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68. Choose the correct definition of the word: steppe |A) a large area of land without trees |B) an Irish dance |C) a human being |D) people who live in Scotland |E) the art of training the body Тема: Word groups. Трудность: В Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

69. Choose the right infinitive. I am sorry … you. |A) to disturb |B) disturbed to |C) disturbed |D) disturbed in |E) disturbing Тема: Infinitive / ing form/ Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

70. Put the verb into the right tense form: The Encyclopedia Britannica first … in 1775. |A) appeared |B) appear |C) appearing |D) appears |E) to appear Тема: Past tense. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

71. Choose the right verb I am always saying what I …say. |A) shouldn’t |B) shall not |C) should be |D) would |E) shall

Тема: Future tense. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

72. Сөздердің айтылуын, жазылуын және оқыту әдісін табыңыз: |A) Транскрипция, орфография, оқыту ережесі |B) Тонограмма, имитация, анология, транскрипцмя |C) Оқыту ережесі, оқыту, имитация, транкрипция |D) Интонация, редукция |E) Артикуляция, редукция Тема: Фонетикалық дыбысталу. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая фонетика English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

73. Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: I decided to break with him after he had ---- to help me when I was in great need help. |A) refused |B) disagree |C) given up |D) against |E) got rid of Тема: Synonyms. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

74. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to be laid up with a disease |A) Аурумен жатып қалу |B) Үстел жасау |C) Емдеу |D) Ауруды жеңу |E) Жабу Тема: Translation of words. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

75. Choose the word close in meaning: appreciate |A) value |B) roar |C) change |D) weigh |E) cost Тема: Synonyms. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford40.

76. _______ may be transitive or intransitive. |A) the verb |B) the adverb |C) the article |D) the particle |E) the noun Тема: Types of verbs. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

77. Choose the correct tense form: Our friends … to the country for the next weekend. |A) will go |B) goes |C) shall go |D) to go |E) go Тема: Future form. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

78. Choose the proper English equivalent to; командада ойнау

|A) to compete for the team |B) to compete to the team |C) to compete in running |D) to set for the team |E) to join with the team Тема: English equivalents. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

79. Choose the right verb: How strange that she and he… in work together.

|A) should be engaged |B) was engaged |C) engaged |D) have made engaged |E) have make engaged

Тема: Past Perfect Трудность: B

Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

80. Find the correct sentence with the indirect speech: Ann asks her brother: “ Are you playing chess now” |A) Ann asks her brother if he is playing chess. |B) Ann asks her brother he is playing chess. |C) Ann asks her brother to play chess. |D) Ann asks her brother you are playing chess. |E) Ann asks her brother that he is playing chess. Тема: Passive voice. Трудность: B Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

81. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to preserve one’s life

|A) өмірін сақтау |B) өмірін бағалау |C) өмірі туралы ойлау |D) өмірді сақтау |E) өмірін қамқорлау Тема: Correct translations. Трудность: B Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

82. Stonehenge is found…

|A) In Southern England.

|B) In Western England.

|C) In East England.

|D) In North England.

|E) In the middle of England.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

83. Артур Конан Дойл Эдинбург университетіндегі...білім алды

|A) Медициналык бiлiм.

|B) Юриспруденциялық білім.

|C) Гуманитарлық білім.

|D) Техникалық білім.

|E) Педагогикалық білім.

Тема: English literature

Трудность: B

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев

84. This…through the Microscope

|A) Cаn be seen.

|B) Can see.

|C) Can be seeing.

|D) Can saw.

|E) Can be see.

Тема: Grammar Modal verbs

Трудность: B

Литература: Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

85. They… in the pool from 2 till 3

|A) Will be swimming.

|B) Will swim.

|C) Will swam.

|D) Will be swam.

|E) swim.

Тема: Grammar Modal verbs

Трудность: B

Литература: Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

86. In the 18th century the English entered into…

|A) India.

|B) Canada.

|C) Africa.

|D) Poland.

|E) Asia.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

87. We distinguish between…parts of speech

|A) Notional and structural.

|B) Notional and international.

|C) Notional and traditional.

|D) International and industrial.

|E) Active and passive.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

88. Parliamentary elections must be held

|A) every 5 years.

|B) every 4 years.

|C) every 6 years.

|D) every 7 years.

|E) every 3 years.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

89. Прозаик Натаниел Готорн дүниеге келген жыл

|A) 1804.

|B) 1904.

|C) 1800.

|D) 1814.

|E) 1808.

Тема: English literature

Трудность: B

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев

90. Express in one word: a broad range of subjects

A) Subject studies.

B) Educational aids.

C) Tutorials.

D) School-based experience teaching practice.

