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8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7.

Then switch roles. Use language such as:

Is my case going to the ….. Courts?

District courts usually have jurisdiction…..

We ask for the case to be…..

Student A: You are a client. Talk to your lawyer about your

case. Ask Student B abut:

- courts

- options after a decision

- likelihood of having case reviewed

Student B: You are a lawyer. Answer Student A’s questions.

9. Use the conversation from Task 8 to complete a lawyer’s

letter to a client.

T a m s i n G r e e r,

A t t o r n e y

Dear Mr. Moisey,

In response to your question, your case is not going to

the ______ . It is going to a _______ because _____ .

If you do not agree with the decision, the case goes to an

_______ . They have to review it because _________.

Yours faithfully,

T. Greer

Unit 6


1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

a) What are some things that determine which court hears

a certain case?

b) Sometimes a case could be heard in more than one type

of court. Why do you think this is?

2. Read the text and complete the table using information from it.

J u r i s d i c t i o n

Jurisdiction is the authority to judge legal matters. Jurisdiction is given to legal bodies or political leaders. There are three main types of jurisdiction:

1. Personal jurisdiction is authority over a person.

2. Territorial jurisdiction is authority over an area.

3. Subject jurisdiction is authority over a particular subject.

Jurisdiction in courts can be exclusive or concurrent. With exclusive court jurisdiction, only one court is able to decide the issue. With concurrent jurisdiction, more than one court is able to adjudicate. In this case, lawyers are able to go forum shopping. They choose the court which is more likely to rule in favor of their clients.

1 --------------------------

Authority over a person

Territorial jurisdiction

2 -------------------------

3 ---------------------------

Authority in one particular subject

Exclusive Jurisdiction

4 ---------------------------

5 ---------------------------

More than one court can decide the issue

3. Choose the sentence that uses the underlined parts correctly.

1 A The district court has subject jurisdiction over ten towns in the


B The lawyer was happy when the court ruled in favor of

his client.

2 A The manager has authority over all the workers in his


B The judge went forum shopping to find a court to hear

his case.

3 A Schools, shops and churches are legal bodies.

B Judge Reynolds is going to adjudicate the case.