прагматика и медиа дискурс / Mikhalkova_pragmatics_of_invective_some_corrections
.pdfSocial autostereotypes are equally represented in the both discourses by social groups (in Russian: bydlo, gopniki, road policemen, teachers, ordinary people; in American: politicians, stars, policemen, Afro-Americans, students, ordinary people) and by cultural images (in Russian these are mainly fairy-tale images: three bogatyrs, Mikhail Potapich, Kolobok, Yemelya; in American – by more modern images from history, literature, cinema: Abraham Lincoln, Dracula, cops, Langley special agents). As for the heterostereotypes, the Russian discourse abounds in names of different nationalities: people from the Caucasus region and former USSR – Abkhaz, Dagestan, Georgians, Armenian, Uzbekistan, Ukrainian, Romanian; people from more distant countries – Chinese, Americans, Hindu. As for the American discourse, only two out-group nationalities were mentioned – Colombian and Mexican.
Table 17 |
Modern informational context and the image of trickster |
in Russian and American mass media discourse |
# |
Type |
of |
Comedy Club |
Saturday Night Live |
invective |
1. |
Physical |
Камбала, морской конек, |
Unicorn |
deficiencies |
мухи, |
оса, |
скорпион, |
Bear, monkey |
скунс, жаба, голубь, крот |
ID |
Рекламное объявление |
James |
Franco, |
Hillary |
Сотовый |
телефон, |
Clinton, |
Joe Biden, |
Dennis |
жидкокристаллический |
Kucinich |
экран, рубильник |
Plugs |
Рембо |
Сумоист |
Дагестан, |
Япония, |
Волжская ГРЭС, Мытищи, |
Москва |
Быдло |
Окулист |
2. |
Intellectual |
Интеллектуальная |
Donald Duck |
deficiencies |
викторина, |
“Угадай |
Audubon |
мелодию” |
Michael |
Phelps, |
Barack |
Первооткрыватель |
Obama, |
Osama bin |
Laden, |
Америки |
Charles |
Barkley, |
George |
Быдло |
Bush, Hillary Clinton, Sarah |
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“Puma” (sportswear) |
Palin, |
John |
McCain, |
Pac |
“Я спросил у ясеня” |
Man |
Jones, |
Ludacris, |
Президент США |
Michael |
Vick, |
Marion |
Шолохов, |
Berry, |
Al |
Sharpton, |
O.J. |
Сызрань, Мытищи, Ростов, |
Simpson, ex-Detroit mayor |
Москва, 51 штат, 86 |
Kwame |
Kilpatrick, Chuck |
субъектов РФ, Россия |
Berry, Mohamed Atta |
Группа “Мумий Тролль”, |
Predator |
“Гости из будущего” |
Las Vegas |
IQ, шахматы, дзюдо |
Priceline |
Медуза, гуманоид, козерог |
Olympics |
Смс |
Senator |
Российская сборная |
8-track, tape spools, digital |
Черчение |
recording, satellite |
Фашист |
Global warming |
3. |
Age |
Михаил Потапыч |
8-track |
Артур Чип |
Barack |
Obama, |
Mike |
Лелек и Болек |
Gravel, |
LeBron |
James, |
Польша |
Oprah |
Winfrey, |
John |
Лина Арифулина |
Travolta, Julia Roberts |
Яна Чурикова |
Dungeons and Dragons |
Островский, |
Цветаева, |
Level 8 Dungeon Master |
Кюхельбекер |
Pet |
store, |
house |
(in |
basketball) |
Unicorn |
4. |
Social status |
Директор завода |
Las Vegas, North American |
“Бумер”, |
“Бригада”, |
wilderness |
“Аншлаг” |
President elections |
Hillary |
Clinton, |
John |
Якубович |
McCain, |
Barack |
Obama, |
Paramount |
Pictures, Real |
Sarah |
Palin, |
George |
Bush, |
Studios |
Lincoln Chafey |
Эпос |
Senator, Governor |
Носорог |
