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Exercises for individual work

I. Choose the correct verb:

1. A lot of students (is, are) already here. 2. The United States (is, are) located in North America. 3. One of the countries I would like to visit (is, are) Italy. 4. The number of students in this room right now (is, are) twenty. 5. His knowledge of English (is, are) bad. 6. English (is, are) not my native language. 7. Fruit (is, are) cheap in summer. 8. Each of my friends (is, are) here.

II. Change the number of the italicized nouns and make all necessary changes:

1. The book is on the shelf. 2. This is an English dictionary. 3. The roof of the house was covered with snow. 4. This factory has a good laboratory. 5. A copy of the contract was sent to Lviv. 6. Where is the knife? 7. The child is playing in the yard. 8. The tomato is ripe. 9. The cat caught a mouse. 10. I have hurt my foot. 11. The story is very long. 12. He is a nice person. 13. The speech was very interesting. 14. He left the key on the table. 15. The last leaf fell from the tree. 16. I like his new play.

III. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. There (is, are) no time for it today. 2. There (is, are) a students’ hostel in this street. 3. There (is, are) a lot of problems in the world. 4. There (is, are) a blackboard, a table and a lot of chairs in our study. 5. There (isn’t, aren’t) any letters in the mail for you today. 6. There (isn’t, aren’t) any mail for you today. 7. (Is, are) there many students in the classroom? 8. There (is, are) six desks and a table in the classroom. 9. There (is, are) some laboratories, a library and a reading-hall on the ground floor. 10. How many kinds of birds (is, are) there in the world?

IV. Change the following sentences using there + to be:

1. The University’s campus has four hostels. 2. I see a lot of students in the classroom. 3. The University’s laboratories and studies are large and light. 4. The book-keeping department is on the ground floor. 5. How many students have you got in your group? 6. We can’t see anybody here. 7. The library has a large collection of literature on economics. 8. He has only two mistakes in his dictation. 9. We have some meat in the fridge.

V. Use it is or there is/are in the following sentences:

1. ... fine today. 2. ... an underground station near my house. 3. ...nearly11 o’clock. 4. ... a light in the window. Somebody must be at home. 5. ... apity you can’t go with us. 6. ... easy to understand why she is absent. 7. ... anynews in the letter? 8. ... not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 9. ...time to go to bed. 10. ... important to know the details. 11. ... no central heating inmy house. 12. ... too early to leave. 13. ... much money in his purse. 14. ... difficult to study French. 15. ... some interesting articles in the newspaper? 16. ... fifteen students in our group. 17. ... only one cigarette in the box. 18. ... warmer today than ... was yesterday.

VI. Translate into English:

1. У мого брата волосся сиве, а брови чорні. 2. У нього погані знання. 3. Смітти — культурна сім’я. 4. Вони полюють на оленів. 5. Усі ворота було зачинено. 6. Ваші поради мені дуже допомагають. Я завж­ди слідую їм. Вони дуже корисні. 7. Ви та сама людина, яка мені потрібна. 8. Я завжди їду 17-м автобусом. У 17-му автобусі звичайно буває мало людей. 9. Кому належать ці гроші? — Ці гроші належать йому. 10. Мій батько пішов до школи, щоб познайомитися з учителем. 11. У нашому місті багато вищих навчальних закладів. 12. Чи є хтось удома? — Ні, немає нікого вдома. 13. У тебе є сестра чи брат? — Так, у мене є брат. — Хто він? — Мій брат менеджер. — Де він зараз? — Він у відрядженні у Львові. 14. Скільки днів у квітні? — У квітні 30 днів.


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