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III. Translate into English:

1. Якщо він буде тут, я скажу йому про це. 2. Він не прийде, поки його не запросимо. 3. Йому доведеться піти в лікарню завтра, якщо йому не буде ліпше. 4. Якщо я побачу його, я поговорю з ним. 5. Якщо ви скажете мені правду, я допоможу вам. 6. Що ви будете робити, якщо не застанете їх удома? 7. Якщо він прийде, я запитаю його про поїздку. 8. Як тільки він принесе гроші, ми підемо і купимо книжок. 9. Якщо нам будуть потрібні ці товари, ми напишемо вам листа. 10. Якщо я розпо­вім тобі всі подробиці, ти зрозумієш мене? 11. Якщо мені хтось зателе­фонує, скажіть, що я буду вдома після шостої. 12. Якщо ви одягнете теплий одяг, ви не застудитеся. 13. Якщо я складу іспити добре, я вступ­лю до університету. 14. Якщо він ляже рано спати, він прокинеться рано.

IV. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I wouldn’t* be surprised if they didn’t agree with us. 2. I’d** do it all myself if I had more time. 3. What would you do if the lift got stuck between two floors? 4. I would be ruined if I bought her everything she asked for. 5. If it stopped raining, we could go out. 6. We’d buy more of these sets if your prices weren’t so high. 7. I would offer to help if I thought I’d be any use. 8. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If I (know) his address, I’d give it to you. 2. If he worked more slowly, he (not make) so many mistakes. 3. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you. 4. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come). 5. I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree. 6. If we had more rain, our crops (grow) faster. 7. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money. 8. If you (change) your job, would it affect your pension?

VI. Translate into English:

1. Якби ви знали ліпше граматику, ви б не зробили стількох помилок у ваших вправах. 2. Якби не було так пізно зараз, я б пішов до нього. 3. Ми б читали англійські книжки в оригіналі, якби знали англій­ську мову краще. 4. Якби він був у Києві зараз, він, звичайно, допоміг би нам. 5. Якби я мала відпустку, я б поїхала до Чорного моря. 6. Я був би вам дуже вдячний, якби ви змогли приділити мені кілька хвилин. 7. Що б ти робив, якби хтось весь час розмовляв з тобою таким тоном?

VII. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. If I had realized what a bad driver you were, I wouldn’t have come with you. 2. If you had put some mustard in the sandwiches, they would have tasted better. 3. If he had known the whole story, he would not have been so angry. 4. If she had listened to my directions, she would not have turned down the wrong street. 5. Rome would have been captured by her enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled. 6. Had the road been better, we should not have been late.

VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If he had asked you, you (accept)? 2. If you (speak) more slowly, he might have understood you. 3. If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I (not lend) him the money. 4. If I had known that you were in hospital, I (visit) you. 5. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded. 6. I (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way. 7. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes. 8. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat. 9. I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill. 10. If I (know) that you were coming, I’d have baked a cake.

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