E) Education studies.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

91. Choose the word close in meaning: fashion

|A) Style.

|B) Slim.

|C) Close.

|D) Tight.

|E) Fat.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

92. Fill in the correct preposition: Iaitsky Town was renamed......Uralsk in 1775.

|A) Into.

|B) For .

|C) With.

|D) From.

|E) At.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

93. Choose the correct preposition: University teaching combines lectures given........professors.

|A) By.

|B) With.

|C) At.

|D) To.

|E) On.

Тема: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

94. Choose the correct definition of the word: fog

|A) A very thick mist which makes it difficult to see.

|B) A condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at a certain time.

|C) A description of weather conditions.

|D) A rough weather condition with wind, rain.

|E) Water falling from the clouds.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

95. Choose the right variant: Among the various branches of General Linguistics the most obscure in content is undoubtedly…

|A) Stylistics.

|B) Style.

|C) Morphology.

|D) Lexicology.

|E) Language.

Тема: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М.

Трудность: B

Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М.

96. Find the right form of the noun: There were many ... in the playground.

|A) Children.

|B) Child.

|C) Childs.

|D) Childrens.

|E) Children's.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

97. Choose the word close in meaning: fashion

|A) Style.

|B) Slim.

|C) Close.

|D) Tight.

|E) Fat.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

98. Fill in the correct preposition: Iaitsky Town was renamed......Uralsk in 1775.

|A) Into.

|B) For .

|C) With.

|D) From.

|E) At.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

99. Choose the right verb: The furniture ... out of the room.

|A) Was taken.

|B) Has taken.

|C) Were taken.

|D) Is taken.

|E) Had taken.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

100. Many pronouns are characterized by ___ syntactical use

|A) Double.

|B) Singular.

|C) Plural.

|D) Two times.

|E) Twice.

Тема: Theoretical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

101. Choose the correct form of participle 2: She put a plate of ... fish in front of me.

|A) Fried.

|B) Fry.

|C) To fry.

|D) Frying.

|E) be fried.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

102. Choose the right verb: They ... just ...

|A) Have arrived.

|B) Had arrives.

|C) Has arrived.

|D) Had arrived.

|E) Have had arrived.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

103. Choose the suitable word: These companies employ leading ………

|A) Producers.

|B) Teachers.

|C) Workers.

|D) Doctors.

|E) House-keepers.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

104. Express in one word: a list of points in logical order

|A) Plan.

|B) Characteristics.

|C) Topic.

|D) Synonym.

|E) Antonym.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

105. Express in one word: a place of higher education both in the USA and in Great Britain.

|A) College.

|B) Guardian.

|C) Asylum.

|D) Comprehensive.

|E) Public schools.

Тема: Страноведение


Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

106. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to make good progress

|A) To make bad progress.

|B) To be proud.

|C) To be active.

|D) To be busy.

|E) To be in a good mood.

Тема: Лексикология


Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

107. Express in one word: the "observation period" for junior students and block-teaching practice for senior students.

|A) School-based experience teaching practice.

|B) Education studies.

|C) Subject studies.

|D) Tutorials.

|E) Educational aids.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

108. The word originated from English is...

|A) Club.

|B) Figure.

|C) Husband.

|D) General.

|E) Table.

Тема: История английского языка


Литература: История английского языка Т.А Расторуева

109. The predicate is__ principal part of the sentence.

|A) The second.

|B) Not second.

|C) The main.

|D) The first.

|E) Not first.

Тема: Теоретическая грамматика


Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

110. Choose the correct variant: There are.......Houses of Parliament.

|A) 2.





Тема: Страноведение


Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

111. Choose the correct preposition: to have a glimpse.....

|A) Of.

|B) Under.

|C) On.

|D) Above.

|E) By.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

112.Use the necessary tense form: We didn’t know where our friends……

|A) Had gone.

|B) Gone.

|C) Go.

|D) Were gone.

|E) Are gone.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

113. Choose the suitable word: About......million people live in London.

|A) 7.

|B) 9.

|C) 1.

|D) 2.

|E) 3.

Тема: Страноведение


Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

114. Put the verb in the right tense form: When I ….to the South last summer I… a small but portable room

|A) Came\hired.

|B) Was\ hired.

|C) Have been\hired.

|D) Had been\ hired.

|E) Come\hired.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

115. Choose the right form of the passive voice: A new concert hall .... in our street at the present time

|A) Is being built.

|B) Are being build.

|C) Was being build.

|D) Were being built.

|E) Will be being built.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

116. The verbs has ....categories

|A) Grammatical.

|B) Functional.

|C) Phonological.

|D) Chronological.

|E) Lexicological.

