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Intonational Styles and Speech Typology Correlation

Speech typology

Intonational styles

Varie­ties of langu­age

Forms of communication

Degree of speech prepared­ness

The num­ber of partici­pants

The char­acter of partici­pants' re­lationship













informational (formal) style











scientific (aca­demic) style











declamatory style (artistic)











publicistic style (oratorial)











familiar (con­versational) style











Discuss the following questions in pairs.

1. Why do we recognise phonostylistic effects carried by in­tonation irrespective of the speaker?

2. Speak on interrelation of intonation with verbal and nonver­bal contexts.

3. Give a definition of an intonational style.

4. Compare intonational and verbal style categories. Where do they overlap?

5. What imposes restrictions on the speaker's choice of an intonational style?

6. Speak on intonational styles distinction.

7. Give semantic characteristic of every style.

8. What is the difference between informational and scientific styles? Give examples of their usage.

9. Compare declamatory and publicistic styles. In what spheres are they used?

10. What is the essential characteristic of familiar style? Where does it occur? Compare it with the other four style catego­ries.

11. Speak on speech typology.

12. Why is it important to take into account speech typology when analysing intonational styles?

13. How is each intonational style manifested from the point of view of speech typology?

References and further readings

  1. Кубарьков Г.Л., Тимощук В.А. 1000. Сборник новых тем современного английского языка. – Донецк: ООО ПКФ «БАО», 2004. – 1184 с.

  2. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Кантер Л.А. и др. Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учебн. для фак. англ. яз. пед. ин-тов. - М.: Гуманит. изд. Центр ВЛАДОС,1997 – 384 с.: ил.

  3. Полупан В.Л., Полупан О.П., МахоSва В.В. English-speaking countries: A cultural reader. Work book. – Х. Видавнича група «Академія», 2000. – 208с.: іл.

  4. Гінда В.В., Шлапак Н.Г. Методичні вказівки з практики англійської мови до теми «London» для студентів ІІ курсу факультету перекладачів. – К.: Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2002 - 43с.

  5. .Янсон В. В., Свистун Л. В. A Practical Guide for Learners of English = Практичний курс англійське студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Книга II: Навч. посібник. - Англ. мовою.- Київ: ТОВ "ВП Логос-М", 2006. - 352 с.: іл.

  6. Evans Virginia. Round-Up 6. English Grammar Practice. – Pearson Education Limited, 2001. - 256 p.

  7. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Pearson Education Limited, 2003. -1950 p.

  8. Misztal Mariusz Tests in English Thematic Vocabulary. Intermediate and Advanced Level. – Wydanie trecie.-Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1996.-351 s.

  9. McCarthy Michael, O’Dell Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use.Advanced.-Cambridge University Press, 2003.-315 p.

  10. McCarthy Michael, O’Dell Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-Intermediate and Advanced. - Cambridge University Press,1998.-296 p.

  11. McCarthy Michael, O’Dell Felicity. English Idioms in Use. - Cambridge University Press, 2003. -190 p.

  12. Ockenden Michael. Situational Dialogues.-Longman Group UK Limited, 2000.-92 p.

  13. Soars Liz and John. New Headway Intermediate. – Oxford University Press, 2000. – 160 p.

  14. Wellman Guy. The Heinemann English Wordbuilder. – Heinemann International, 1992.-226 p.

  15. http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/people.asp

  16. http://www.great-britain.co.uk/history/history.htm

  17. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0108078.html

  18. http://www.londondrum.com

  19. http://www.parliament.uk

  20. http://www.skrobach.com/index.html

  21. http://whc.unesco.org

  22. http://www.virtualemotion.com

  23. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/greatbritain. html?nav=el

  24. http://en.wikipedia.org


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