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Time for fun


A master of a ship called down into the hold:

“Who is there?”

“William, sir, was the answer.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing, sir”.

“Is Tom there?”

“Yes”, was the answer?”

“What is he doing?”

Helping me, sir”.

a master of a ship – капитан судна;

a hold – трюм.

* * * *

Each to his own

A rich gentleman walking over his estate before breakfast came face to face with a poor man whom he didn’t know

“Good morning, sir”, said a poor man, “I just came to see if I could get an appetite for breakfast. But what are you doing here?”

“You see, sir, said a poor man, “I just came to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite”.

each to his own – каждому свое;

estate – имение;

if I could get – могу ли я.

* * * *

No business of yours

A man was sitting at the theatre and was annoyed by continual conversation in the row behind.

“Excuse me”, he said, “but I can’t hear a word that is said.”

“Oh”, replied one of the talkative men indignantly, “Is it any business of yours what I am telling my friend?”

was annoyed – был раздражен;

conversation – разговор;

indignantly – возмущенно;

any business of yours – какое вам дело.

* * * *

A nice dinner

Last week at a dinner party I sat next to Mrs. Smith, she was eating.

“A nice day, isn’t it?”

“No, I don’t thank so.”

“A new play is coming to the “Globe” theater soon. Are you going to see it?”


Will you be staying in England?”


Are you enjoying your dinner?”

“Young man! Stop talking! Eat please! And we’d both enjoy our dinner.”

to enjoy – получать удовольствие.

* * * *

The bell-boy

A traveler was standing at the desk in the lobby of a hotel. He had only ten minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten something. He called the bell-boy and said: “Run up to room 48 and see whether I left a box on the table. Be quick, I’m in a hurry”. The boy ran up the stairs. Five minutes past, and the gentleman was walking up and down impatiently. At last the boy came back. “Yes, sir”, he said, “You left it there. It’s on the table.

a bell-boy – коридорный;

a lobby – холл;

a bill – счет;

impatiently – в нетерпении;

whether I left – не оставил ли я.

part III

Vocabulary learning

Exercise 1. Learn the words of the active vocabulary.

  1. names of chemical elements and their compounds:

lead [led] n. – свинец;

diamond ['daɪəmənd] n. – алмаз, бриллиант;

copper ['kɔpə] n. – медь;

iron ['aɪən] n. – железо;

fluorine ['fluəri:n] n. – фтор;

fluoride ['flʊəraɪd] n. – фтористое соединение, фторид;

gold [gəuld] n. – золото;

caustic soda ['kɔ:stɪk 'səudə] – едкий натр, каустическая сода, каустик;

carbon dioxide ['kɑ:b(ə)n daɪ'ɔksaɪd] – углекислота, углекислый газ;

nitrogen ['naɪtrəʤən] n. – азот.

  1. names of substances:

sugar ['ʃugə] n. – сахар;

poison ['pɔɪzn] n. – яд;

tissue ['tɪsju:] n. – ткань;

solid ['sɔlɪd] n. – твердое тело, вещество;

fluid ['flu:ɪd] n. – 1) текучая среда (жидкость, газ).

  1. names of parts of the human body and processes within the body:

brain [breɪn] n. – мозг;

heart [hɑ:t] n. – сердце (орган тела);

blood vessel [‘vesl] n. – кровеносный сосуд;

urine [‘juərɪn] n. – моча;

digest [dɪ'ʤest] a. – переваривать (пищу)

cavity [‘kævɪtɪ] n. – полость;

cutaneous [kju:’teɪnɪəs] a. – кожный;

bone [bəun] n. – кость;

osseous [‘ɔsɪəs] a. – костный;

cancer [‘kænsə] n. – рак.

  1. words relating to physical and chemical properties of substances:

sense [sens] n., v. – чувство, ощущение; ощущать;

taste [teɪst] n., v. – вкус; пробовать на вкус;

odour [‘əudə] n. – запах;

break [breɪk] v. – ломать, разламывать;

freeze [fri:z] v. – замерзать;

density ['densɪtɪ] n. – плотность, удельный вес;

soft [sɔft] a. – мягкий;

rapid [‘ræpɪd] a. – быстрый;

pure [pjuə] a. – чистый; беспримесный.

  1. words relating to pharmacy:

ill [ɪl] predict. больной, нездоровый;

combine [kəm'baɪn] v. – объединять, сочетать;

derive [dɪ'raɪv] v. – получать, извлекать;

remove [rɪ'mu:v] v. – передвигать, перемещать;

infant ['ɪnfənt] n. – младенец, ребёнок;

adult ['ædʌlt], [ə'dʌlt] n. – взрослый, совершеннолетний; зрелый человек;

healthy [‘helθɪ] adj. – здоровый;

affect [ə'fekt] n., v. – 1) аффект; эмоциональная реакция 2) поражение; повреждение; поражать; влиять; воздействовать;

cell [sel] n. – клетка;

pain [peɪn] n., v. – боль; страдание; причинять боль; болеть;

cure [kjʊə] n. – лечение, курс лечения, способ лечения;

separate ['sepəreɪt] v., ['sep(ə)rɪt] adj. – отделять(ся), разъединять(ся); отдельный; обособленный;

intake ['ɪnteɪk] n. – 1) поглощение, потребление; 2) всасывание.

