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Tips from Professional Speech-writers:

read aloud the words you have written to be certain that they sound natural to the ear

avoid clauses that complicate sentences

use smooth transitions to move from one section of the speech to the next

use rhetorical questions

draw verbal pictures

be wary of jokes

quote statistics sparingly

(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 408)

Reading 20.2.

Read the text and answer the questions that follow:

Special types of speaking opportunities

The news conference

At a news conference, communication is two-way. The person speaking for a company or a cause submits to questioning by reporters, usually after a brief opening statement. A news conference makes possible quick, widespread dissemination of the sponsor’s information and opinions through the news media. It avoids the time-consuming task of presenting the information to the news outlets individually and assures that the intensely competitive newspapers and electronic media hear the news simultaneously. From the public relations point of view, these are the principal advantages of the news conference. Against these important pluses must be weighed the fact that the person holding the conference is open to severe and potentially antagonistic questioning.

In public relations strategy, the news conference can be either an offensive or a defensive device, depending on the client’s need.

Most news conferences are positive in intent; they are affirmative actions to project the host’s plans or point of view. Such conferences should be carefully planned and scheduled well in advance under the most favorable circumstances. Public relations specialists also must deal frequently with unanticipated, controversial situations.

No matter how trying the circumstances, the person holding the news conference should create an atmosphere of cooperation and project a sincere intent to be helpful. The worst thing he or

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she can do is to appear resentful of the questioning. A good posture is to admit that the situation is bad and that the organization is doing everything in its power to correct it.

The news conference should be held only when there is news. If reporters and camera crews summoned to a conference hear propaganda instead of facts, or information of minor interest to a limited group, they go away disgusted. If the material involved fails to meet the criteria of significant news, a wise public relations representative will distribute it through a press release.

Every news outlet that might be interested in the material should be invited to a news conference. An ignored media outlet may become an enemy, like a person who isn’t asked to a party. The invitation should describe the general nature of the material to be discussed, so an editor will know what type of reporter to assign.

It is advisable for a practitioner asked to organize a news conference to follow the checklist given below:

Select a convenient location, one that is fairly easy for news representatives to reach with minimal travel time.

Set the date and time. Times between midmorning and midafternoon are good. Friday afternoons are deadly, as are days before holidays.

When possible, issue an invitation to a news conference about six to eight weeks ahead of time, but one month is acceptable.

Distribute a media release about the upcoming news conference when appropriate.

Write a statement for the spokesperson to give at the conference and make sure that he or she understands and rehearses it. In addition, rehearse the entire conference.

Try to anticipate questions so the spokesperson can readily answer difficult queries. Problem/solutions rehearsals prepare the spokesperson.

Prepare printed material for distribution at the conference. These should include a brief factsheet with names and titles of participants, a basic news release, and basic support materials.

Prepare visual materials as necessary. These may include slides, transparencies, posters, or even a short videotape.

Make advance arrangements for the room. Make sure there are enough chairs and leave a center aisle for photographers.

Arrive 30 to 60 minutes early to double-check arrangements. Test the microphones, arrange name tags for invited guests, and distribute literature.


Research shows that people seldom accept news ideas or products unless friends and relatives also endorse them. Studies also show that informal conversations among peers and friends

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influence our thinking and behavior more than television commercials or newspaper editorials do. Another study shows that a person dissatisfied with a product tells a minimum of 10 to 15 people about the experience; in turn, these people tell others in an ever-widening ripple effect that condemns the product. On the other hand, if word-of-mouth designates a product as “hip”, sales soar.

That is why every professional communicator should understand how rumors start and, more important, how to combat them.

Simply stated, rumors are pieces of “information” that cannot be confirmed or verified by personal experience or a highly credible secondary source. They thrive when a combination of uncertainty and anxiety exists and authentic, official information is lacking.

As studies show, rumors are a common problem faced by public relations professionals. The following strategies can be used to combat rumors:

1.Analyze the nature and impact of the rumor before taking corrective action. Many rumors are relatively harmless and dissipate within a short time.

2.Attempt to track the cause of the rumor and the geographical locations where it is prominent. This will help determine whether the rumor should be dealt with on a local, state, or national level.

3.Compile complete, authentic information that will either refute or confirm the rumor.

4.When denying a rumor, avoid repeating it more than necessary.

5.Use outside experts and credible public agencies to refute the rumor.

(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 411-425)


Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth is also used as a marketing tool. The receiver of word-of-mouth referrals tends to believe that the communicator is speaking honestly and is unlikely to have an ulterior motive. With the emergence of Web 2.0, mostly all web startups have used word of mouth marketing by merging it with the social networking. A successful example of word of word of mouth marketing is the promotion for Gmail. Google did no marketing, they spent no money. They created scarcity by giving out Gmail accounts only to a handful of "power users." Other users who aspired to be like these power users "lusted" for a Gmail account and this manifested itself in their bidding for Gmail invites on eBay. Demand was created by limited supply.

(“Word of Mouth.” Wikipedia. 8 Nov. 2007. 12 Nov. 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_of_mouth.>)

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