Тема: Теоретическая грамматика


Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

117. Choose the correct variant of the sentences: The news, yesterday, saw, television, I, on.

|A) Yesterday, I saw the news on television.

|B) I saw the news on television yesterday.

|C) I saw yesterday the news on television.

|D) Yesterday, I saw on television the news.

|E) On television I saw the news yesterday.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

118. Фронтит романын тудырған, Тері Шұлық кейіпкері .Американдық роман жазушы

|A) Джеймс Купер.

|B) Роберт Бернс.

|C) Льюис Кэррол.

|D) Джонатан Свифт.

|E) Вальтер Скотт.

Тема: Литература


Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев

119. Choose the right variant: short sentences of phrases such as “Do you like war?”, “Gloomy Sunday”, “Keeping prices down” are used as….in newspapers

|A) Headlines.

|B) Paragraph.

|C) Article.

|D) Theme.

|E) Introduction.

Тема: Стилистика


Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М.Скребнев

120 .Choose the right modal verb. She…do so. She is too weak after her illness.

|A) Must not.

|B) Must.

|C) Need.

|D) An.

|E) Can not.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

121. Choose the right verb: Mother asks the children if they…some biscuits for tea.

|A) Have bought.

|B) Had bought.

|C) Has bought.

|D) Have have bought.

|E) Have had bought.

Тема: Практическая грамматика .


Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

122. Choose the correct Modal verb: Can I see the Dean…. He is busy.

|A) I am afraid not.

|B) You must not.

|C) No, you didn ’t have to.

|D) No, you may not.

|E) No ,you can not.

Тема: Практическая грамматика

Трудность: В

Литература :Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book

123. Choose the correct form of the complex object: We stood on deck and watched the sun…down.

|A) Going.

|B) To go.

|C) Went.

|D) Goes.

|E) Gone.

Тема: Практическая грамматика

Трудность: В

Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book

124. Prefixes which modify the stem for time are….

|A) Pre-, post-.

|B) Un-, dis.

|C) Im , il.

|D) Ir-,-anti.

|E) In-, ad-.

Тема: Практическая грамматика

Трудность :В

Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book

125.Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to time one pulse

|A) Қан айналысын санау.

|B) Қан айналысын қарау.

|C) Белгілеу.

|D) Бүлкілдеу.

|E) Қан айналысын байқау.

Тема: Практикум по ИЯ


Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford

126. Choose the right proper Kazakh equivalent to: vital

|A) Құнды.

|B) Өмірлік.

|C) Өте жақсы.

|D) Қызықты.

|E) Күрделі.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up

127. Insert prepositions or post-verbal nouns: We have a nice flat…the centre..the town.

|A) In/of.

|B) To/of.

|C) At/of.

|D) Out/of.

|E) About/in.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up

128. Fill the suitable word: The largest coal and iron fields in Britain are located in the…..

|A) Midlands.

|B) Continent.

|C) Portsmouth.

|D) Lowlands.

|E) Plymouth.

Тема: Великобритания


Литература: Страноведение.

129. Choose the correct word: a rather long journey, by water or air

|A) Voyage.

|B) Cruise.

|C) Tour.

|D) Hitch-hiking.

|E) Excursion.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

130. Choose the word close in meaning: amusing

|A) Entertaining.

|B) Following.

|C) Imitating.

|D) Catching

|E) Irritating.

Тема: Лексикология


Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

131. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: comfort |A) қолайлы |B) демалыс |C) жұбату |D) ыңғайлы |E) қолайлы жағдай Тема: Word-building. Трудность: C Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

132. Use the necessary tense form: She says that she ... already .. .the book.

|A) Has/ found.

|B) Were/ found.

|C) Will/ find.

|D) Had/ found.

|E) Was/ found.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

133. Choose the right sentence with the indirect speech: the teacher says "You don't prepare your homework regularly".

|A) The teacher says that we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|B) The teacher says to them that they don't prepare their homework regularly.

|C) The teacher says us we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|D) The teacher says to us that we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|E) The teacher says that you don't prepare your homework regularly.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

134. Choose the correct definition of the word: thunder

|A) The loud explosive noise that follows a flash of lightning.

|B) A description of weather conditions.

|C) A rough weather condition with wind, rain.

|D) A very thick mist which makes it difficult to see.

|E) A condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at a certain time.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: C

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

135. In such utterances as "Miss Blue-eyes, Mr. Zero, Korobochka" ... is used.

|A) Antonomasia.

|B) Zeugma.

|C) Irony.

|D) Proverb.

|E) Pun.

