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Паскаль / do11 / tmtp390d / DOC / DPMI

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                      The DPMI - DPMI Interface Library

                 Copyright (c) 1997,98  TMT Development Corp.

                            All Rights Reserved


 The  DOS  Protected  Mode  Interface  (DPMI)  was defined to allow DOS
 programs  to  access  the extended memory of PC architecture computers
 while maintaining system protection. DPMI defines a specific subset of
 DOS and BIOS calls that can be made by protected mode DOS programs. It
 also defines a new interface via software interrupt 31h that protected
 mode  programs  use  to allocate memory, modify descriptors, call real
 mode  software,  etc.  Any  operating  system  that currently supports
 virtual  DOS  sessions  should  be  capable of supporting DPMI without
 affecting  system  security.  Some  DPMI  implementations  can execute
 multiple  protected  mode  programs  in  independent virtual machines.
 Thus, DPMI applications can behave exactly like any other standard DOS
 program and can, for example, run in the background or in a window (if
 the  environment  supports  these  features).  Programs  that  run  in
 protected  mode  also  gain all the benefits of virtual memory and can
 run in 32-bit flat model if desired.


 procedure ClearRmRegs (var Regs: TRmRegs)
        This procedure clears (fills with zero) the Real Mode registers
        structure. You must do it before you call any function, which
        uses it! See the TESTLBF.PAS and EXEC16.PAS examples.

 function FarGetByte (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord): Byte
        Returns byte value from specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 function FarGetWord (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord): Word
        Returns word value from specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 function FarGetDWord (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord): DWord
        Returns dword value from specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 procedure FarPutByte (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord; Value: Byte)
        Puts byte value to specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 procedure FarPutWord (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord; Value: Word)
        Puts word value to specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 procedure FarPutDWord (Seg: Word; Offs: DWord; Value: DWord)
        Puts dword value to specified offset of specified
        protected mode segment (selector).

 function  GetCS: Word
        Returns current code segment.

 function  GetDS: Word
        Returns current data segment.

 function AllocateDescriptors (NumberOfDescriptors: Word): Word
        This  function   is  used   to  allocate  one  or  more
        descriptors from  the  task's  Local  Descriptor  Table
        (LDT).  The descriptor(s) allocated must be initialized
        by the application.

        Entry: NumberOfDescriptors - Number of descriptors to allocate
        Exit:  if successful: Base selector (use SelctorInc to asscss to
                              next selector)
               if failed    : Zero

 function CreateDataDescriptor (Base, Limit: DWord): Word
        This  function   is  used   to  allocate  one  data
        descriptor from  the  task's  Local  Descriptor  Table
        (LDT) with specified Base and Limit

        Entry: Base - Specified Base
               Limit - Specified limit
        Exit:  if successful: Data Selector
               if failed    : Zero

 function CreateCodeDescriptor (Base, Limit: DWord): Word
        This  function   is  used   to  allocate  one  code
        descriptor from  the  task's  Local  Descriptor  Table
        (LDT) with specified Base and Limit

        Entry: Base - Specified Base
               Limit - Specified limit
        Exit:  if successful: Code Selector
               if failed    : Zero

 function FreeDescriptor (Selector: Word): Boolean
        This function  is used  to free  descriptors that  were
        allocated  through   the   Allocate   LDT   Descriptors

        Entry: Selector - selector to free
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
           if failed    : FALSE

 function SegmentToDescriptor (Segment: Word): Word
        This function  is used  to convert  real mode  segments
        into descriptors that are addressable by protected mode

        Entry: Segment - Real mode segment address
        Exit : if successful: Selector mapped to real mode segment
               if failed    : Zero

 function SelectorInc: Word
        Some functions  such as  allocate LDT  descriptors  and
        allocate  DOS   memory  can   return  more   than   one
        descriptor.   You must  call this function to determine
        the value  that must  be added  to a selector to access
        the next descriptor in the array.

        Entry: None
        Exit : if successful: Value to add to get to next selector
               if failed    : Zero

 function GetSegmentBaseAddress (Selsctor: Word): DWord
        This function returns the 32-bit linear base address of
        the specified segment.

        Entry: Selector - Defined selector
        Exit : if successful: 32-bit linear base address of segment
               if failed    : Zero

 function SetSelectorBaseAddress (Selector: Word; Base: DWord): Boolean
        This function changes the 32-bit linear base address of
        the specified selector.

        Entry: Selector - Defined selector
               Base     - 32-bit linear base address for segment
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed    : FALSE

 function SetSelectorLimit (Selector: Word; Limit: DWord): Word
        This function sets the limit for the specified segment.

