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Examination questions

II term

1. Comment on the main rules of Reported Speech. Report the dialogue from the text.

2. Comment on the formation and use of the Passive Voice. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

3. Find in the text uncountable nouns and comment on their use.

4. Find in the text nouns and state their morphological composition.

5. Find adjectives in the text. State their morphological composition. Give the definition of the adjective.

6. Comment on the rules of the sequence of tenses. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

7. Comment on the verb and subject agreement. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

8. Comment on the classification of nouns according to their lexical meaning. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

9. Comment on the formation of the genitive case. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

10. Comment on the use of the dependant genetive case. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

11. Comment on the use of the Absolute genitive case. Exemplify your commentary with the cases from the text.

12. Comment on the lexical means of expressing Gender in English. Give your own examples.

13. Comment on the formation of the plural of the noun in English.

14. Comment on the formations of the plural form of the loan words (borrowings). Give your own examples.

15. Comment on the use of the indefinite article with class nouns.

16. Comment on the use of the definite article with class nouns.

17. Comment on the use of the indefinite and definite article with class nouns modified by attributes.

18. Comment on the use of articles with material nouns.

19. Comment on the use of articles with abstract nouns.

20. Comment on the use of articles with names of persons.

21. Comment on the use of articles with geographical names.

22. Comment on the use of articles with some semantic groups of nouns: names of seasons, names of parts of the day, names of meals, etc.

23. Comment on the use of articles with miscellaneous proper names: names of buildings and institutions, names of streets, roads, etc.

24. Comment on the use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns and numerals.

25. Comment on the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

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