  1. general scientific words:

arrange [ə'reɪnʤ] v. – 1) приводить в порядок; 2) классифицировать, систематизировать; располагать в определённом порядке, последовательности;

discover [dɪ'skʌvə] v. – обнаруживать, находить;

prevent [prɪ'vent] v. – предотвращать, предупреждать;

maintain [meɪn'teɪn] v. – поддерживать, сохранять (в состоянии, которое имеется на данный момент, особенно в хорошем);

contain [kən'teɪn] v. – 1) содержать в себе, включать, иметь в своём составе; вмещать;

pollution [pə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] n. – 1) загрязнение; загрязненность;

occur [ə'kɜ:] v. – встречаться; наблюдаться; происходить, случаться, совершаться;

detect [dɪ'tekt] v. – замечать, открывать, обнаруживать; определять.

Exercise 2. Read the words of Greek and Latin origin. Translate them.

Lithium ['lɪθɪəm], magnesium [mæg'ni:zɪəm], titanium [tɪ'teɪnɪəm], [taɪ'teɪnɪəm], radium ['reɪdɪəm], polonium [pə'ləunɪəm], francium [,fransɪəm], rhenium ['ri:nɪəm], neon ['ni:ɔn], argentum [ɑ:'ʤentəm], ferum ['ferəm], cuprum ['kju:prəm], yttrium ['ɪtrɪəm], carbon ['kɑ:b(ə)n], bicarbonate [baɪ'kɑ:bənɪt] tungsten ['tʌŋstən], chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n], abrasive [ə'breɪsɪv], conductor [kən'dʌktə], electricity [,elek'trɪsətɪ], magnet ['mægnət], caustic soda ['kɔ:stɪk 'səudə], anemia [ə'ni:mɪə], excrete [ɪks'kri:t], [eks-], formula ['fɔ:mjələ], electrolysis [,elɪk'trɔləsɪs], enzyme ['enzaɪm], thyroid ['θaɪrɔɪd], insulin ['ɪnsjəlɪn], blood [blʌd], hormone ['hɔ:məun], deficiency [dɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nsɪ], ceramic [sə'ræmɪk], nervous ['nɜ:vəs], system ['sɪstəm], urine ['juərɪn], hygiene ['haɪʤi:n], decade ['dekeɪd], Sweden ['swi:d(ə)n], Germany ['ʤɜ:mənɪ], Portugal [,pɔ:tjʊg(ə)l, ,pɔ:tʃʊ-], France [frɑ:ns], cerebral ['serəbr(ə)l], vascular ['væskjələ], infection [ɪn'fekʃ(ə)n], receptor [rɪ'septə], tract [trækt], organ ['ɔ:gən], condense [kən'dens], isometric [,ısə′metrik], abrasive [ə'breɪsɪv], resist [rɪ'zɪst], hemoglobin [,hi:mə(u)'gləubɪn], [,he-], hypertension [,haɪpə'tenʃ(ə)n], pressure ['preʃə].

Exercise 3. Translate the words paying attention to their prefixes and suffixes:

  • Prefix “non” has negative meaning.

Nontoxic, nonflammable, nonabsorbable, noneffective, nonreactive, nonfunction.

  • co”(“ com”, “col”, “con”,” cor”) means “together”.

Complex, combine, compression, component, compound, concentrate, collect, complete, correlate, cofactor, coexist.

  • hydro” means “water”.

Hydrogen, hydroxide, hydrated, hydrolysis, hydrous, hydrocarbon, hydrotherapy.

  • di means “two”.

Dicyclic, dioxide, diacid.

  • de” means separation; bad quality, lack of; gives the opposite meaning to the word.

Decompose, decompress, decode, declassed, decarbonate.

  • Suffix “able”, “ible” means capable of doing something.

Soluble, combustible, breakable, preventable.

  • Suffix “ous” forms adjectives.

Gaseous, poisonous, precious, porous.

Exercise 4. Match the verbs with the nouns and translate them.

discover, predict, prevent, maintain, consider, take, combine, pollute, occur, solidify, characterize, locate, deform, identify, separate, detect


separation, location, consideration, identification, solidification, combination, detection, deformation, characterization, prediction, discovery, prevention, intake, pollution, maintenance, occurrence

Exercise 5. Learn the following pairs of words.

Nose – nasal; mouth – oral; skin – dermal (cutaneous); bone – osseous; urine – urinary; digestion – digestive; odour – olfactory, vessel – vascular, brain – cerebral, liver – hepatic; kidney – renal.

Exercise 6. Match an adjective with the proper noun. Write down the word combination. Substitute the adjective by noun.


oral cavity – cavity of the mouth.
















