for the construction of a comfortable gazebo or garden house on the hill, but instead it was deposited on a bank account and forgotten.

At the very end of the 19th century, when the works on building up the park were in full swing, the question of the gazebo came up again. This is when the money Kokorev had donated was remembered. As it turns out, after 33 years the original sum of money put aside had more than tripled. This, of course, helped finance the construction of two gazebos by a wellknown Warsaw firm, Hostinski&Co. One was built in the park itself and another was built in a little garden near St. Andrews Church. The gazebos were both named after Kokorev and retain the same name to this day.

In the 20th century, Volodymyr's Hill became a favorite place for Kyiv residents to take a stroll on a Sunday afternoon. A summer movie theater called Volodymyrska Hirka (hill) ran performances in the evening and nighttime. On its higher terrace, there was an open-air cafe where one could have an aromatic cup of coffee while listening to nightingales singing and enjoying the expansive views of the Dniepro river. Here, under the open night sky covered with huge stars, couples kissed and talked the lovetalk. Imagine, several generations of Kyiv residents recall Volodymyr's Hill as the place where they found their first flame. Furthermore, graduates of Kyiv schools traditionally stay up all night after the prom to watch the sun rise off of Volodymyr's Hill. It is indeed a romantic place...

At the end of the 1970s, a section of the park that overlooks today's European Square was remodeled in order to build the pompous Lenin Museum, though the chief of the world proletariat had never even been to Kyiv. The construction was completed in 1982. A few years later Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika, which translates as 'the rebuilding'. As there was no longer a need for such a museum, nobody knew what to do with the building. There was even a proposal to destroy the newly built edifice, but it was given a second thought since the building was equipped with modern technology. Eventually, a decision was made to open the Ukrainian House, which today has become a popular place of art exhibitions, fares and cultural events.

The famous Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, who was born in Kyiv, called Volodymyr's Hill the most beautiful place in the world. Perhaps, in hindsight some say that such statement is an exaggeration. But every resident of Kyiv will sign to these words.


Comprehension Check

82. Answer the questions.

1.When was a new monument to Prince Volodymyr unveiled?

2.Who were invited to build a monument?

3.What does the cross house in the prince`s hand nowadays?

4.What helped the monument survive the period of occupation?

5.What place was the park modeled after?

6.Who was the first to suggest the idea of building a gazebo on the hill?

7.Did the money donated by Kokorev come in handy when building the gazebos?

8.What made the park one of the favourite places for Kyiv residents?

9.What are the origins of the Ukrainian House?

10.Mikhail Bulgakov called Volodymyr`s Hill the most beautiful place in the world. Would you sign to these words? Why?

Language Focus

83. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in English and use them in the situations of your own.

to boast a wonderful view

to unveil the monument

a bas-relief

to blow up the monument

an esplanade

a gazebo

to be in full swing

a prom

to give a second thought

in hindsight

84. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

1.It should come … no surprise, that the park itself was named … Volodymyrska Hirka.

2.The park was modeled … the Swiss Alps.

3.The money granted by Kokorev was deposited … a bank account and forgotten.

4.… the very end of the 19th century, when the works … building up the park restarted, the question of the gazebo came … again.

5.Volodymyr`s Hill may boast … a wonderful vista of the Dniepro River and Podil.

6.Here, … the open sky covered … huge stars, couples kissed and talked the lovetalk.

7.As there was no longer a need … such a museum, nobody knew what to do with the building.

8.Perhaps, … hindsight some say that such statement of Bulgakov is an exaggeration.

85.Translate into English.

Місце для прогулянок, пишатися чудовим краєвидом, урочисто відкривати

(пам’ятник), містити в собі, не дивно, хитрий, сучасний вигляд, безсумнівно,


закуток, підприємець, бути у розпалі, потроюватися, прогулятися, випускний бал, виходити на (про вікно і т. ін), переглянути рішення, озиратися в минуле.

86. Match the words to form combinations.

a. museum

1. wrought-iron

2. paved

b. first flame

3. presentday

c. monastery

4. underground

d. views of the Dniepro river

5. pompous

e. water reservoirs

6. expansive

f. the lovetalk

7. to talk

g. gazebo

8. bricked

h. walkways

9. golden-domed

i. appearance

10. to find

j. spring water

87. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb. Make any necessary changes. to assume to recall to retain

1.This matter … considerable importance.

2.I have a good memory and am able to … facts easily.

3.Rebel forces … control of the capital.

4.This information is no longer … within the computer's main memory.

5.We demand that you … your army from our border.

6.The immigrants have a right … their language.

7.The company … all the faulty hairdryers.

8.It is reasonable …. thatthe economy will continue to improve.

9.The president … her as his chief adviser.

88. Translate into English.

1.У одній з легенд про пам’ятник говориться, що під час окупації Києва німці мали намір знищити монумент, і тільки завдяки хитрощам жителів відомий пам’ятник залишився стояти і успішно пережив період окупації.

2.Кошти, подаровані відомим підприємцем і фінансистом Василем Кокоревим, дозволили спорудити дві альтанки на території парку, обидві вони були названі на честь мецената.

3.Парк, збудований за зразком Швейцарських Альп, з вимощеними тротуарами та водоймами, набув сучасного вигляду лише в кінці 19 століття.

4.У 20-му столітті Володимирська Гірка стала улюбленим місцем прогулянок та відпочинку місцевих жителів. Тут можна було випити чашку ароматної кави у кафе просто неба, послухати співи солов’їв, чи подивитися на схід сонця над парком.

5.Цікавою є доля будівлі у тій частині парку, яка виходить на сучасну Європейську площу. У кінці дев’яностих тут збудували помпезний Музей Леніна, але після перебудови стало незрозумілим, що робити з приміщенням. Оскільки воно було оснащене усіма вигодами, прийняли рішення про відкриття