        Entry: Selector - Defined selector
               Limit    - 32-bit segment limit
        Exit : if successful: Segment
               if failed    : Zero

 function GetSelectorAccessRights (Selector: Word): Word
        This function returns access rights and type fields of a

        Entry: Selector - Defined selector
               Rights   - 80386 access rights/type word
        Exit : if successful: Access rights
               if failed:     Zero

 function SetSelectorAccessRights (Selector,Rights: Word): Boolean
        This function allows a protected mode program to modify
        the access rights and type fields of a descriptor.

        Entry: Selector - Defined selector
               Rights   - 80386 access rights/type word
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function CreateCodeAlias (Selector: Word): Word
        This function  will create  a code  descriptor that has
        the same  base and  limit as the specified code segment

        Entry: Selector - Data segment selector
        Exit : if successful: Alias selector
               if failed:     Zero

 function CreateDataAlias (Selector: Word): Word
        This function  will create  a code  descriptor that has
        the same  base and  limit as the specified code segment

        Entry: Selector - Data segment selector
        Exit : if successful: Alias selector
               if failed:     Zero

 function GetDescriptor (Selector: Word; var Descriptor: TDescriptor): Boolean
        This function  copies the  descriptor table entry for a
        specified descriptor into an eight byte buffer.

        Entry: Selector   - Defined selector
               Descriptor - Pointer to an 8 byte buffer to receive copy
                            of descriptor
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function SetDescriptor (Selector: Word; var Descriptor: TDescriptor): Boolean
        This function  copies an eight byte buffer into the LDT
        entry for a specified descriptor.

        Entry: Selector   - Defined selector
               Descriptor - Pointer to  an 8 byte  buffer that contains
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function AllocateSpecificDescriptor (Selector: Word): Boolean
        This  function   is  used   to  allocate  one  specific
        LTD descriptor.

        Entry: Selector - Selector to allocate
        Exit:  if successful: TRUE
               if failed    : FALSE

 function AllocDOSmemoryBlock (SizeInBytes: DWord): DWord
        This function  will allocate a block of memory from the
        DOS free  memory pool.   It  returns both the real mode
        segment and one or more descriptors that can be used by
        protected mode applications to access the block.

        Entry: SizeInBytes - Number of bytes desired
        Exit : if successful: Paragraph-segment value in its high-order
                              word and a selector in its low-order word
               if failed:     Zero

 function FreeDOSMemoryBlock (Selector: Word): Boolean
        This function  frees memory  that was allocated through
        the Allocate DOS Memory Block function.

        Entry: Selector - Selector of block to free
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function ResizeDOSmemoryBlock (Selector: Word; NewSize: DWord): Boolean
        This function  is used to grow or shrink a memory block
        that was  allocated through  the  AllocateDOSmemoryBlock

        Entry: NewSize - New block size in bytes
               Selector - Selector of block to modify
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function DOSMemoryAlloc (SizeInBytes: DWord): Word
        This function  will allocate a block of memory from the
        DOS free  memory pool.  It  returns real mode only
        segment of alloceted DOS memory block.

        Entry: SizeInBytes -  Number of bytes desired
        Exit : if successful: Paragraph-segment value
               if failed:     Zero

        Note:  To get access to allocated DOS memory block you  should
        multiply the returned Paragrapf-segment by 16 and add _zero value.


        function MkDOSPointer (Segment: Word): Pointer;

        This function makes a protected mode pointer on a given segment of
        allocated DOS memory block.

 function DOSMemoryFree (Segment: Word): Boolean
        This function  frees memory  that was allocated through
        the DOSMemoryAlloc function.

        Entry: Segment - Real mode segment of block to free
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

        DOSMemoryAlloc and DOSMemoryFree functions uses Int 21h and do not
        require DPMI function 100h, which is not supported by PMODE.EXE
        extender. DOSMemoryAlloc and DOSMemoryFree will work correctly in
        RAW DOS.

 function GetRealModeIntVec (IntNo: Byte; var RSeg,ROfs: Word): Boolean
        This function  returns the  value of the current task's
        real mode interrupt vector for the specified interrupt.

        Entry: IntNo - Interrupt number
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
                              RSeg - Segment of real mode interrupt handler
                              ROfs - Offset of real mode interrupt handler
               if failed:     FALSE

 function SetRealModeIntVec (IntNo: Byte; RSeg,ROfs: Word): Boolean
        This function sets the value of the current task's real
        mode interrupt vector for the specified interrupt.

