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1. free enterprise economy — економiка, що ґрунтується на вiльному пiдприємництвi

2. to own — мати, володiти

3. to run a business — вести діло, управляти пiдприємством

4. ... for making profit — для отримання прибутку

5. goods and services — товари та послуги

6. despite — незважаючи на

7. mixed economy — змiшана економiка

8. public ownership — державна власнiсть

9. means of production — засоби виробництва

  1. private ownership — приватна власнiсть

  2. to owe smth to — бути зобов’язаним чимось комусь; завдячувати

  3. fertile soil — родючий ґрунт

  4. moderate climate — помiрний клiмат

  5. iron ore — залiзна руда

  6. non-ferrous metals — кольоровi метали

  7. marked predominance — значна перевага

Vocabulary exercises

I. Find equivalents:

1. free enterprise economy

2. to run a business

3. economic system

4. private ownership

5. means of production

6. public ownership

7. mixed economy

8. agricultural production

9. economic development

10. non-ferrous metals

11. advanced technology

  1. moderate climate

13. to make decisions

14. goods and services

а. економiчний розвиток

б. кольоровi метали

в. змiшана економiка

г. засоби виробництва

д. товари та послуги

е. помiрний клiмат

є. передова технологiя

ж. приймати рiшення

з. економiчна система

и. сiльськогосподарське виробництво

і. вести діло

ї. державна власнiсть

й. приватна власнiсть

к. економiка, що ґрунтується на вiльному пiдприємництвi

II. Substitute the words in bold type by their synonyms:

1. In spite of the fact that the United States has a free enterprise system, government’s role in the economy is very significant. 2. The USA is one of the most highly developed capitalist countries. 3. The United States owes its high level of economic development to its great riches of minerals and fertile farm soil, together with a temperate climate. 4. Minerals provide a strong base for present-day industry. 5. Mixed economy combines element of public property of the means of production with private property.

  1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. Mixed economy is an economic system that combines elements ... public ownership ... the means ... production ... private ownership, and elements ... free enterprise ... government participation and control. 2. The USA is a country ... a highly developed economy. 3. It leads the capitalist world ... industrial and agricultural production, leaving the other capitalist countries ... behind. 4. Nearly 90 per cent ... the goods and services produced ... the country each year come ... privately owned companies and firms. 5. The territory ... the country is extremely rich ... minerals.

IV. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms

from the list:

сapital; free enterprise economy; property; mixed economy; means of production; minerals; businesses; private ownership; industrial and agricultural production; goods and services.

1. The United States of America has a developed _______ . 2. People are able to own ________ and ________ and to run their own _______ for making profit. 3. Nearly 90 per cent of ___________ produced in the country each year come from privately owned firms. 4. Economists describe the American system as a _________ . 5. It combines elements of public ownership of the ________ with _________ . 6. The USA leads the capitalist world in _________ , leaving the other capitalist countries far behind. 7.The territory of the USA is extremely rich in ___________ .

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