Olympic |
arena, |
Rhode |
Белоруссия, |
Германия, |
Island, the White House |
Москва, Саратов, Париж, |
Christopher |
Walken, |
Милан, |
Сызрань, |
Michael |
Phelps, |
James |
Амазонка, Волго-вятский |
Franco, Dakota Fanning |
район, Бразилия, Буэнос- |
Six Flags, Langley |
Айрес, Китай, Бурятия, |
NBC, NBC's Fall schedule |
Корея, Сибирь, Ярославль |
Lord Jesus Christ |
Система Станиславского |
meth lab kit |
Гольф-клуб, топ-модель, |
Columbia |
University, |
мобильная связь, chill-out, |
cafeteria, hotplates, campus, |
латекс |
Livingston Hall |
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“Жигулев”, |
“ВАЗ”, |
A capella |
“Старый мельник”, “Dolce |
007, Langley |
& Gabanna”, |
“Мегафон”, |
Six Flags |
“Би-Лайн” |
Nose-plug |
Гришковец, |
“Мумий |
Approval rating, sexism |
Тролль”, |
“Гости |
из |
Russia |
будущего”, |
Александр |
Barbed wire, bomb shelter |
Серов, Роман Абрамович, |
Dog sled, pageant sash, Tina |
“Шинник”, |
Гричевский, |
Fey glasses, dinosaurs |
Наташа |
Королева, |
Kid Choice Award for Best |
Дженнифер Лопез |
TV show, “Drake and Josh” |
Акробат |
5. |
Animal |
Свинья, |
петух, |
ягуар, |
Unicorns, |
Balrogs, |
nature |
верблюд, |
воробей, |
петух, |
elementals, |
Pegasi, |
йоркширский |
терьер, |
Gryphons, |
Halflings, |
болонка, |
утконос, |
Chimeras, Banshees |
уссурийский тигр, хомяк, |
Augurations |
синица, журавль |
Arctic tundra, |
Las |
Vegas, |
Колобок, Михаил Потапыч |
North American wilderness |
Местные власти |
Birds, bees |
Модель |
Professor |
Американцы, абхаз |
Donald |
Trump, |
Rodney |
Голосовой сигнал, вызов |
Dangerfield, St. Peter |
“Ягуар” (a car brand) |
NBC Peacock |
Трудовик, физрук |
6. |
Deviant |
Емеля, Болек и Лелек |
Sliding glass doors |
behavior and |
Силикон, магнитола, косяк |
Smoking guns, laser |
faults |
Селедка, |
жабры, |
очковая |
James Franco, Kanye West, |
кобра, гадюка, медведь, |
LeBron |
James, |
Hillary |
комары, |
гвоздики, |
Clinton, |
John |
McCain, |
помидоры |
George |
Bush, |
Bob |
Утренняя |
передача, |
Woodward, John Edwards, |
рекламное объявление |
O.J. Simpson and his book |
“Централ”, |
гитара, |
“If I Did It” |
телефонная будка, лифт, |
New York, Germaine |
умывальник, |
кнопка |
President |
of |
the |
United |
“смыв”, ершик, детский |
States, Senator, |
the United |
сад, паровоз, багажник, |
Nations |
Secretary |
General, |
тысяча рублей |
the Pope |
Republican |
Волга, Владивосток |
UPS, |
European |
Music |
Паустовский, |
Репин, |
Awards, VMA, Nikolodeon, |
Васнецов, Ленин, Евгений |
Kid’s Choice Award, The |
Гришковец, |
Наташа |
Nobel Peace Prize, Speedo |
Королева, |
“Маски-шоу”, |
To leak |
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группа “Мумий Тролль” |
Ambulance, bomb shelter |
Танцпол, ЛСД, “Жигули”, |
тюменский |
аэропорт |
“Рощино” |
Специальный |
корреспондент, |
еврей, |
октябренок, фигуристка |
Футбол, фигурное катание |
7. |
Destructive |
Щука, рак, скат, |
пчелы, |
Donald Duck |
nature |
очковая |
кобра, |
скорпион, |
Falcon, deer, buck, buckskin |
муха це-це, лошадь, жаба, |
Necromancy |
коты |
Cop drama |
Якубович |
Pepper, hairspray, lead pipe, |
Печенеги, |
хазары, |
fan |
опричнина, бояре, |