        Entry: IntNo - Interrupt number
               RSeg - Segment of real mode interrupt handler
               ROfs - Offset of real mode interrupt handler
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function GetExceptionHandler (ExpFault: Byte; var Sel: Word; var Offs: DWord): Boolean
        This function  returns  the  Pointer to the  current
        protected mode  exception  handler  for  the  specified
        exception number.

        Entry: ExpFault - Exception/fault number (00h-1Fh)
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
                              Sel,Offs: Selector,Offset of exception handler
               if failed:     FALSE

 function SetExceptionHandler (ExpFault: Byte; Sel: Word; Offs: DWord): Boolean
        This function  allows protected  mode  applications  to
        intercept processor  exceptions that are not handled by
        the DPMI  environment.   Programs may  wish  to  handle
        exceptions such  as not present segment  faults  which
        would otherwise generate a fatal error.

        Entry: ExpFault - Exception/fault number (00h-1Fh)
               Sel,Offs - Selector, Offset of exception handler
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function GetDPMIIntVec (IntNo: Byte; var Sel: Word; var Offs: DWord): Boolean
        This function  returns  the  ParPointer to the  current
        protected mode  interrupt  handler  for  the  specified
        interrupt number.

        Entry: IntNo - Interrupt number
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
                              Sel,Offs - Selector,Offset of interrupt handler
               if failed:     FALSE

 function SetDPMIIntVec (IntNo: Byte; Sel: Word; Offs: DWord): Boolean
        This  function   sets  the  address  of  the  specified
        protected mode interrupt vector.

        Entry: IntNo - Interrupt number
               Addr - Pointer of interrupt handler
               Exit : if successful: TRUE
                      if failed:     FALSE

 function RealModeInt (IntNo: Byte; var Regs: TRmRegs): Boolean
        This function  simulates an interrupt in real mode.  It
        will invoke  the  CS:IP  specified  by  the  real  mode
        interrupt  vector   and  the  handler  must  return  by
        executing an iret.

        Entry: IntNo - Interrupt number
               Regs -  TRealRegs structure
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function CallRealModeFar (var Regs: TRmRegs): Boolean
        This function  calls a real mode procedure.  The called
        procedure must execute a far return when it completes.

        Entry: Regs -  TRealRegs structure
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function CallRealModeIRet (var Regs: TRmRegs): Boolean
        This function  calls a real mode procedure.  The called
        procedure must execute an iret when it completes.

        Entry: Regs -  TRealRegs structure
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

  function AllocRealModeCallBack (HandlerAddr, RegsAddr: Pointer;
   var HndSeg: Word; var HndOfs: DWord): Boolean;
        This function  is used  to obtain  a  unique  real  mode
        SEG:OFFSET that will transfer control from real mode to
        a protected mode procedure.

        Entry: Linear address of procedure to call
               Linear address of real mode call structure
        Exit : if successful: Segment:Offset of real mode call address
               if failed:     Zero

 function FreeRealModeCallBack (HndSeg: Word; HndOfs: DWord): Boolean;
        This function  frees a real mode call-back address that
        was allocated  through the allocate real mode call-back
        address service.

        Entry: HndSeg and HndOfs - segment and offset of real mode
               call-back address to free
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function GetDPMIVer: Word
        Returns  the   version  of  DPMI  services  supported.

        Entry: None
        Exit : if successful: Version of DPMI service
               if failed    : Zero

 function GetFreeMemoryInfo (BufferPtr: Pointer): Boolean
        This  function  is  provided  so  that  protected  mode
        applications  can   determine  how   much   memory   is
        available.   Under DPMI  implementations  that  support
        virtual memory, it is important to consider issues such
        as the amount of available physical memory.

        Entry: BufferPtr - Selector:Offset of 30h byte buffer
        Exit : if successful: TRUE
               if failed:     FALSE

 function MapPhysicalToLinear (PhysAddr, SizeInBytes: DWord): DWord
        This function can be used by device
        drivers to convert a physical address into a linear address.
        The linear  address can  then be  used to  access the device

        Entry: PhysAddr    -  Physical address to map
               SizeInBytes -  Size in bytes of block to map
        Exit : if successful: Pointer to linear address that can be
               used to access the physical memory
               if failed:     Nil

 function GetDisableInterruptState: Boolean
        This function  will disable  the virtual interrupt flag
        and return  the previous state of the virtual interrupt

        Entry: None
        Exit : Virtual interrupt state

 function GetEnableInterruptState: Boolean
        This function  will enable  the virtual interrupt flag
        and return  the previous state of the virtual interrupt

        Entry: None
        Exit : Virtual interrupt state

 function GetInterruptState: Boolean
        This function will disable return state of the virtual
        interrupt flag.

        Entry: None
        Exit : Virtual interrupt state
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