.docxКонтрольная работа №1
Variant III
Задание 1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.
Ex. 1. Who (you / to wait) for? – A friend of mine.
Who are you waiting for? – A friend of mine.
2. My mother is doing the shopping today.
3. I am learning an English grammar rule.
4. What are you doing here? – I am waiting for the museum to open.
5. The students are finishing exercise two now.
6. You are tasting the pizza over and over again. Is anything wrong?
7. Where is Tom? – He is having lunch at the canteen.
8. My friend made progress in English last year.
9. I was in London a year ago.
10. You are reading in the dark again! It is bad for your eyes.
Задание 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.
Ex. 1. The street was absolutely empty at 8 a.m. yesterday and we (to drive) very fast.
The street was absolutely empty at 8 a.m. yesterday and we were driving very fast.
2. Frank was in the Tretyakov Gallery last Sunday. He enjoyed it very much.
3. When we arrived at the seaside the strong wind was blowing and the sky was cloudy.
4. When he was 15 he broke his arm.
5. When the police arrived the criminal had escaped.
6. That time yesterday I was walking in the park.
7. I was surprised when he called. We spoke two months ago.
8. I cannot remember what I was doing that time yesterday. – Maybe you were sleeping.
9. From 10 to 11 on Sunday my Mum and I were cleaning the flat.
10. She was doing the housework when the children returned from school.
Задание 3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.
Ex. 1. At this time tomorrow I (to walk) in the park.
At this time tomorrow I will be walking in the park.
2. They will be discussing the plan at that time tomorrow.
3. From 5 to 6 next Tuesday she will be playing with her younger sister.
4. I want to know what you will be doing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
5. At the age of 40 she will be a very experienced specialist. She will achieve a lot. 6. This time next week we will be skiing in the mountains.
7. I will buy everything necessary for the party tomorrow.
8. At 6 o’clock tomorrow they will announce the results.
9. My friend and I will be playing chess from 2 to 3 next Monday.
10. Many new ecological problems will appear soon.
Задание 4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.
Ex. 1. The patient (to examine) by the doctor when I came.
The patient was being examined by the doctor when I came.
2. Let us go out to lunch together. – I’m sorry. I can’t. I am preparing a very important project.
3. At 7 o’clock yesterday I was watching TV.
4. My car was being cleaned from 4 to 5 yesterday.
5. He cannot go for a walk now. He is cooking dinner.
6. I was not doing anything special when my old friend called me.
7. This new book is being looked for now by all our colleagues. It is very important for our work.
8. Robert is a writer. He writes novels. But right now he is not writing anything.
9. The holidays were being discussed by the students all the evening yesterday.
10. New flowers are being grown by our neighbors this time of the year.
Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В моей библиотеке так много прекрасных книг, но только половина из них прочитана.
There are a lot of wonderful books in my library, but only a half of them has been read.
2. Лучшие новости всегда печатаются в утренних газетах.
The best news are always typed in morning newspapers.
3. У меня хорошие студенты. Они сделают большие успехи в английском языке.
My students are good. They make progress in English.
6. В поезде было много людей. Некоторые читали, другие спали, дети смотрели в окно.
There were many people in the train. Some of them were reading, the others were sleeping, the children were looking through the window.
7. Когда ты купила новые туфли? – Я приобрела их в начале зимы.
When did you buy the new shoes? I got them in the beginning of the winter.
8. В нашем городе есть красивая церковь. Она была реставрирована 5 лет назад.
There is a beautiful church in our town. It was restored 5 years ago.
9. Дом был построен в XVIII веке, но за ним так хорошо присматривают, что он выглядит замечательно.
The house was built in the XVIII century, but it is so good looked after that it looks wonderful.
10. Вчера я проснулся в 8 часов. Мама в это время завтракала, а папа читал газету.
Yesterday I awaked at 8 o'clock. The mother was having her breakfast at that time, and the father was reading a newspaper.
11. Вчера вечером я включил телевизор. Показывали какой-то старый фильм.
I switch on TV yesterday. There was an old film on.
Задание 6. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время.
