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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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I. Learn the following words.

To mandate – передавать права;

to comply with – подчиняться (правилам);

provision – условие;

to hamper – препятствовать, мешать;

clandestinely – тайно, скрыто;

to amend – внести поправки;

responsive – ответный;

to bear – вносить;

to eliminate – устранять, исключать;

to chastise – подвергать наказанию;

excessive – чрезмерный;

precursor – сырье для приготовления наркотиков.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the provision allowing treatment for drug abusers added to the Convention?

2. What does the Convention require Parties to assist?

3. What was the purpose of establishing the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the USA?

4. What was noted in the World Drug Report?

5. Why is it necessary to promote cooperation between international organizations to fight against illicit drugs?

III. Match the Russian word-combinations on the left with the English word-combinations on the right.

1) вносить поправки в договор;

a) to comply with requirements;

2) подчиняться требованиям;

b) to amend treaty;

3) вводить закон в силу;

c) to enforce law;

4) международные сделки;

d) to share information;

5) обмениваться информацией.

e) international transactions.

IV. Find in the text the words that correspond to the following definitions.

a) being allowable according to law;

b) to remove or take away;

c) to make someone aware of a possible danger or problem, esp. one in the future;

d) an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future;

e) to use drugs, exercises, etc. in order to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury;

f) experience of physical or mental pain;

g) to watch or organize (a job or activity) to make certain that it is being done correctly.

V. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

a) посвящать цели;

b) производить синтетические наркотики;

c) законные рынки;

d) сосредоточить меры по контролю;

e) улучшить процесс реабилитации;

f) долгосрочное воздействие;

g) легкий доступ к информации;

h) не принимать во внимание требования;

i) чрезмерное употребление.

VI. Match the verbs with the nouns. Give the translation of the phrases you’ve got.

1) to mandate;

a) efforts;

2) to promote;

b) number;

3) to hamper;

c) treatment;

4) to exceed;

d) Convention;

5) to design;

e) inquiries;

6) to increase;

f) flexibility;

7) to reply to.

g) understanding.

VII. Make up sentences in English with the phrases from the previous task.

VIII. Insert the articles if necessary.

… Convention mandates drug treatment, … education, and … prevention measures and requires Parties to assist … efforts to gain … understanding of … problems of abuse of psychotropic substances and of its prevention. To comply with these provisions, most Parties financially support … organizations and … agencies dedicated to these goals. The United States, for instance, established … National Institute on Drug Abuse in 1974 to comply with … research requirement and began sponsoring Drug Abuse Resistance Education in 1983 to help fulfill … educational and prevention requirements.