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Кафедра английского языка


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Английского языка

к.ф.н., доцент Ибраева А.Б.

« »____________________

Перечень экзаменационных тем и примерных вопросов

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»-

уровень Elementary 1 курс,2 кр, F 1-3

  1. Articles (definite: “the”, indefinite: “a/an”)

Underline the correct word.

Example: It’s a / an identity card.

1. Open a / the door.

2. This is a / an international school.

Complete with a or an.

Example: .. file, e-mail. (see Student’s book, Grammar Bank

1 D, p. 123)

  1. Names of jobs (a doctor, an engineer, a musician, etc.)

Write the jobs.

Example: I work for a newspaper. I’m a journalist.

1. I work in a school. I’m a t__________.

2. I work in an office or a hotel. I’m a r__________.

3. I work in the theatre. I’m an a__________.

4. I work in a hospital. I’m not a doctor. I’m a n__________.

5. I work in a restaurant. I’m a w__________.

6. I’m at university. I’m a s__________.

  1. Consonant sounds

  1. Possessive ‘s’ (For ex: Vicky’s bag, Mike’s friend, etc.)

Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: This is my brothers’ / brother’s wife.

1. It’s Ben’s / the Ben’s pen.

2. These are my childrens’ / children’s books.

3. I like the film’s end / end of the film.

Complete with ‘s (possessive), ’s (is), s (plural/third person ‘s’)

My friend’s father works in Germany.

Vicky’s bag, Mike’s friend, (see also Student’s book, Grammar Bank 2 D, p.125.)

  1. Members of family (father, mother, brother, sister, etc.)

Complete the sentences.

Example: My grandmother’s son is my …. (see Quick test 2)

For ex: my sister’s son is ________

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: My grandmother’s son is my _____.

A uncle      B father    C brother     

1 My mother’s son is my _____.

A brother      B nephew      C uncle     

2 My sister got married last year. Her _____ is a lawyer.

A son      B boyfriend      C husband     

3 My mother’s father is my _____.

A grandfather      B cousin      C uncle     

4 My sister’s son is my _____.

A niece      B nephew      C cousin     

5 My father’s brother is my _____.

A uncle      B cousin      C aunt     

  1. Verb “to be” (am/is/are)

Complete with am, is or are

Example: I … French. My surname Lopez. (see Student’s book, Grammar Bank 1 A, p. 123)

For ex: My name ___ Mike.

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: My name _____ David.

A am      B is    C are     

Maria is a student. _____’s in Class 4.

A He      B She      C It     

A Are you English?

B _____.

A Yes, I’m      B No, I not      C Yes, I am     

They _____ from Milan, they’re from Rome.

A not are      B aren’t      C isn’t     

Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible.

Example: We’re from Italy.

1__________ he a student?

2 We __________ English. We’re Scottish.

3 ‘Is he in Class 4?’ ‘No, he __________.’

4 ‘Is Marta Spanish?’ ‘Yes, __________ is.’

5 This __________ Chinese food. It’s Japanese.

6 ‘Where __________ you from?’ ‘I’m from Poland.’

7 ‘Are they teachers?’ ‘No, they __________.’

8 ‘I __________ Russian. I’m from Moscow.’

  1. Prepositions (at, in, for, on, to, etc.)

For ex: ___ Monday, ___ May.

Complete the sentences.

Example: Her birthday is 8 June.

  1. I often play football ____ the weekend.

  2. The shop closes ____ the evening.

(see File Test 3 A) ___________________________.

Example: May 6th (see Student’s book, Grammar Bank 3 D, p. 127)

  1. Question words (Who, When, Where, Why, Whose, How, How many, etc.)

For ex: _______ do you live? (What do you remember? p.26)

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1_____ morning. How are you?

A Happy      B Good      C Hello     

2 A I’m Kay.

B Nice to _____ you.

A meet      B met      C seeing     

3 A Where are you _____?

B Berlin.

A live      B coming from      C from     

  1. Adjectives (quite, very, old, new, big, fast, pretty, cheap, etc.)

For ex: It’s a big house, not a house big.

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