Exercise 7. Make up word combinations and translate them into Russian.





сильная боль



плохое здоровье



тяжелая рана



больная нога



фальшивая монета



большой долг











sheet of paper


sprouts (побеги)







speed ( ход)












Exercise 8. Read and translate the following cognate words.

´Conduct – con´duct – conductance; produce – product – productivity; active – activate – activation; connect – connection – connective; synthesis – synthesize – synthetic; oxygen – oxide – oxidize – oxidation, character – characterize – characteristics, symbol – symbolic(al) – symbolize, pollute – pollution – pollutant, pure – impure – impurity, trans´port – transport – transportation; through – throughout, fluoride- fluoridation- fluoridated.

Exercise 9. Translate the following adverbs. Use dictionary if necessary.

Easily, at least, naturally, rapidly, violently, strongly, finally, still, actually, sometimes, chemically, perhaps, seemingly, previously, similarly, roughly, normally, generally, considerably, primarily, ideally, easily, usually, fairly, commonly, mainly, however, unfortunately, readily, nearly, especially, similarly, completely, highly, chiefly, significantly, readily, evenly, relatively, eventually, unfortunately .

Exercise 10. Study the mode of translation of the nouns in sequence. Translate the following word combinations.


laboratory work

лабораторная работа

chemistry laboratory work

лабораторная работа по химии

chemistry laboratory work book

тетрадь для лабораторных работ по химии

university chemistry laboratory work book

тетрадь для лабораторных работ по курсу химии в университете

Tooth decay, lead pollution, lead poisoning, brain damage, hemoglobin production, protein synthesis, thyroid hormone, g/day requirements, red blood cells, plastic water pipes, excess sodium intake, central nervous system damage.

Exercise 11. Insert instead of gaps the names of chemicals.

  1. Be careful when you are working with solution of … (HCl) because you can burn yourself.

  2. Hydrogen is prepared: 1) from water; 2) from acids such as …, H2SO4 and …, HCL; 3) from alkalis such as …, NaOH.

  3. In the free state as the gas H2 … occurs in volcanic gases as well as in different minerals, rocks and the atmosphere.

  4. The addition of 1% or more …, CO2, to …, O2, stimulates the respiratory center.

  5. Elementary… C occurs in the crystalline forms of diamond and graphite, and amorphous as charcoal.

  6. The bodies of plants and animals contain compounds of carbon with hydrogen, and sometimes … N, … S, and … P.

Key: 1) hydrochloric; 2) sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, caustic soda; 3) hydrogen; 4) carbon dioxide, oxygen; 5) carbon; 6) nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous.

Exercise 12. Match the descriptions of the elements with their names.

  1. A soft silver-white metallic element which occurs in nature only in compounds is essential for the growth of plants and oxidizes rapidly when exposed to the air. It is the lightest metal which belongs to the alkali metals.

  2. An isometric crystallized form of pure carbon, used as a precious (драгоценный) stone and as an abrasive. It is the hardest natural substance known.

  3. A shiny, bright-yellow, ductile (ковкий) and malleable, precious metallic element which resists alteration (деформация).

  4. A colorless, odorless, gaseous element that burns easily and is the lightest of all elements

  5. A colorless, odorless and tasteless gaseous element that forms about one fifth of the atmosphere by volume.

  6. A colorless, odorless and tasteless gaseous element that forms about four fifth of the atmosphere by volume and it is necessary part of all animal and plant tissues.

  7. A tough, reddish-brown, ductile metallic element which occurs in different ores (руда). It resists rust (ржавчина) and is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.

a) oxygen; b) gold; c) fluorine; d) nitrogen; e) hydrogen; f) sodium; g) diamond; h) copper.

Key: 1) sodium; 2) diamond; 3) gold; 4) oxygen; 5) hydrogen; 6) nitrogen; 7) copper.

Exercise 13. Read the following information giving the names of symbols.

  1. Elements in you

Very common

H, O, C, N


Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca,

Very scarce (but essential)

F, Si, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo, Sn, I

The first four make up 63%, 25,5%, 9,5%, and 1,4% respectively, of your atoms. The other 20 account for the remaining 0.6%.

  1. List of elements with single letter symbols:

H, B, C, O, N, F, P, S, K, V, Y, I, U, W

Key: hydrogen, boron, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, vanadium, yttrium, iodine, uranium, tungsten.

Exercise 14. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Фтор – очень ядовитый газ зеленоватого цвета. 2. Сера практически не растворима в воде. 3. Химические свойства хлорида натрия и его состав отличаются от свойств чистого хлора и натрия. 4. Натрий и хлор быстро вступают в реакцию и образуют белое твердое вещество – хлорид натрия. 5. В твердом состоянии кислород окрашен в бледно синий цвет. 6. Йод при комнатной температуре представляет собой темно-фиолетовые кристаллы. 7. Многие неорганические соединения хорошо растворимы в жидком фтористом водороде.

Exercise 15. Read the text and retell it in English.

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