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Family. Metodichka.doc
11.4 Mб


Do the following exercise without looking back at the text first of all. The first letter of each word is given to help you. Which words or phrases were used:

a) to describe Izumi’s eyes (adj) w…..

beard (adj) w….

skin (adj) w…….

b) to describe his reaction to drugs (adj) r………

c) to describe what happened after he first tried shochu (phrase)

he ……………………………………………………….

d) to describe what shochu manufacturers did with a new brand of the liquor (vb)


e) to mean “living to a great age” (n) l……..

f) to describe his enthusiasm for life (n) z

g) to describe people who are inactive, or who spend a lot of time sitting down (adj) s……..

h) to decsribe what exercise does to the ageing process (vb)


i) to mean “a high point” (n) p

Exercise 5

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Мама розповіла мені, що коли мені було майже 17 місяців, ми переїхали в Київ.

  2. Хоча мій син ще немовля, я можу сказати, що він схожий на мене.

  3. Не так давно моя донька була ще крихіткою, а тепер вона в дошкільному віці і вже скоро стане школяркою.

  4. Яка гарна дитина! Хоча їй ще тільки 4 роки, можна помітити, що вона пішла в батька.

  5. Мій двоюрідний брат схожий на свого тата в юності.

  6. Ти ще неповнолітній, тому дорослі мають допомагати тобі вирішувати деякі питання.

  7. Вітаю з повноліттям. Тобі вже 18, тому ти можеш голосувати на виборах.

  8. Він одружився у 35, якраз коли був у розквіті сил.

  9. Ти ж вже не хлопчик! Як ти можеш бути таким легковажним? Тобі вже пішов третій десяток, а ти ще граєшся у шкільні витівки.

  10. Я вже не така молода, як була. Мені вже за сорок і я виглядаю на свій вік.

  11. Хоча я пенсіонер і мені вже скоро буде 70, у мене ще гарне здоров‘я (я ще бадьорий), бо людині стільки років, на скільки вона почувається.

  12. Старість приходить до всіх. Не дуже приємно називатись літньою дамою і у свій 90 день народження розуміти, що ти стара, як світ і вже однією ногою стоїш в могилі. А коли ти помреш, твої діти ставатимуть пристаркуватими.

  13. Довгожителі кажуть, що секретом їх довголіття є бажання жити. Життя для них не перестає бути насолодою, незважаючи на слабіюче здоров’я і старіюче тіло.

  14. Середня тривалість життя серед японців сягає вісімдесятирічного віку. Це пояснюється низьким рівнем схильності до серцевих захворювань.

Sweet Childhood


Are you fit to be a parent? What sort of parent would you be? Answer the questions and check your score.

1. You have just been for a healthy five-mile run. Your pulse is somewhere over 200 and you wonder whether you are going to live. As you step out of the shower, your child walks into the bathroom, waves a paper in your face, and starts telling you all about the wonderful story he/she has just written about a rabbit with pink ears. As you stand there, dripping wet and searching for your glasses, what do you say?

a. Lovely, dear. What’s the rabbit’s name?

b. Super, darling. But could you just wait until I’ve dried myself and got dressed?

c. If you and your bloody rabbit don’t get out of the bathroom right now you’re both going down the toilet.

2. You have told your child, about seventeen times, to calm down and stop jumping on the living-room furniture. Your child climbs up on the windowsill and breaks the window. You tell the child that he/she will have to put two week’s pocket money towards the cost of the repair, and you say that he/she can’t go into the living room again for three days. Is this punishment:

a. too strict?

b. not strict enough?

c. just right?

3. Your child is generally pretty well-behaved, but when his/her best friend Pat comes to play he/she turns into a wild beast. One day, they steal some lipstick and draw pictures all over the kitchen walls. Do you:

a. say that Pat can never come again?

b. try to explain to both of them this is a bad thing to do?

c. make them clean off the lipstick as well as they can?

4. What do you think about physical punishment?

a. It’s right to smack a child occasionally for something very serious.

b. Children need to be smacked when they are naughty - it’s much better than telling them off.

c. It is always wrong to smack a child.

5. Your child refuses to eat anything except crisps and ice cream. Do you:

a. let him/her live on crisps and ice-cream?

b. make the child eat up everything that is on his/her plate at mealtimes?

c. let the child have crisps and ice-cream if he/she eats a certain amount of other food?

6. Your child is playing in the middle of the kitchen floor. When you say that you need to clean the floor, the child kicks and screams and refuses to move. Do you:

a. forcibly move the child and his / her toys?

b. explain to the child why it is important that you clean the floor now?

c. put off cleaning the floor till later?

7. At weekends, the child watches an average of eight hours’ TV a day. He/she is developing square eyes. Do you:

a. have a discussion with the child, explaining why he/she should watch less TV?

b. ration the child to three hours a day?

c. let the child watch what he/she wants?

8. Your child’s room looks like a rubbish dump that has been hit by a bomb. Do you:

a. leave the child to tidy up the room when he / she feels like?

b. ask the child to tidy up the room?

c. tell the child to tidy up the room?


TOTAL 8-13:

You would be a very strict parent. Don’t forget that as children need patience, understanding and love as well firmness.













TOTAL 14-19:

You would try to be neither too strict nor too easy-going. This can be very good if children know what to expect; but it’s no good being strict about something one day and soft about it the next.





















TOTAL 20-24:

You tend towards soft-heartedness. Be careful: children need some limits, so they can define themselves as people and set their own limits later on.

It is interesting to know


Read the texts and be ready to discuss them. Pay attention to the underlined words.

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