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Государственное казенное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Российская таможенная академия»

Ростовский филиал

Кафедра иностранных языков


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский язык)»

Вариант № 2

Выполнила: Бабина Татьяна Александровна,

студентка 1-го курса

заочной формы обучения,

направление подготовки:

38.05.02 «Таможенное дело»,

группа ТС 02/1402 ЗС, зачетная книжка № __,




«___» _________ 2014г.



Task I. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:

  1. Why is the work of a Customs officer very responsible?

The work of a Customs officer is very responsible because it involves working closely with the public.

  1. What do Customs officers do every day?

Customs officers question travellers and check their passports. They also search suspicious passengers and their luggage every day.

  1. What are the character traits which the Customs officer must have?

Customs officers must be fit, observant, and attentive to detail and have good analytical skills. They must also be patient, tactful and polite because travellers are often tired, upset or anxious.

Task II. Match left and right:

1) to go through the Customs

a) иметь хорошие аналитические навыки

2) to search passengers’ luggage

b) узнать о сферах правоприменения / областях права

3) to be upset or anxious

c) проходить таможню (таможенный контроль)

4) to apply laws

d) быть расстроенным или взволнованным

5) to enter and leave the country

e) выполнять (свои) обязанности

6) to learn about the legal areas

f) досматривать багаж пассажиров

7) to have good analytical skills

g) въезжать и выезжать из страны

8) to fulfill smb’s duties

h) быть расстроенным или взволнованным

  1. to go through the Customs - c) проходить таможню (таможенный контроль)

  2. to search passengers’ luggage - f) досматривать багаж пассажиров

  3. to be upset or anxious - d), h) быть расстроенным или взволнованным

  4. to apply laws -

  5. to enter and leave the country - g) въезжать и выезжать из страны

  6. to learn about the legal areas - b) узнать о сферах правоприменения / областях права

  7. to have good analytical skills - a) иметь хорошие аналитические навыки

  8. to fulfill smb’s duties – e) выполнять (свои) обязанности

Task III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. Who usually (examine) the passengers’ luggage at Sheremetyevo airport? - The Customs officer (do).

  2. Who (do) his homework there now? – I (not know).

  3. There (be) some value items in their luggage.

  4. There (be) four suit-cases and a traveller bag on the trolley.

1) Who does usually examine the passengers’ luggage at Sheremetyevo airport?- The Customs officer does.

2) Who is doing his homework there now? – I am not knowing

3) There are some value items in their luggage.

4) There are four suit-cases and a traveller bag on the trolley.

Task IV. Give synonyms to the following words:

  1. goods- luggage, things, baggage

  2. inspection- check, control

  3. lounge - rest-room , hall

  4. observant – attentive, watchful

Task V. Put the questions to the underlined words.

  1. At first I’ll register my luggage.

  2. Mr. Grey is putting his suit-case into X-ray baggage scanner now.

  3. He works in the Customs at the airport.

  1. What will you register at first?

  2. Where is Mr. Grey put suit-case?

  3. Where does he work?

Task VI. Translate into English.

  1. Студенты факультета таможенного дела изучают различные предметы.

  2. Каждый день множество людей проходит через таможенный контроль, особенно много работы вечером.

  3. Таможенник просматривает декларации пассажиров, проверяет их багаж.

  1. Students of the Customs Business studying different subjects.

  2. Every day a lot of people go through the Customs, there is especially large amount of work in the evening.

  3. Customs official looks through passenger’s declarations , checks their luggage.