“Lost” |
Сажать на кол, харакири, |
Michael |
Phelps, |
Martin |
самбо, бейсбол, езда с |
Scorsese, |
O. |
J. |
Simpson, |
препятствиями, |
бокс, |
Chris |
Dodd, |
Senator |
шахматист, баскетболист |
Williams |
Россия, Петергоф, Москва, |
Yankee |
Stadium, |
Empire |
Мавзолей Ленина |
State Building |
Группа “Экс-ББ”, |
Satellite, |
laser, |
world |
Гумилев, |
Островский, |
financial market, UPS |
Цветаева |
Taliban, Geneva Convention |
Кеды, логотип, пистолет |
Torture, bully, killer |
ТТ, |
“Автоваз”, |
New Orleans |
Макдоналдс |
Democratic |
candidates for |
Галечный пляж в Сочи, |
president |
палатка, дрова |
Coma, kidney |
Грушинский фестиваль |
Монголия |
8. |
Unusual |
Щука, хек, оса, жаба |
To cross |
(about animals), |
sexual likes |
Передача, |
концерт, |
goldfish |
романтический фильм |
James |
Franco, |
Barack |
“Я спросил у ясеня” |
Obama, |
Sarah |
Palin, |
Оренбург |
Hillary Clinton |
Левитан, |
Александр |
Campus tour guide |
Серов, Майкл Джексон, |
Google, Photoshop |
группа |
“Премьер- |
Pedophiles |
министр”, |
Земфира, |
Wedlock |
группа |
“Гости |
из |
Global warming |
будущего” |
Bikini |
Три богатыря, Добрыня |
Reporters, |
commentators, |
Сумоист, |
трудовик, |
ED specialists |
физрук |
Erection, |
to |
go |
into labor, |
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Гомосек, |
нимфоманка, |
VD, penicillin |
оргазм, |
надувная |
Honda Odyssey |
женщина |
Дагестан, |
Аджария, |
Румыния |
Камасутра |
Баня |
Рентген |
9. |
Strange |
food |
Черви, слон |
Unicorns, geese |
preferences |
Дагестан, Украина |
Donut, soda, lamb, pumpkin |
Сумоист, корреспондент |
ravioli, pasta, pig in a |
Евгений |
Гришковец, |
blanket, |
pasta |
Alfredo, |
Виктор Салтыков |
alphabet |
soup, |
cheese, |
pork |
All-inclusive, |
узбекская |
butt, |
piñata, |
corned |
beef |
кухня, хачапури, сосиски, |
hash, wedding cake, bacon- |
колбаса, березовый сок, |
wrapped |
sausage, |
buttered |
водка, кофе, голубцы, сало |
wrapped |
meatball, |
toast, |
coconut |
Железо |
Baseball bat, ball |
Michael |
Phelps, |
Paris |
Hilton, Nicole Ritchie |
Synthetic testosterone, seven |
psychoactive drugs |
Car freshener |
To burp |
10. |
Origin |
and |
Иван Грозный, купец |
American flag |
family |
Тополь, ясень |
Team captain |
connections |
Алабама, Индиана, Чикаго, |
Michael |
Phelps, |
Debbie |
Неаполис, |
Вашингтон, |
Phelps, |
Bill |
Richardson, |
Kobe |
Bryant, |
Condoleeza |
Президент, первая леди |
Rice |
Армянин, китаец, индиец, |
Zorbanos, Hexadron Galaxy |
русский, еврей |
Reggae, weed |
Украина, Россия |
Service, |
Galatians |
4:22, |
Гарик Мартиросян |
Abraham |
Нонна Мордюкова |
Спорткомитет |
The modern informational context equally abounds in realia in the both discourses. In SNL it is common to give real names of politicians, stars, famous sportsmen and place them openly in the context of an invective. On the other hand, the SNL performers’ names are not mentioned in the studied texts (but for the
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cases, when a star guest performs). In Comedy Club we have not found any names of politicians. Names of show-business stars and comedians are quite common.