Темa: Stylistics

Трудность: C

Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М. Скребнев

136. Choose the right tense form: don't come to my place tomorrow. I ... a

composition the whole evening.

|A) Shall be writing.

|B) Am writing.

|C) Shall write.

|D) Will be write.

|E) Will write.

Темa: Practical grammar Future tenses

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

137. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: When Kate ... The door, the children ... Round the fir tree.

|A) Opened, were dancing.

|B) Was opening, danced.

|C) Is opened, are dancing.

|D) Had opened, danced.

|E) Has opened, are dancing.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

138. Choose the correct grammatical form: The poor peasant thanked Robin Hood for ... him.

|A) Having helped.

|B) Was being helped.

|C) Having been helped.

|D) Was helping.

|E) Being helped.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

139. Express in one word: a person who performs plays, takes part in sports, takes photographs for enjoyment and without being paid for it

|A) Amateur.

|B) Personal.

|C) National.

|D) Professional.

|E) World.

Тема: Lexicology


Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

140. Find the correct variant of indirect question: Pete said to his friends: “When are leaving Moscow”?

|A) Peter asked his friends when they were leaving Moscow.

|B) Peter wished to know that his friends were leaving Moscow.

|C) Peter wondered when his friends are leaving Moscow.

|D) Peter said to his friends when they were leaving Moscow.

|E) Peter wanted to know when his friends are leaving Moscow.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

141. It is an important branch of applied linguistics.

|A) Lexicography.

|B) Etymology.

|C) Grammar.

|D) Lexicology.

|E) Phonetics.

Тема: Стилистика


Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка.

142. Synonyms belonging….

|A) To the same part of speech.

|B) To the part of word.

|C) To the part of predicate.

|D) To the part of sentence.

|E) To the part of subject.

Тема: Лексикология


Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

143. The second name of functional affixes is...

|A) Endings.

|B) Derivatives.

|C) Suffixes.

|D) Rhetoric questions.

|E) Intonation.

Тема: Лексикология


Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

144.is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming them

|A) Pronoun.

|B) Noun.

|C) Adverb.

|D) Adjective.

|E) Verb.

Тема: Теоретическая грамматика


Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

145. Complete the following sentence: Ainsley knew that the sender was Dicky Soames, his…

|A) Wife's cousin.

|B) Wife’s nephew.

|C) Wife’s sister.

|D) Wife’s brother.

|E) Wife’s niece.

Тема: Литература


Литература: Lost in the Post. A. Philips

146. Choose the right verb how strange that she and he…in work together.

|A) Should be engaged.

|B) Have make engaged.

|C) Engaged.

|D) Was engaged.

|E) Have made engaged.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

147. Choose the suitable word: In the north you find the Cheviots seperating England from…..

|A) Scotland.

|B) Wales.

|C) Ireland.

|D) Australia.

|E) England.

Тема: Страноведение


Литература: Елтану. С. Мейрамова. Ф.2010

148. Choose the right verb: If I were you I…….. to the party before an exam. |A) shouldn’t go |B) should go |C) go on |D) goes |E) it goes Тема: Infinitive form. Трудность: C Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

149. Монолог түрінде сөйлеудің негізгі көрсеткіші |A) Мәтіннің мағынасы бойынша түсінігін айтып беру |B) Фонетикалық тұрғыдан дұрыс құрастырылған сөздерді айту |C) Орфографиялық дағдыпарды меңгеру. |D) Дыбыстардың дұрыс айтылуы |E) Лексикалық тұрғыдан дұрыс құрастырылған сөздерді айту Тема: Фонетика. Трудность: C Литература: Практическая фонетика English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

150. Find the correct sentence in indirect speech: “Don’t be late for dinner”. Said mother to us.

|A) Mother told us not to be late for dinner.

|В) Mother asked us if we not be late for dinner.

|C) Mother asked us that we not be late for dinner.

|D) Mother told us do not be late for dinner.

|E) Mother said to us not to be late for dinner.

Тема: Indirect speech

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good grammar Book. Swan.

151. Choose the correct postposition: to be lined….

|A) With.

|В) Up.

|C) Under.

|D) Of.

|E) In.

Тема: English

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar Book. Swan.

152. Choose the right verb: Robinson Crusoe lived on a … Island.

|A) Deserted.

|В) Deserting.

|C) Desert.

|D) Desert to.

|E) Will deserting.

Тема: Participle

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar Book. Swan.

153. Choose the correct variant: The largest coal and iron fields in Britain are located in the …

|A) Midlands.

|В) Plymouth.

|C) Continent.

|D) Portsmouth.

|E) Lowlands.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: C

Литература: Страноведение. С. Мейрамова

154. Choose the correct variant: The south-eastern part of England is a low-lying …

|A) Land.

|В) Mountain.

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