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Speaking topics


The first exchange between two people – and the first chance to make a good or bad impression – is often an exchange of names. What are some general rules of getting acquainted?

The NEC p. 4 (L/R Section), p.3, p.4, p.5


Nowadays the family unit is still the basic living arrangement for most people. What are the tendencies in the family life in Britain/the USA and in Ukraine? How close are you as a family?

The NEC p. 18 – 19 (L/R Section), p.13, p.16, p.5

Premium B2

Coursebook: p.17 ex. 1-3, p.18-19 ex.1-5, p.58 ex.6

Workbook: p.12 ex. 1-2 (Vocabulary), p.12-14 ex.1-6 (Reading), p. 16 ex. 1-2 (Listening), p.17 ex.1-2 (Speaking), p. 16 ex.1-3 (Vocabulary) p.45 ex. 1-4 (Reading)


It is a big advantage in life to be an only child in a family. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The Language Leader p. 111 ex. 3 – 6


When a child is due, most potential mothers need to take time off the work to have their children. Once this maternity leave finishes, should the mother go back to work or stay at home with her child?

The Language Leader p. 72 - 73 ex. 1 – 2


Peer pressure is the influence others have on your actions and opinions. Why does it happen? How does it affect people? What can parents do about it?

The Language Leader p. 104 -105 ex. 1 – 3 (Reading)


Is seventeen the perfect age? What are advantages and disadvantages of other stages of life? What is an ideal age?

The NEC p. 38 – 39 (L/R Section), p. 36

Premium B2 Coursebook: p.59 ex. 1-4, p. 60-61 ex. 1-4 (Reading), p.61 ex. 1-3 (Speaking) p.64 Listening, p.68 ex. 2-3

Workbook: p.18 - 19 ex.1-5, p. 44 ex.4, p.46 ex. 4-5, p.47 ex.1 (Vocabulary)


People have always dreamed of living forever. However, old age creates a lot of problems. How are old people treated in this country? Should they live with their families or in the homes for aged people?

The NEC p. 38 – 39 (L/R Section), p. 46 ex. 13-14

Across Cultures Unit 10e


Good manners are important because they provide a social framework which makes people feel comfortable with each other. What do you think?

Premium B2: Coursebook: p. 102 – 103 ex. 1-5 (Reading).

Workbook: p.78 - 79 ex.1-6 (Reading) p. 79 ex.1-3 (Speaking), p. 80 ex. 3


How would you define happiness? What makes you happy? Do you think children are happier today than in the past?

Premium B2

Coursebook: p.152 – 153 ex. 1-4

Workbook: p.46 ex.1-5, p.116 – 117 ex. 1-4


Wedding celebrations have some things in common but a lot of different traditions in various countries throughout the world. Compare the typical wedding ceremony in Ukraine with the traditional wedding in Britain/the USA. What do they have in common? What are the differences?

The NEC p. 153 – 154 (L/R Section), p. 152


Home means different things to different people. “An Englishman’s home is his castle” – goes the famous saying. What is more important for the British – “home” or “house”? What does the word “home” mean to you? What first comes into your mind when you think about home? What makes your home special for you?

The NEC p.173–178 (L/R), p.163, p.164, p.168, p.174, p.176, p.178, p.195 ex.1-2.


Many people are fed up with modern day consumerism and have decided to live simple lives with fewer possessions. But still there are many who prefer to live in a mansion. Would you swap your house for some other type of accommodation? Where would you like to live?

The NEC p. 173 – 178 (L/R), p.168, p.170-171, p.200-201 ex.9-11, p.214 ex.33

Premium B2: Coursebook: p.27 ex. 1-4, p.28 ex.1-4 (Listening),

Workbook: p.20 ex.2, p.21 ex.1-2, p.24-25 ex.1-5 (Reading), p.27 ex.1-2


What’s your house/flat like? How much is it different from your idea of a perfect house/flat? What would be your ideal home and who would you live with? Think about location, size, style, design and technological features.

The NEC p.173–181 (L/R), p.168-171, p.214 ex.33, p.216 ex.39, p.169, p.210 ex.26

Premium B2: Coursebook: p. 30 ex. 4-5, p.30-31 ex. 1-2 (Speaking), p.36 ex.1, p. 30 ex. 4-5, p. 30-31 ex. 1-2


Nowadays many of us live relatively isolated lives without the support of communities. It’s sometimes hard to get your opinion heard when you’re on your own; it’s much easier with the power of numbers behind you. Would you prefer life in isolation or a communal living? Why?

The NEC p. 173 – 181 (L/R Section), p.170-171, p.202 ex.12

Premium B2 Coursebook: p. 32-33 ex. 1-4 (Reading), p. 34 ex. 3-4


Is your home clean and tidy or messy and dirty? How often do you have a clear out and throw away old clothes, books and magazines or useless household objects? How do you feel after you have done it?

The NEC p. 181 – 183 (L/R Section)

Premium B2 Workbook: p.22 ex.1-5 (Vocabulary)


People say that sharing doesn't always come easy. Would you prefer to live on your own, to live in a hostel or to share a flat with other people? Why? What is the students’ accommodation in Britain and Ukraine like?

The NEC p. 173 – 183 (L/R Section), p.170-171, p.216 ex.39

Premium B2: Workbook: p.23 ex.1-2 (Speaking)


Traditional national English food seems boring. They say it’s unambitious. What do you know about British cuisine? How much is it different from the Ukrainian one? Which cuisine would you prefer and why?

The NEC p.242-248 (L/R Section), p.233, p.235, p.236p.257 ex.7,


Every country has its drinking habits. What are they like in Britain? What do you know about British national drinks? How common are they in this country?

The NEC p.242-248 (L/R Section), p.237, p.259-261 ex. 11-14

Premium B2: Coursebook: p.87 (Fce close-up Word-formation)


There is a saying “You are what you eat”. What are your preferences in food? What do your tastes in food and drinks reveal about your character? Why do you think many people have an unhealthy diet, despite the fact that doctors and nutritionists say we should eat at least five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day?

The NEC p.242-248 (L/R Section), pp.238-239, p.234, p.270-271 ex. 33-35.

Premium B2: Coursebook: p.79 ex.1-4, p.88 ex.2

Workbook: p.63 ex.3, p.64 ex. 1-3, p. 66 ex. 1-2


Schools and companies should provide cookery classes for all students. Do you agree?

Premium B2: Coursebook: p.84 ex. 2-3 (Speaking)

Workbook: p. 60-61 ex. 1-2 (Reading)


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