The geographical realia are connected with the country, where the show is produced (Россия, Москва, Петербург, USA, New York, New Jersey), and distant places – existing (Дагестан, Китай, Russia) or imagined (Hexadron Galaxy)62. In Comedy Club there is also a considerable group of geographical realia, connected with stereotyped out-groups (USA, Belarus, Dagestan, etc.); in SNL these out-groups are represented only by two realia – Colombian and Mexican.
Cultural realia bear semantics of names of actual people (Наташа Королева, Michael Phelps), products (Жигули, Старый мельник, Google, Photoshop), names of food (хачапури, ravioli), names of books, songs, etc. (Камасутра, Я
спросил у ясеня, If I did it), social institutes and symbols (спорткомитет, American flag), positions and professions (президент, сумоист, Senator, team captain), events (Грушинский фестиваль, European Music Awards). Historical realia present a smaller row, but with a similar semantics: names of people and fiction characters (Добрыня, Abraham Lincoln), names of books (эпос, Galatians), positions and professions (бояре, necromancy).
Speaking about this level in general, it seems obvious, that the American informational context is more open for the bearers of different cultures, as the realia, mentioned in the studied cases, are either world-known (bikini, testosterone, Galatians), even if they are native (e.g. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Google, Photoshop, American flag), or borrowed from other cultures (pasta, ravioli, unicorn). Comedy Club, on the other hand, often appeals to the context, known to the Russian audience (pop-star singers and groups: Земфира, Наташа Королева, “Мумий Тролль”; Russian epics and fairy tales: Колобок, три богатыря; Russian social groups and professions of low status: bydlo, gopniki, teachers of PE and crafts, etc.). There are no names of world-famous Russian politicians (except Lenin
62 It is interesting to note, that the USA is quite often mentioned in the performances by Comedy Club, when in SNL Russia is mentioned only once. This may reflect the direction of copying process, the Russian show being created after the American.
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and Ivan the Terrible), musicians, scientists; very few artists (Repin, Vasnetsov, Levitan) and writers (Sholokhov), known abroad. There is only one name, that is of interest in the modern world informational exchange – Roman Abramovich.
The analysis shows that in comedy TV-shows the content of invective is often based on the created images of freaks, losers, and cheaters. These images are based on the archetype of trickster and are aimed to put a blame on the hearer for bearing trickster features. There are also some stereotyped groups, that become bearers of a certain number of these features: in SNL politicians cheat on their candidates and voter, stars cheat on their fans (in advertisements, interviews, everyday life situations); in Comedy Club sportsmen are extremely stupid and violent, teachers are geeks, policemen always want bribes.
The communicative strategies are conditioned by the fact that a verbal fight is always unwanted and it starts, only because the conditions make it impossible not to start fighting. In the comedy TV-shows this situation is created with the help of a third party – guests that expect someone (a comedian) to make them laugh.
The illocution in the act of invective-derision is built on a blame of the object of invective, who is accused of breaking social norms. These accusations are typical and form semantic groups, although it is quite common that several semantic groups cross within one name. It is also characteristic of comedy TVshows, that the speaker does not take on the role of cultural hero, but also bears features of trickster.
On the level of perlocution the hearer (or the object of invective) is ascribed a status of a lower kind, than he or she is known to have in reality. The effect of this process is a competition – a verbal fight. In a stand-up show the comedian can be ridiculed by the guests, although in Comedy Club such improvisations are quite rare. A sketch show, like Saturday Night Live, does not allow so much improvising which makes this competition more virtual. The illusion of competition depends on the manipulative skills of the comedians as well as on the producing crew.