Dear Jill,
1)…… (write) to you from Granada where everything 2) …… (go) just fine; we 3) …… (feel) nice and relaxed. We 4) …… (stay) in a gorgeous hotel just down the road from the Alhambra, which 5) ….. (be) an old fortress built by the Moors. It 6) …… (stand) at the top of the hill just opposite our hotel and we can see this wonderful building through our window. It 7) …… (look) absolutely magnificent. The hotel 8) …… (be) lovely, but unfortunately it 9) …… (cost) a lot to stay here! Eating out is great. Have you 10) …… (hear) of gazpacho? It is a cold cucumber and tomato soup which they 11) ….. (make) with oil, vinegar and garlic and it 12) …… (taste) delicious.
Well, outside the sun 13) …… (shine) so I am off to get a bit of a suntan. I 14) …… (hope) everything is OK in Birmingham.
Задание 7. Письменно переведите текст и выполните задание к нему.
Weather in England
England is the only country where one can experience four seasons in a single day. It may be sunny and warm in the morning like in spring, and a few hours later the sky may be covered with heavy black clouds, it may start raining like in autumn. Then, in the afternoon, it gets cold and windy like in winter. Then, later in the evening it will clear up, the sun will begin to shine and it will be rather warm like in summer. The weather in England is so unpredictable that the English say, "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather."
Foreigners may be surprised when they see the Englishman walking on a brilliant sunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella. People can never rely on the weather forecast and always take umbrellas with them when they go out, because they can never be sure what sort of weather they are going to have the next moment. And, of course, the weather's variety provides a constant topic for conversation. When people don't know each other well it's always safe to start a conversation with weather.
On the whole the climate in England is mild and raw. The waters of the Gulf Stream bring warmth to the county and the grass is green all the year round. There are a lot of evergreen trees. There are no heavy frosts in winter and the snow melts soon after it falls. Another peculiarity of the English climate is its thick fog. It may be so dense that traffic stops and you can see nothing a few metres in front of you. In summer it may be rather warm. The warmest and sunniest region is the south coast where there are quite a number of seaside towns. Holidaymakers like to go there for one-day stay. They breathe fresh air and sunbathe. Few people swim because the water is usually rather cold.
Погода в Англии
Англия это такая страна, где в один и тот же день можно ожидать четыре времени года. Утром солнечно и тепло как весной, а уже через несколько часов небо затянуто тяжёлыми чёрными облаками и идет дождь как это бывает осенью. После обеда становится холодно и ветер дует как зимой. Затем, вечером погода проясняется, светит солнце и становится тепло как летом. Погода в Англии такая непредсказуемая, что англичане говорят: «В других странах климат, а у нас в Англии погода».
Иностранцы удивляются, когда видят англичан в ясный солнечный день в плащах и с зонтами. Люди никогда не могут полагаться на прогноз погоды и всегда берут с собой зонты, когда выходят из дома, так как не уверены какая погода будет в следующий момент. И, конечно, такое разнообразие погодных условий обеспечивает постоянную тему для разговоров. Если люди мало знакомы друг с другом всегда безопасно начать разговор с обсуждения погоды.
В целом климат в Англии мягкий и влажный. Воды Гольфстрима приносят тепло на континент, и трава зеленеет круглый год. В Англии много вечнозелёных растений. Зимой нет суровых морозов, а снег тает сразу после того как выпадет. Другая особенность английского климата – это густой туман. Он бывает настолько плотным, что движение останавливается и ничего нельзя увидеть на расстоянии нескольких метров перед собой. Летом погода чаще всего теплая. Самый теплый и солнечный регион – южное побережье, на котором расположено много городов. Сюда любят приезжать на выходные хотя бы на один день. Люди дышат свежим воздухом и загорают. Так как вода обычно холодная, плавают совсем немногие.
Задание к тексту:
Вставьте правильный вариант, чтобы закончить предложение.
The weather in England is … .
sunny and warm
cold and windy
People in England cannot rely on the weather forecast because … .
they always take umbrellas with them
the weather forecast is always true
the weather is a constant topic for conversation
the weather is very changeable
The snow usually melts quickly in England because … .
there are no heavy frosts
there are many evergreen trees
the fog is very dense
the grass is green all the year round
In the seaside towns in England people do not usually swim in the sea because … .
it is warm in summer
the south coast is the warmest region
the water is rather cold
they go there for one-day only