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к экзамену / Thorns and roses

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Thorns and Roses of Computing.

Thorns (-)

Roses (+)

1. Wasting time (instead of studying, doing h/w)

1. Good kind of entertainment (music, games, films)

2. Too much spam, aggressive sites

2. Getting any information through I-net

3. Wasting a lot of money on unuseful inform

3. Free access to info.

4. Losing same skills on mathematic

4. Doing some complicated mathematical operations

5. Losing skills in communication in reality

5. A good way of communication (e-mail, chat, icq, forums, some sites)

6. Stealing information for money, hacking

6. The way of earning money ( creating, sites, programs, films)

7. *A student can’t address his teacher for help directly (alive).

* Teacher isn’t able to control if his student has done the task himself.

7. Education by means of special programs on different subjects

8. If the system breaks down it stops the operation and the work of an enterprise.

8. Automated system of control at the airports, rail-way stations, customs, plants, factories.

9. Robots operate according to their limited program, and they don’t have any senses, intuition and feelings.

9. Robots are used in dangerous and not accessible for a man places.

10. There isn’t enough information (maps) about some places of one’s location.

10. GPS – system helps us to orient and find the place of our location.

11. A man is becoming computer addicted and has some mental disease.

11. Cyber – sport the improvement of a man’s logics and fast reaction in acting.

Long – time computing leads to hypodynamia, bad eyes, incorrect posture, and faults in posture.

12. Training in military purposes through special computer equipment and programs.

13. But the computer itself doesn’t treat a man.

13. Computers store information about human’s diseases and helps to define them according to the symptom.

Computers play an important role in our life. They are used in all sphere of our activities. Modern people don’t imagine our life without computers. Besides, positive experience computers have negative in pact in our life. So, we can that computing has thorns and roses.

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