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The pragmatic analysis of the invective names, found in the two shows, helps to elucidate differences in the discourse of the two shows. For Comedy Club it is important to underline that the object of invective has an improper conduct, that affects his or her sexual life and social image, or brings harm to the people and property around. SNL puts more emphasis on the social status and intellectuality of the object, although the destructive nature is also important. The two shows appeal to different social and national stereotypes. Comedy Club demonstrates a fondness for inner cultural realia, like fairy-tale images, names and quotations, known only in Russia. SNL has a more international character, using world-known realia. Some stereotyped groups in Russian discourse are also characteristic only of the Russian society: bydlo, gopniki, teachers of PE and crafts, road policemen, whence stereotypes, mentioned in SNL, have been already made world-known with the help of mass media (e.g. politicians, stars, cops, special agents, etc.).
The humorous hostility of the speaker towards the object of invective also has a different grounding. In SNL it is realized via intentions to cheat on the rival, be it a housewife, hiding from the police, or a politician, who wants to win in the election race. Comedy Club often interprets this humorous conflict as physical and even sexual. Thus, the American discourse has a satirical lining, aimed to unmask social vices; the Russian discourse is closer to the folklore culture where “physical” humor has a compensatory effect on social taboos.
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“The Apprentice” Promo, season 30, episode 3, 23.10.2004. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04ctrump.phtml
106 and Park, season 33, episode 1, 29.09.2007. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/07/07a106park.phtml
A Non-Partisan Message From Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton, season 34, episode 1, 13.09.2008. – http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08a.phtml
Agent 420, season 34, episode 2, 20.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08bagent.phtml
An Address from the All-But-Certain-To-Be Next President, season 33, episode 1, 29.09.2007. – http://snltranscripts.jt.org/07/07aclinton.phtml
Angry Dog, season 33, episode 1, 29.09.2007. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/07/07adog.phtml
Cheapkids.net, season 30, episode 11, 05.02.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04kcheapkids.phtml
Christopher Walken’s Monologue, season 33, episode 8, 05.04.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/07/07imono.phtml
Dangerfield Tribute, season 30, episode 2, 09.10.2004. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04bdangerfield.phtml
DiCicco Brothers Unicornery, season 31, episode 14, 11.03.2006 http://snltranscripts.jt.org/05/05nunicorns.phtml
Dyson Toilet, season 30, episode 3, 23.10.2004. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04cdyson.phtml
Excedrin, season 30, episode 2, 09.10.2004. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04bexcedrin.phtml
Exclusive Connections, season 30, episode 11, 05.02.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04kexclusive.phtml
James Franco’s Monologue, season 34, episode 2, 20.09.2008 http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08bmono.phtml
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Jar Glove, season 34, episode 1, 13.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08ajar.phtml
Locker Room Motivation, season 34, episode 1, 13.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08alocker.phtml
McCain Approves, season 34, episode 2, 20.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08bmccain.phtml
Merv, the Perv, season 30, episode 11, 05.02.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04kmerv.html
Michael Phelps’ Monologue, season 34, episode 1, 13.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08amono.phtml
O. J. Simpson Jury Selection, season 34, episode 2, 20.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08boj.phtml
Oprah, season 30, episode 15, 19.03.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04ooprah.phtml
Paris Hilton Apologizes, season 30, episode 3, 23.10.2004. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04chilton.phtml
Pizzeria Uno, season 34, episode 1, 13.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08aunos.phtml
Read to Achieve, season 33, episode 1, 29.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/07/07aread.phtml
Richard Eckstrom for Comptroller, season 32, episode 1, 30.09.2006. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/06/06abush.phtml
Southern Baptist Church, season 30, episode 15, 19.03.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04ochurch.phtml
The Babysitter, season 30, episode 20, 21.05.2005. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/04/04tsitter.phtml
The Falconer, season 31, episode 18, 20.05.2006. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/05/05sfalconer.phtml
The Looker, season 34, episode 2, 20.09.2008. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/08/08blooker.phtml
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